Chapter 8

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They positioned themselves in different spots: Jared up front, Tomo to the right side and Shannon behind the drumkit. We stood behind a black curtain to the left of the stage. Shannon held my hands to his sides and looked into my eyes.
"You can see everything from here. If it gets loud, just put on the headset." He explained.
"I'll be fine. Sounds like a lot of people out there." I observed staring at him.
"Probably. Do you need anything?"
"What I want will wait."
"You're a bad girl." He smiled.
"I can be." I moved my right hand up his arm.
"I gotta go."
Slowly, I pressed my lips to his. The lights lowered around us. One more quick kiss and he ran to his position. The cheering grew from a whisper to an elegant chorus. One voice of thousands. Drumbeats broke through the noise and it became louder. Guitar and piano joined in and the lights returned.
I listened to the music, taking in the words Jared sang. They were beautiful with meaning behind them. After twenty minutes, Jared began to talk to the audience. Shannon turned around to look at me, to see if I was enjoying things. I smiled, nodding my approval. He looked happily tired from the constant movement. His hair wet from sweating. Wiping his face with a big, white towel, his eyes seemed to trace my body. I laughed and turned so he could see all of me. He shook his finger at me, smiled and turned back to continue the show.
More songs led up to one that had much more drumbeats. I seemed to get lost watching Shannon and listening to the words. I didn't hear the curtain move or the person come behind me.
"What are you doing back here?" A deep voice asked.
I jumped and turned around. There was a very tall, very strong man standing just inside the curtain. My pulse began to race.
"I'm just watching." I became nervous.
"You gotta pass?"
Shannon hadn't gotten me one. "No. There was too much distraction, but..."
"I'm sorry but you can't be back here." I could sense that he stepped closer. "I could arrange one for you. Surely it wouldn't take long to find one for you." His voice, in my ear, sounded malicious.
"I'm...I was invited by..." My voice was broken.
"I know, but let's be sure." It was nothing but an evil sound to me.
Every fibre in my body froze as I felt a hand touch my arm. Even my vision went blank.

'Finally', I thought.
There was a pause in the show where Jared would talk with the audience. It gave me and Tomo a chance to have a drink or something g quick to eat, maybe change shirts. As Tomo headed offstage, I picked up the white towel and turned, ready to ask Lisa how she was enjoying the show. Looking over to where she was standing, I saw through the shadow of the curtain. A security guard was behind her. She had a look that was not good. Her body language told me everything. She was tense, her head bent, eyes vacant. I launched from behind the drums, ran to the shadow and shoved the guard away from her.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I was forceful.
"What?" The guard asked back. "I was just checking things. She doesn't have a pass. I was going to..."
"Yeah. I know what you were going to do! Get the hell out of here! All the way out of the building!"
"You can't fire me. I don't work for you."
"Security is for the band. If I see you again, I'll beat the shit out of you. Now fuck off!"
Making sure he was gone, I went back and carefully set my hands on the back of Lisa's neck, lifting her head to look into her eyes which were still glazed.
"Come on Baby. Look at me. It's okay. Just look at me."
It took a few seconds but she blinked and seemed to get focus back. Taking a deep breath, she looked around.
"Shannon? What happened? There was somebody here." She was puzzled.
"They're gone now. It's okay. Are you okay to walk with me?" I took her hand.
"Just hang onto me. It'll be alright."
She walked with me, still dazed but more relaxed. The guard was just outside the curtain, with two others. I yelled over to one of our guys.
"Yeah Shannon?" He looked over.
"Him," I pointed to the guard. "Out! Get him out of the building."
"Got it." As Peter went toward the guy, I led Lisa back toward the dressing rooms.
Inside, I closed the door, checked to make sure we were alone then sat her in a metal chair.
"Why are we back here? Don't you have a show t finish?" She was emotionless.
"I've got some time. You just need a place away from things." I held her hands, kneeling in front of her.
"Mostly because you're going to freak out in a moment."
"I'm not sure that I..."
And it happened. The realization of what had just happened. Her eyes went wide, expression scared. Jumping off the chair, she looked around rapidly.
"Oh my god! Oh shit Shannon. Not again!" Panic began to overtake her.
I stood in front of her, grabbed her wrists and held them sown so she wouldn't reach up to pull at her hair. It was a struggle, trying to keep her arms at her sides and get her to focus. I backed her into a wall, pressed myself to her body and pinned her. I placed my face next to hers.
"It's gonna be okay. Just listen and focus on my voice. Never again. I'll never let it happen again. You're safe, I'm here. Breath for me. Slow it down. That's it, relax for me." I spoke calmly.
She responded. Her face rested against my cheek, hands moved up to my chest and breathing in slower gasps. Leaning back, I gazed into her eyes, inches away.
"Hey. That's better."
"I don't know what happened. He asked about a pass and that was it." She looked back at me.
"Don't think abut it. He was an asshole. I had him thrown out."
"You're all sweaty." Her hands moved down my bare skin.
"I've been playing for an hour. Tends to make me sweat. I'm afraid that it's all over you." I smiled, she was my girl again.
"That's okay. I'll clean the dress later. Do you have to do something before going back?"
"Usually get something to drink and wipe myself down. I kinda like where I am right now."
Lisa moved her hands up my chest, behind my neck and ran her fingers through my wet hair. My hands found her waist and pulled her closer. I kept my eyes on her as I covered her mouth and massaged her lips with my own. A deep moan escaped her throat as I pressed myself to her. Fingers wrapped I my hair tight as our tongues played games of passion.
A quick knock interrupted the inevitable. Lips separated, eyes stayed locked.
"Yeah?" I called.
"Jared's done! We're late!" It was Tomo.
"Go on! I'll be right out!"
"Got it! See you out there!"
"You've got to finish. People are here to see you." Lisa sighed.
"Yup. One second." I stepped back and looked around the room. Grabbing my motorcycle jacket from the chair, I wrapped it around her shoulders. She was lost in it. Then I placed a laminated card around her neck.
"There. No worries."
"Okay." She messed up my hair. "There, not so matted."
"Thanks." I laughed a bit. "You ready?"
She nodded.
We left the room, hands close to me. Near the curtain, I called over a young man.
"Nobody comes through here until the show's over. Got it."
"Yes sir." He nodded. He was barely twenty.
We stepped through the curtain again. I paused to give Lisa a soft kiss and walked back out to the front of the stage. Jared turned as the crowd cheered. He was a bit annoyed and covered the microphone.
"Everything okay? You're never late." He asked.
"Little problem with security. I'll fill you in later. Let's do it." I said and gave the crowd a wave before going back to the drums.

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