Chapter 28

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The music roared throughout the house. I watched in awe as two of my biggest influences played some of the best songs with Jared and Tomo. I was jealous but happy that I could listen as they shared stories of their lives in two of the greatest bands ever. Lisa sat next to me, gently moving her hand over my aching body. It felt great and I stayed relaxed. She ran upstairs several times to bring down water, coffee and food so no one had to stop.
"That's just fuckin' crazy." I'd said as Roger finished playing the drum line to Innuendo.
"Not many critics understood that last album." He put down the sticks and step from behind the kit.
"Everything about that album was amazing." Jared added.
"You'd never know that he was so sick." Tomo sighed.
"He hid it well." Roger nodded. "I think that we could've had one more had he not deteriorated."
"Quite a man he was." Ringo agreed.
"Well gentlemen. If you want to continue, might I suggest you go upstairs to dinner. You may need more energy to continue playing." Lisa suggested.
"When did you make dinner?" Jared looked at her surprised.
"Just did a little every time I went upstairs. There's rice in the steamer, seasoned vegetables in the oven and, for the non vegans, thin sliced beef au jus with onions and garlic." She explained.
"My culinary soulmate." Tomo jumped up with a smile
"Don't tell Vicki." Lisa laughed.
"No worries on that."
"Someone help me up? I need to stretch my legs before I can get upstairs." I felt stiff from sitting.
"Hold on." Jared set his guitar on a stand then walked over to help.
Once I got to my feet, I leaned against a counter to get balanced.
"You need help? We can assist." Roger offered.
"I'll be okay. I just need a minute."
"You all go ahead. I'll wait with Shannon. Just don't eat it all before we get there." Lisa told them.
"Can't guarantee that luv. Your food is too good." Ringo smiled at her.
"Tomo would you?" She pleaded.
"I will. He needs to eat." Tomo promised.
"Thank you."
As we were left alone, the four men's voices talked about the music and food,
"How are you feeling?" She looked at me.
"I'm okay? Thanks for this. Even if I couldn't play, it's still been a good time." I reached for his her hand.
Stepping closer, she placed her hand in mine and the other on my side. "Your going to need more meditation soon." Her finger moved over my bruises.
"You take good care of me." My voice softened.
"As you did for me."
"Would you do something for me?"
"Of course. Anything."
"Come closer so I can kiss you. I've wanted to do that for the last hour."
"I thought that you were listening to the music."
"I was but I was watching you walk around as well. Your legs in those shorts have me thinking."
"I always enjoy when you start thinking."
Very carefully, Lisa rested against me, her breasts against my chest, eyes locked. Moving my right hand up her body, I found the soft flesh. She sighed deep. Finding her mouth, I kissed Lisa as if I'd never felt her lips before, soft and deep. Her response was to hold me close, careful not to cause pain, hands running through my hair. I pulled her hips tighter against mine.
"You're such a wonderfully, enticing sex God." Lisa sighed into my ear.
"You'll make me blush." I kissed her neck.
"I'd rather make you do something else."
"Oh. I hope so. Shall we join everyone upstairs?"
"Probably. Before it is all gone. Tomorrow will be a whole other day."
"And tonight is for a continuation of now."
Lisa moved her fingers over my jaw and down my neck. My beard had started to grow in, since I'd been home and her fingers gently tugged at it,
"I like this." She smiled.
"I'll be presentable tomorrow." I promised.
She shrugged. "Just be you. The man I love over all others."
"My beautiful poet." I pressed my lips to hers once more.

It felt so good. Shannon's mouth over mine, tongues playing together, my fingers tangled in his growing beard.
"Come on. Let's get upstairs before something else happens." I took a deep breath.
"That would be a bad thing?" He kissed my neck.
"Mm. No but highly inappropriate with the men upstairs."
"Okay. You go first. In case I fall."
"No worries. I'll catch you. Food, meds, cream and maybe..." I smiled.
His eyes sparked. "Maybe."
"We'll see how you feel."
"Always feel good enough for that."
I stepped back, grabbed his hands and pulled him to standing. Slowly, we walked to the stairs. I took each one backward, to keep an eye on Shannon. He'd lift each foot then pull himself up by the railing. I could see that he was still in pain. As I watched him, I forgot about my footing. Not getting my foot high enough, I caught my heal on the step-about halfway up- and fell backward. My back hit the step. I started laughing.
"Are you alright?" He smiled down at me.
"Yeah. Just feeling foolish." I looked up.
"Hang on. I'll help you."
"No. I can get up."
Before I could move, Shannon had his hands on the step next to me, then lowered himself so he could rest over my body. To accommodate, I moved my legs so he settled between them.
"Shannon?" I questioned.
He looked me deep in the eyes
"We can't. Not right now." I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.
"I'm very comfortable." He leaned forward, lips very close.
"You're making it difficult."
"For me to say 'no'."
I reached to connect our mouths. He kept just out of reach but watched me. As he relaxed, I felt the pressure behind his jeans. My hands went behind his neck. I pulled his face closer, he resisted.
"How much do you want me?" He asked.
"Every minute of every day. I have no control when it comes to you." I sighed.
He pushed his hips against my warm core,,then covered my mouth, deep and demanding. "And that's how I would always want to have you." He whispered.
"We'd be so tired. Satisfied but tired." I smiled.
Pushing himself up, Shannon stood up, waited for me and we continued up the stairs.
"I was going to come look for you. Have some trouble on the stairs?" Jared asked when we got to the kitchen.
"A little but I think we made out fine." Shannon sat at the table.
"Lisa my darling. Your food is wonderful." Roger commented from his seat.
"Thank you. I'm glad that you like it." I nodded.
"I agree. You've come leaps and bounds in your experience." Richard added.
"Here. I rescued it before we ate it all." Tomo handed me a plate of food.
"Beautiful." I took it and set it in front of Shannon. "Eat and go get your medication."
"You aren't eating?" Shannon asked.
"What did I tell Tomo last week? I put some away." I leaned down, placed a quick kiss on his lips. "Be right back."
"'Kay." He touched my arm softly.
The pills were in the living room, but I quickly ran to change clothes and run a brush through my hair. I put on the wrap skirt from last week and found one of Shannon's rock T-shirts. Back in the kitchen, I sat next to Shannon, gave him the bottle of pills and started to eat. Nothing was left when they finished eating. Tea and coffee topped everything off. Jared and Tomo loaded the dishwasher after. I cooked the beef in tinfoil so it wouldn't mess with the dishes.
"That was lovely. Best home cooking I've had in ages." Roger sipped his chai tea.
"You're a lucky man Shannon. I never thought this one would ever get settled." Richard said calm.
"I don't think she's settled. When I'm home, we seemed to gravitate to one another." Shannon sat next to me on the sofa, holding my hand on his leg.
"More like a magnetic pull." Jared quipped.
"It's a wonderful thing. I'm happy. Especially after I heard what happened at your gallery. Richard added.
"That was not something I was ready for. I loved my job." I felt a little upset.
"But it gives me the opportunity to ask a favour."
"Of course. Anything."
"I am doing a show for a charity function. Would you honor me and help with organizing it?"
"Your photographs?! That would be amazing."
"That would be a great show." Shannon agreed.
"Have to check that out. Your photographs defined a generation." Jared was excited.
"There was so much to take in back then." Richard smiled with the memories.
"To get my hands on you portfolio. I remember looking at those." I couldn't wait.
"So would you like to stay at my place or your parents while you work?"
"Why? I'd just stay at my house."
"That would be a little difficult in New York."
"New York!" I looked at Shannon quickly.
The look in his eyes. He knew that I was a little apprehensive.
"Uhm. When is the show?" My hand tightened around his.
"I'd like to start next month, if you could."
"Wow. I, ah..."
"I understand about your feeling but I would love if you would do this. Your eye and execution is exquisite."
"After what I saw the other night. He's right. It was an experience." Jared encouraged.
"And the Egyptian exhibit was fantastic." Tomo nodded.
Shannon placed his other hand over the one already in his hand. "We'll be back on tour. It'll keep you busy." He shrugged.
"Yeah. Okay. I'll set it up with Daddy tomorrow. I'll have to notify the building security that I'll be there." I agreed to help.
"Gorgeous. I'm so happy. You call me when you get settled and I'll take you to the showroom." Richard stepped over and kissed my cheek.
I smiled weakly.
The remainder of the day was spent sharing tour stories. When they got ready to leave, it was ten o'clock. Handshakes and hugs were shared at the front door.
"Thanks for coming." Jared stood at the door.
"It's been a pleasure. The music was great and the food was fantastic."Roger replied
"Anytime." I offered.
"Come 'ere and give us a hug." Richard wrapped his arms around me. "No worries. You'll be fabulous."
"Do my best." I promised.
"Shannon, Tomo. It's been fun. Hope that we can do some more soon."
"Look forward to it." Tomo shook their hands.
"Next time, I'll be playing along and not just watching." Shannon vowed.
"Right. Cheers all. Goodnight." Roger headed to the car.
"See you in New York." Richard followed.
"Goodnight." I called out.
The car drove off. Jared closed the door, looked back smiling. "That was the coolest thing ever!"
"I can't wait to tell my brother. He's gonna freak." Tomo laughed.
"Thank you for this. I really do feel better. It was fun." Shannon held onto my shoulders for balance.
"Good. I couldn't let the opportunity pass." I had my hand around his waist.
"So. New York huh?" Tomo questioned.
"I'll deal with it when it happens."
"But New York is so alive." Jared was animated.
"And rushed. You'll be fine." Shannon encouraged.
"I don't want to think about it. Right now I have to remember to go pick up my father tomorrow. I hope those photographers are gone when I go home." I thought of this morning.
"What photographers?"
"When I left the house yesterday, there were people outside asking about the gallery show. I don't even know how they knew about it or where I lived."
"They find out." Jared sighed.
"Well I hope that they're gone."
"This has been fun but I'm going to go and tell Vicki." Tomo smiled.
"Tell her hello for me."
"I will. Later."
"Night." Shannon waved.
"How are you feeling? Are you tired?" I asked him.
"A little. It's been a full day."
"I'm going to do some stuff on the computer. Goodnight and thanks." Jared walked toward the studio.
"Goodnight. Now what?" I wondered.
"Just to bed I guess." Shannon shrugged. "Need to rest before your father gets here."
"I'll put some cream on your bruises. Make sure that you fell good."
"You always do. Let's go and get out of these clothes."
"Perfect." Shannon kissed me before we walked back up to his room.
After getting comfortable, I helped Shannon lay in the bed, took the bottle of medicated cream and scooped some onto my fingers. Placing my hand in his side, Shannon took a quick breath as I rubbed it across his skin.
"That's cold." He let the breath out slowly.
"It'll warm up soon. My fingers massaged him carefully.
"Keep that up and I'm sure."
"Aren't you tired? It's been a busy day for you."
"I've had one of the best days. I couldn't have thought of a better way to enjoy music without playing."
"I figured that it would be a day of talking not playing. I didn't want you getting upset."
"You can learn a lot watching people like Ringo Starr and Roger Taylor. I'm all about learning new things."
I watched my hands move across his stomach, near his hips.
"You're awfully quiet. How long is your father here for?"
"Two. Maybe three day."
"And that means separate beds. What will I do without you?
"Get better. After a couple of nights alone, I'll need a Shannon fix."
"Can I still kiss you after dinner?"
"I'll drive you home and see you to the door like a good date."
"I think that I'm feeling good enough to hold you all night."
"That's all I need. In your arms, listening to the sound of your heartbeat. It's the most relaxing way to fall asleep."
Before getting under the blankets, I went to wash my hands, brush my teeth and bring some water, just in case Shannon had to take more meds.

After she had come from the bathroom, Lisa joined me in bed. My left arm around her waist, the right under the pillow, I held her close to my body and fell asleep, my aches almost forgotten. Hours later, I woke up and knew something was happening. I felt Lisa's body against mine. She was shaking in my arms.
"Lisa?" I asked quietly.
"Hmmm?" She responded.
"What's wrong? Are you cold?"
"No." She took a deep breath. "I haven't been to New York in years. I don't know if I can handle the rush and noise. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to help with the show."
"You'll do great. He has faith in you. So do I."
"And if something happens, I may not be able to bring myself down."
"Can you reach the lamp? I want to look in your eyes."
She reached over, turned on the light, turned over and looked at me.
"Listen to me. You are going to be all right. You're not going to be in New York for that long. Even though I'll be on tour, it's just a phone call away. You'll have our schedule, so you know where I'll be. Try not to worry about it."
She smiled up at me. "I love that you're so positive. I may interrupt some important events for you."
"Nothing would be more important to me. Think that you can get back to sleep?"
"I hope so. I've got to stay awake to drive to the airport."
"Bring yourself over here. I haven't finished holding you yet."
Placing her head on my shoulder, Lisa curled into my body and tried to control her breathing. I moved a hand over her back to comfort and reassure her enough to get some rest. I was worried too. Alone was not a good place for her to be if she had an episode. We'd deal with that if, and when, it happened.

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