Chapter 6

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Shannon's phone went to voice mail. I figured he was still rehearsing. I left him a message saying that I would be at the arena around seven o'clock. I took my time getting ready. The dress was black, above the knee, not snug but comfortable, cut just at my cleavage. I chose strapped sandals and a red flowy scarf for colour. I took a cab to the arena and got out to see the crowd waiting to get in. I was a bit early, so I walked around to find a security guard. There were two men near a barricade to the right of the building.
"Excuse me." I walked over.
They turned as I approached.
"Hi. What can I do for you?" The taller of the two asked.
"I'm meeting someone inside but I'm not sure where I should go."
"Nice friend not to give you information like that."
"Really. We could show you how to get in." The other man smiled.
Looking at both men, I got an uneasy feeling.
"Never mind. I'll find my way." I walked away as quick as I could.
Getting out my phone, I called Shannon, hoping he'd pick up.
"Hey there. Where are you?" His voice answered.
"Outside . What door do I go to?" I asked.
"Go to the front. There's a door at the right, away from the others. Just knock and give the guy your name. Have your card ready?"
"My business card? Why would I need that?"
"See you shortly." He sounded mischievous.
I hung up and went through the lines, found the door and knocked. A very large man looked, came over and opened the door slightly.
"Can I help you?" He checked me over.
"Good evening. I was invited to see the band play tonight. My name is Lisa Guitar. He said that he would leave word." I spoke as relaxed as I could.
"Just a minute." He turned and went to speak to another man.
That man was smaller but seemed to have more authority. He cam over to the door.
"I'm sorry but I don't have you name down."
"That's impossible. He said that it would be..." I remembered the small laugh on the phone. "Oh no. I can't believe he would do that."
"Look I have to close the door."
"Would you check to see if you may have Lisa Outside?"
"What?" He laughed.
"He always says 'I'll meet Lisa Outside'. I also work at a gallery by that name."
He looked at the clipboard in his hand, smiling when he found the name. "Ah yes. I guess that we are to escort you downstairs."
He opened the door for me.
"Thank you. Please don't leave if it'll be a bother." I stepped inside.
"He was specific. John could you take Miss Guitar down?"
"Yeah sure." The first man nodded.
"Thank you." I followed him to the dressing rooms.

Tomo and I stood in the halls, waiting for the show to start. People rushed by, getting last minute details ready.
"So. You're really gonna be normal?" Tomo asked.
"I'm going to make a good impression before she gets exposed to my brilliance." I felt like having fun at my brother's expense.
"That poor woman." He chuckled.
"No, really. If Shannon loves this woman, I will do nothing to make her uncomfortable."
Looking down the hall, I noticed a security guard walking with a girl. She looked uncomfortable. Stopping in the middle of the hall, she took off her jacket and revealed the black dress and red scarf with her soft brown hair.
"Oh wow!"
"What?" Tomo looked.
"She is definitely not a regular fangirl. That is a piece of art." She was beautiful.
"Jared. Don't get something started before the show."
"I'm just going to be a good host."
"Yeah right."
I walked over casually. "Hey John. I'll take care of things from here."
"Okay man." The security man walked away.
The woman turned and met my look. She was familiar.
"You're the guitarist from last night. At the gallery?" She wondered.
"Lisa? I didn't expect to see you so soon." I was surprised.
"I came to see the show."
"Let me take you to the green room. It's much quieter there."
"Thank you. I don't like crowds much."
I offered my arm. She placed he hand on it and I led her down to the room. There were several sofas and chairs around, as well as a table set up with food and drinks.
"Nice place." She looked around.
"Would you like a drink?" I wondered.
"Thanks but no."
"Please. Have a seat."
She did. I sat next to her and continued talking.

"Hey Tomo. You seen Jared?" I changed my clothes for the show.
"Yeah. He just went down to the green room." He gestured down the hall.
"Good. Just got a call from upstairs that she made it. Now I have to find her."
"Do you know what she's wearing?"
"No. But it wouldn't be what a fan would wear. Probably just something simple."
"Come on. I'll walk with you."
"But you don't know what she looks like."
"Yeah but I'm hungry."
It was a shared joke. He loved his food. We went down the busy hallway.
"What do we have? An hour?" Tomo asked.
"A little more. I hope that Jared can tone it down a bit. Just until later." I was nervous.
"He'll be okay. Polite. Then when he gets to know her, all bets are off."
"That's what I'm afraid of."
We turned into the room and saw two people of the sofa,
"So why the gallery?" Jared asked her.
"I love history." She's shrugged.
I smiled when I saw her having a casual conversation with my brother.
"Here you are." I greeted.
Lisa looked over, smiled, stood up and walked over.
"Next time use my real name." She suggested.
"As long as there is a next time." I kissed her softly.
"Oh my...! You're that assistant curator?" Jared jumped up.
"This is your brother?" Lisa giggled. "Nice to meet you formally."
"Uh yeah. You too. I never put it together."
"What are you talking about?" I was confused.
"That favour that I did last night. It was a roaming musician at a gallery. Of course I wasn't dressed like this." Jared explained.
"Thank goodness. You would've scared people off." Lisa laughed.
Jared was in black pants and shirt, a long white jacket and his hair in a short red Mohawk.
"Babe. This is Tomo Millicevic. Our guitarist." I introduce them.
"Millicevic? Bosnia?" She wondered. "Sarajevo, possibly?"
"Yes. How could you tell?" Tomo smiled his crooked smile.
"I studied Eastern European artists. Bosnia had some wonderful painters."
"I like her." He nodded playfully.
"So everything's going okay in here?" I took her hand and held it close.
"Of course. We've been having a nice conversation." Lisa nodded.
"I promised to behave brother. It's been a pleasure so far. I hope that we can all get together again soon. I'm going to go check some things before the show." Jared stepped toward the door.
"Thanks for the tour."
"See you in a few." I waved slightly.
"I'll grab a bite and leave you alone." Tomo went to the caterer's table.
"You don't have to leave." Lisa told him.
"I really do. I know that look and Shannon's got a plan. See you later." He grabbed a plate of food and left.

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