Chapter 39

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Airport security is so slow, I thought to myself.mi wanted to get through, so I could call Lisa before boarding. I'd put off calling the night before so I would have more to talk about. Finally getting through, going through the the scanner and gathering my stuff, I found a corner away from people, pulled out my phone and called.
"Hello. You have reached the phone of a woman desperate to hear the sound of a wonderful musical artist." She answered.
"What if it had been Jared calling?" I wondered, smiling when I heard her voice.
"At this time of the morning, I assume that he's on track to make sure you're all together and on the plane."
"True. How was your day yesterday?"
"Great. I walked through the park, went to the stables the to lunch at Richard's. His wife and daughter were there and we had fun catching up. Did you go back to the fairground or just leave from the house?"
"Left from the house. We could have stayed too long a the fairground."
"Did you remember everything?"
"I think so. I've only got a couple more days on the meds."
"So you start up in Germany? Amazing countryside."
"Yeah. We're taking the train to the cities."
"Really? I'm so jealous. Trains are so relaxing."
"We could've got a private car and had lots of private time."
"Mmmm. Nice. Don't you start anything. You haven't got much time."
"I've got all the time in the world."
"Not to do things right. You call me when you get to your hotel and we'll wear each other out before bed."
"I like that suggestion.
"Shannon would you do something for me while you're traveling?"
"Anything you ask."
"Don't worry about me. Enjoy all that you see. I have lots to keep me busy."
"Okay but you do something for me."
"Ask and I obey."
"You call me if you begin to feel overwhelmed or stressed. I'll always have my phone."
"You'll be my only thought."
"I love you."
"I love you. How long until you board?"
"Twenty minutes. Why?"
"Well. Not time to do things right but we could play a bit."
"Baby. You're on."
"Better find a little privacy my sexy man."
"Hold on." Looking around, I could only find the men's room.
I went in, checked the stalls then locked the door.
"What did you have in mind." I put the phone back to my ear.
Lisa laughed playfully.

I me Jenny just before lunch at a restaurant near Broadway, Lattanji, for a light meal before shopping.
"You look incredible. And so early in the morning." She hugged me.
"I was talking to Shannon earlier. They're flying out to Germany today." I replied.
"I can't wait to meet him. He sounds so dreamy."
"It'll be awhile. They're touring Europe for two months. I was hoping he'd be here for the show, but they may miss it."
"Maybe not. I can get my father to push the date back."
"no. It's going to be fun, but I have to get home."
"What will you do?"
"I'll find something. Let's eat. If I remember well enough, you shop like its an Olympic event."
After a day of shopping and dinner, I went home, put stuff away and waited for Shannon to call. He was ahead in time now, so it may be later when he did. At seven o'clock, the phone rang and I knew that it was him.
"Hello." I answered quickly.
"Hi. You're home." He sounded surprised.
"Of course. Had to hear your voice and how the flight was."
"Horrible. I hat waiting in airports for flight changes."
"My poor drummer boy. Are you at the hotel?"
"I am. I'm tired but had to call you. So you start the big work tomorrow?"
"Got to start putting my plans together."
"You'll have to send me pictures."
"I wish you could be here to see it."
"Be there soon and the. We can catch up with things we missed."
"I can't wait."
We talked for an hour that night. And that was the start of everything. Days turned into weeks. Phone calls were sparatic because we were so busy. Things moved quickly with getting the displays built, selecting the right photos and getting them in the proper formats. I wanted modern and classic displays for the photos, with each piece having its own artist experience. Terry even came by a few times to check on things, give some suggestions and try to get me to pose for some pictures to give to Shannon. I always told him that I couldn't, laughing at his persistence.
Shannon would call from different cities they were in: Paris, London, Stockholm,,Prague. He would tell me about exploring the cities and how the concerts went. He never asked about my state of emotion. If I didn't mention it, he knew that I was alright.
Weeks turned into months and the show was just about ready. I was getting nervous at finishing, showing Richard before opening and, of course, what would I wear. Surprisingly, a few designers got wind of the show and called with orders to dress me. I was flattered but I was sure I had the perfect outfit for the occasion. I spent lots of time with Debbie and Jenny as well, going to lunch and shopping on weekends. That girl could empty a boutique faster than a contestant at a food eating contest. I loved being with her. She made me laugh.

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