Chapter 15

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The water felt so good, running down my back as I washed my hair. I hated when my mood became dark. It felt like a cloud covering my mind. I made Shannon worry when there was nothing to be done until it passed. I wrapped up in a large, fluffy towel, went back to Shannon's bedroom and saw the clothes laid out. They were beautiful, light and airy, all the perfect size. I decided on a blue sarong wrap skirt and halter tied top. Just right for a warm LA day by the pool. The other clothes were soft and silky, wonderful colours.
"You look better." Jared said when I found them in a small rehearsal space.
"Thanks. Shannon the clothes are beautiful." I faced my bruised side away.
"You look great. Now, not to be bossy but, you are not to lift a finger today. You need anything, just give me a shout." Shannon walked over to me.
"My own private pool boy. Do you have a cabana?" I flirted.
"No, but just say the word and Jared's out of here."
"Hey! It's my house too." Jared whined.
"There are some books in the living room if you feel like reading."
"I don't do Playboy." I kidded.
"We have real books too. With words and all." Jared added.
"Have a good time. See you a little later." I kissed Shannon, left the room and headed for the back yard.
I grabbed a couple of books from the living room table as I walked by. It was a warm day, a little hazy but nice enough to lay on a lounge chair.

The music went on for an hour. Jared coming up with ideas for drums and guitar parts, then practicing them over and over. I suggested different tones and rhythms, a melody with a certain lyric. Tomo arrived just after noon to join us.
"Should've brought her with you." Jared mentioned Tomo's girlfriend. "They could've hung out."
"She has to work. Wait. Lisa's here?" Tomo was surprised.
"Boss told her to take the week off. After what happened." I shrugged.
"Probably a good idea. I'm gonna go say hi. Be right back."
"Okay." Jared nodded.
I glanced out the window, looking down as Lisa lay in the sun, open book in front of her.

a shadow fell over me as I sat in the lounge chair. Looking up quickly, I saw an umbrella being moved.
"You're gonna get burned." Tomo was adjusting the cover.
"Thanks. You come by to work or because you're bored of sitting around?" I wondered as he sat next to me.
"Little bit of both. Wow look at you. He really did a number on you huh?" He commented on the bruises.
"Yeah. Doesn't hurt much."
"Only when you laugh." He joked with his crooked smile.
I laughed and flinched.
"Sorry. So why are you hanging around here today?"
I set the book on the ground and turned to look at him. His long, black hair, beard and mustache were neatly trimmed. His eyes were sincere and body language truly concerned. I looked up to the window. Shannon was sitting at a small drum kit, back toward the window.
"We went out last night, just to break things up. I figured that he would get it feeling cooped up. It was fun actually."
"That's a surprise. He says that you don't care for clubs and crowds."
"Not usually but I'd go for him. His friend Antoine was there and he was having a blast."
"Oh I bet. They're a party alone when they get going."
"After the set, we kinda snuck away, went outside you know."
"Don't need details." He put his hands up to indicate 'say no more'.
"We weren't alone and they were drunk, probably high."
"And Jonathan, the one from the gallery, was there with two others. Well they grabbed me, hit Shannon in the abs and knocked him down."
"That wouldn't make him angry or nothing."
I nodded. "They tried to gang up on him but by that time he'd gotten up. I was scared for him, screaming and crying. Jonathan holding me away. They were no match for Shannon and , once Jonathan let me go, we left the club and came here."
I looked back to the window, Shannon was gone. I decided to continue talking in Croatian, just in case he came down.
"*I worry him*." I said.
Tomo nodded and glanced around quick. "*You do. His concerns are many*."
"*I do not know how to ease him*."
"*Be strong. You can be the woman he loves. You have many bad experiences but you have determination and deep love for him*."
"*I do not want to feel a burden to him*."
"*Never. You are his heart. He was lost in Jared's world before you. Now he has a great per post in you*."
I almost felt like crying again. Tomo had a wonderful outlook.
"*You are a beautiful woman. Feelings of sadness can be overcome*." He reached over to touch my arm.
I took a deep breath. "You're fucking incredible, you know that?"
"I do. Think about what I said."
"I will. Thanks Moj Prijately." I took his hand from my arm.
He kissed my cheek, stood up and went back to the house. I sat thinking of our conversation, sat back and closed my eyes.

"Everything okay?" I asked when Tomo came in the house.
"Oh yeah. I think that everything's gotten to her. We has a little talk. It's all good." Tomo assured.
"Okay. Thanks man. I appreciate it."
"No problem. It's nice to have a conversation with someone new."
"God knows we know all we need to about each other."
"Ha! Yeah. Let's go see what the mad scientist is up to."
We laughed at one of the many names we gave to Jared's moods.
Back in the studio, we went over new songs, revamped older ones and stopped when we started getting hungry.
"Let's go to the market. I need actual food." Tomo set his guitar on a stand.
"There's food here." Jared replied making notes.
"Tomo doesn't do vegan Jar." I reminded. "Come on. I'll go with you."
"Better go tell Lisa. She may want something ." Tomo said.
I looked out at where she was sitting. She was laying back, very relaxed and not moving. "I'll pick something up for her. She's asleep."
"Oh and I get to babysit." Jared whined playful.
"Just let her sleep. She needs the rest. We won't be long."
Me and Tomo headed for the front door.

Sitting at the computer for five minutes, I looked out the window. I'd been inside all day. Going out the back door, I walked down the stairs to the pool. Lisa was indeed asleep. She looked peaceful. As if she knew she wasn't alone, she took a deep breath, opened her eyes and looked up.
"Jared?" She flinched.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Had to get out of the house for a bit." I sat down.
"Are you finished?" She straightened up in the lounge chair.
"No. Tomo and Shannon got hungry. They went to the market."
"Really? I wish they would've told me."
"Shannon said he'd pick you up something."
"It's so warm out. I hope he brings back some fresh berries. That would be so good right now."
"You want a drink? You've been out here all day."
"Yeah that would be great. I'll get it. I should get up. I'm not used to all this sitting around."
As she stood up, I watched as she stretched her arms. I looked at her legs, bare waist and bruised cheek. Almost without thinking, I jumped up, p,aced my right hand no Lisa's neck and my mouth over hers. It was impulsive but soft.
"Jared? What the hell?" She stepped back.
"I'm sorry. I've had that thought in my head since last Friday." I apologized.
"I fuckin' knew it!" Shannon came back and was at the bottom of the stairs.
His posture was stiff, his eyes shocked with a bit of anger. I instantly felt guilty.
"Shannon I'm sorry."
"I'm not sure how to react right now. I don't believe this." He was breathing hard.
Lisa walked over to Shannon and set her hands on his neck. "It was no big deal. Don't get angry with him."
"No! He knows how much you mean to me."
"I made a mistake." I began to get nervous, feeling my eyes get wide.
"You've always been like this. Thought you were entitled to things. I'm happy that you get to do what you've done. I have my moment, something I don't want to live without and you have to do this."
The tension was thick as we stared at each other.

My body responded to the moment. I felt as if I would lose control. I back away from Shannon and walked to the stairs.
"Don't do anything stupid over this."
Shannon watched me walk away. His eyes worried. "Where are you going?"
"It's too much. Too much emotion. I've got to go." I headed toward the house.
"Wait. Don't.."
"I just have to go home." I went to the bedroom, gathered my clothes and phone, called a taxi and walked to the front door.
"Hey. Where are you going?" Tomo asked when he saw me.
"Home. Would you go make sore things are okay?"
"With what?"
"I don't want him to hurt his brother."
"What happened?"
I left the house, got into the taxi and told the driver the address.

"Whoa! Hold on! What's going on?" I ran outside to see Shannon grab Jared by the shirt and he was angry.
"I kissed her." Jared answered.
"Why?" Shannon shoved him.
"You want me to say it. Okay, I'm jealous. There's a woman who's smart, beautiful and doesn't give a shit about me, could care less. The one woman I shouldn't be attracted to because she loves my brother. I didn't know at the time. The last person I'd ever hurt is you." Jared was pleading with Shannon.
Shannon backed off, shaking his head, pointing at his brother. "I can't be around you right now."
"Please. I'm sorry!" Jared shouted.
Shannon ran upstairs.
"Be careful on the highway! It's rush hour!"
"That's what you choose to say?" I looked at Jared, puzzled.
He waved his hand toward the house. "He's going to go out on his bike and he's angry."
"He's also not stupid. Just chill out for a while. He'll be back or call you later."
"He's never been this mad at me and I've done stuff that he should have been furious."
"It's different when it comes to women. I'd do the same thing if I caught somebody with mine."
"Fuck. What a mess." Jared sat on the ground.

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