Chapter 41

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After finishing the set, meeting with the fan (or echelon as they were dubbed), we went back to the hotel. I had never spent so much time getting ready for anything. After showering, I carefully chose my clothes, shaved completely and tried to keep relaxed before it was time to leave for the exhibit.
"Time to hit the road." Jared burst into the room.
He was dressed all in black with white high tops. His hair was shaggy and shoulder length and a bit of eyeliner made him look devilish.
"Come on Bro. What's with the stage makeup?" I asked, wishing he could control himself sometimes.
"It's art. What can I do?" He smiled.
"Fuck. Sometimes you drive me crazy."
"That's what little brothers are for. So..... How you feelin'?"
"Christ I'm nervous. When do we leave?"
"Soon. We're meeting Terry outside and we'll go in with him. Try to relax. You'll need another shower. She's going to go nuts when she sees you."
"I hope not. What if this surprise causes something else? This is a big night for her."
"You will not send her into an episode. When Lisa sees you tonight,ms he's going to have to keep it all together so she doesn't jump you in front of everyone." Jared joked.
It made me laugh. "Tonight has to be perfect. It's been too long and I'm still feeling what happened."
"Tonight, we'll be there for the show, you can go home with your girl and do things that will make you both forget that. And then, whatever you have planned, I'm glad that I'll be there. She really is your soul and I know at you'll be happy." Jared was as serious as I'd ever seen him.
I pulled him into a hug. "Thanks Bro. It's going to be perfect."
A soft knock on the hotel room door broke us up. Jared went to answer it as I straightened out my clothes.
"Are we going or what?" Tomo and Jamie came into the room.
"Yeah we're going. You ready Shan?" Jared looked back as I walked over.
I took a deep breath. "Yeah. I'm ready."
"Shit. Relax man." Tomo told me. He was dressed in black pants, a black shirt and tie. Hair straightened out, falling over his face. "In a little while you'll be having happy reunion sex."
"We'll have to give everyone earplugs." Jamie laughed. He had dark jeans on with a white shirt and green army jacket.
"Don't egg him on guys. We don't want him throwing up in the cab." Jared grabbed my shoulders.
Twenty minutes later we were in a taxi van on our way to the address Terry had given Jared. My leg twitched all the way. Finally getting to the building in Greenwich, we exited the taxi, paid the driver and looked around. There was a red carpet, ropes to hold back people and photographers, bright lights making it look like day instead of night.
"Jared! Hey Jared!" A man's voice called out.
Terry was walking toward us, with a big smile. He gave Jared a hug and greeted the rest of us.
"Hey man. Have you been in yet?" Jared wondered.
"No, just got here." He nodded.
"Terry. Man thanks for doing this." I shook his hand.
"No problem. I can't wait to see the exhibit and the look on her face when she sees you. Let's go inside."
We walked to the doors, pausing to have pictures taken and signing a few autographs.
"Invitations please." A large man, in a dark jacket and pants, held out his hand.
Security would be very big with so many celebrities around. The foyer was plain and white but people were gathered all around.
"Good evening Mr. Richardson. I'm afraid that your guests are not appropriately dressed." The guard handed the card back.
"They just got into town. Lisa has okay'd them being here with me."
"The instructions were for formal dress at the event."
"May I go inside while my friends wait? I'll get her to clear things up."
"Excuse me." I stepped up. I felt queasy. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Down to the left." The guard explained
"Shannon are you okay?" Tomo asked concerned.
"I think that I'm going to throw up." I took off, down the hall at a dead run.

Everyone showed up on time and casually began to look around. Richard and I greeted most by the door, then started to walk around. So many celebrities had come. Drinks and appetizers were being served by men and women dressed in psychedelic clothes. It seemed to be going well, and people were having a good time. Debbie and Jenny loved what I'd done and let Richard keep me close by, if anyone had questions. At one end of the hall, a couple (very well known actors and New Yorkers) talked to us, praising the exhibit.
"I'm so glad that you invited us." The woman, dark haired, beautiful with a bright smile and large eyes, spoke with us.
"Well, I'm glad that you were able to come." I relied as she shoo, my hand.
"When we heard about this, I think that we prayed that someone would send us an invitation." The man was very tall, graying hair, glasses and dressed in a dark suit.
"The upstairs is a trip. This is going to be talked about for a long time." She added.
"It's all Lisa. This one had a great eye for detail." Richard hugged me.
"I had lots of help." I didn't want to forget Jessica and the others.
"Lisa!" Jenny ran over. "Lisa you should see who just came in. Oh my god."
"Excuse me please." I stepped toward her. "Jenny calm down."
"But they're just so gorgeous. I love this night." She was excited.
"You'd think that you'd be used to celebrities by now." I smiled at her, then spotted Terry walking down the hall.
He waved.
"Terry! I'm so glad you made it." I turned to him.
"Me too." He greeted me with a hug. "Listen, my friends are having trouble. They're not exactly up to the dress code. Would you be able to help?"
"Of course. I knew that I should've left it less formal. Oh Richard. Have you met Terry?" I looked at the small group.
"No. But I've seen your work." Richard shook his hand.
After introducing everyone,,I excused myself and walked to the front doors with Terry.
"Thanks. They really wanted to be here tonight."
"After all you did to help me, you could bring anyone you wanted." I laughed grabbing his arm.
"You're a peach." He set a hand over mine.
"Stop you'll embarrass me. It's alright gentlemen. Mr. Richardson's friends can come inside." I told the guards.
"Thank god." A familiar voice spoke.
"Yeah. It's getting cold out here." Another added.
As the guards parted, I set my eyes on Jared, Tomo and Jamie, who is met at Jared's. It was like a light had gone off and I felt even happier than I had. Walking over, I almost jumped as I hugged Tomo then Jared. I was laughing almost hysterically.
"Oh my.... When did you get here?" I tried not to yell.
"Today. We played a show earlier and came to surprise you."Tomo had a huge smile.
"Wait. Terry's friends. That was you guys?"
"Well, we couldn't get an invite without being on the list. How can it be a surprise if you know?" Jared joked.
"I'm so happy you're here. Wait. You played this afternoon. Where's......"
"Strong man's in the bathroom." Jamie pointed down the hall.
"He was wound so tight, I think nerves got to him." Tomo added.
I'm pretty sure that my face turned to worry about hearing that news.
"I think that he's okay now." Jared pointed behind me.
I turned quickly. Shannon stood a few feet away. He wore dark jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket with white sneakers. His hair fell over his forehead and his beautiful hazel eyes sparkled. It was like a dream. Everything around disappeared. He smiled and waved discreetly, holding back any emotion, so not to make a scene. A haze started to cover my vision, my emotions were going crazy.

Found My Fate.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin