Chapter 31

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After a night of multiple bouts of sex and orgasms, the aches that woke me up were well worth it all. The bed was a mess, all the pillows over the floor. Next to me, Lisa lay quietly, one hand under her head and the other on my chest. Smiling, I placed a hand over hers. I wished that this could go on forever, just be comfortable and happy.
"Stop staring at me. You're freakin' me out." She said, eyes still closed,
"Didn't I use that line?" I chuckled.
"I liked it." Opening her eyes, she moved closer, climbed over my chest and pressed her lips to mine.
"How are you feeling?" I wondered when the kiss broke.
"I think that my body is actually tingling. Feels like I ran a marathon. What about you? How're your injuries?"
"All my aches are good ones. It's nothing a hot shower won't cure. Want to join me?"
"Love to but I have to go home. I still have company to entertain."
"Oh yeah. Think he'll be mad?"
"Probably not. Been shocking my parents for years."
"I'll miss you today. I don't think I have anything scheduled."
"Well my little drummer boy, maybe you should take advantage and heal up. You'll need the strength to get back onstage."
"I hate being Idle."
"Walk me to the front door and I'll give you a goodbye to last you all day."
I smiled wide as we began to search for our clothes. At the front door, we embraced and shared a long kiss goodbye. Tongues flicked, lips nipped at and fingers caressed.
"Didn't you get enough of that last night?" Jared walked downstairs, dressed in blue pajamas.
"Sorry to keep you up." Lisa joked, nuzzling my neck.
"Oh I had my headphones on for most of it." Jared yawned.
"Told you." I hugged her close.
"Maybe if you're not busy, you'll join me down at Coachella?"
"Is that this weekend?"
"Uh yeah." Jared was sarcastic.
"Shit. I forgot."
"Why can't you go? Daddy will be here until tomorrow anyway. Go check it out and maybe I can come down later." Lisa shrugged.
"See problem solved. Tomo and Vicki are coming too." Jared added.
"You go every year I assume. Send me the address and I'll meet you for an after party. Just remember to take your meds. You're still a little tender."
"Okay. It's on. Coachella here we come." Jared walked toward the kitchen.
"Are you sure that you want to drive all that way alone?" I looked over her face.
"I could ask Joannie to come along but I don't know what your schedule will be like. And she tends to be a little wild."
"A little? That's like saying Jared's slightly focused. I'll call you when we get there. It'll be fun to take in the festival. And you don't have to go to the fair grounds if you don't want to. Crowds get insane there."
"I'll find something to,occupy myself."
A soft caress of her neck, a deep kiss and Lisa reached for the door.
"See you soon." Lisa smiled.
"Definitely. Love you." I watched her walk to the car and drive off.
"Are you going to be able to handle the crowds? You'll get pushed around." Jared asked when I went to the kitchen for a coffee.
"I should be. I'll try to stay away front the front of the stage." I poured myself some black fuel to start my day.
"Don't forget to pack your meds. Wheel up in two hours."
"Wheels up?"
"You know what I mean. We've got to be at the rental then get to the grounds to stake out the acts."
"I'll shower and get some things together."
"Scrub up good Bro. After last night I'll be surprised if you ever sweat again."
"I thought you weren't listening?"
"I wasn't but it was kind of hard not to hear anything."
I laughed at his sarcastic tone.

Walking into the house, I quietly closed the door, took off my shoes and walked toward my bedroom.
"I knew that you'd find something to do." My father spoke from the kitchen.
I jumped. "Oh Daddy! I thought that you'd still be asleep."
"Time change. As long as you had a good time, I won't get in your face."
"Honestly. I would never want this to end." I went to stand by the service table.
"You think it's going to?" He questioned.
"Who can see so far ahead? I just know that it's not always a happy ending. I really love being around and with him."
"And he feels the same?"
"So he keeps telling me."
"That's all that matters. Go ready yourself for the day. I'll make you one of my famous omelettes then we'll get to work."
"I've made a couple of inquiries that I want you to look at. Give me your thoughts."
"Sounds intriguing. Shall I dress for business?"
"Not really. I'm sure that one of your gallery outfits will be good."
I must have changed my expression. He came over, hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"Sorry honey. Slipped my mind."
'It's okay. I guess I really miss it. Be out in a bit."
I went to the bedroom, gathered some clothes, then to the bathroom to refresh myself. I almost hated scrubbing Shannon's scent off. Deciding on a pair of black capries, red halter shirt and heels, I braided my hair, put on some subtle makeup and grabbed some subdued jewelry.
"Where are we going?" I went back to the living room.
"Private sale. It was posted on a pawn brokers site. It looks good but I want to make sure before I spend the money." He set a paper down.
"Interesting. Glad that you thought of me for this."
"Who else would I trust? You're the best art dealer I know." He smiled wide.
"I'm not an art dealer. I'm an art enthusiast." I chuckled.
"You know more about everything. I know because I paid for you education."
"Hey. I worked for it."
"And I'm proud of you. If you're ready.."
"Let's go."
We drove downtown, to an upscale pawnshop, located right on Rodeo Drive. A large window showed the inventory on the store.
"You saw this post online?" I was curious.
"No. I've never been in this shop. Drove by but never went inside."
"Let's go see."
Once through the door, we were met by a well dressed woman.
"May I help you?"
"Yes. I contacted you over the website. About the paintings." My father explained.
"Oh yes Mr. .."
"Robert please."
"Of course. Please have a seat. I'll get the owner."
"Thank you."
We went to a sitting area. It was designed to look like a normal living room, with sofas, a flat screen and very cool colours. We didn't get a chance to sit before a well dressed man came back with the woman.
"Robert? Jasper Rice. We spoke on the phone." He was tall, and bald with a pleasant demeanor. Very professional.
Daddy shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. This is my daughter Lisa."
"A pleasure." He shook my hand.
"Same. You have some amazing works in your shop." I complimented.
"Thank you."
"I brought my daughter along to look at the prints."
"Oh. Are you a lover of fine art as well?"
"Yes. Until recently I was the assistant curator in a small gallery. I'm curious as to what has my father so excited that he needs my help."
"Well! Someone who can assess and enjoy all at once. Please follow me. I have the prints out in my storage area."
"Mr. Rice. Are these reproductions or prints from carvings?"
"You tell me." He smiled as we walked through the shop to a rear storage area.

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