Chapter 11

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My cell phone vibrated next to me. I'd turned it off so it wouldn't disturb the three sleeping men. I looked at who was calling, Joanie
"Hello." I whispered.
"Hi. What's going on? I didn't get a call." She wondered.
"It's been an interesting 24 hours." I stood up and walked to the back of the house.
"Something happen?"
"Nothing bad. Just had a short episode at the concert. Don't worry it's okay."
"Shit Lisa. Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Shannon was able to bring me down. They'd just had a pause in the show."
"So what have you been doing?"
"Just relaxing mostly. I made lunch and now they're sleeping."
"All three of them are at your house?"
"Jared had a big idea and they all came over. They ate and fell asleep. They've been touring for so long. They need this time."
"Well, if you need any help with them..."
"Right. Another time perhaps."
"Okay. I just wanted to check up."
"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Got it. Later."
I shut off the phone, walked back to the kitchen. Taking out some gourmet coffee, I set up the coffee maker and brewed a pot for when they woke up. I placed the raw sugar and a pitcher of soy milk in a tray with cups.just as I placed the tray on the coffee table, Shannon took a deep breath, opened his eyes and stretched his arms. I stepped over to the chair, sat on the arm and moved his hair from his face.
"Hey." He sighed.
"Hey." I smiled softly.
"How long have I been out?"
"About an hour. You're still settling in. All of you are."
He looked over at Jared and Tomo still asleep. "I guess so. Thanks for this."
"Anytime my love. There's coffee if you want some."
"You're a goddess. You know that?" Jared woke up.
"Maybe someday. You take as much time as you need."
Shannon poured himself a cup and sipped it slowly. "Mmm. Perfect as always."
"So why are you all up on doing stuff for us?" Jared sat up slowly.
"It's not a big deal. By myself, I don't really cook a lot, which I enjoy. Most of the time, I work, I meet up with my friend Joanie, go out for dinner and drinks. That's not totally my thing but it's better than sitting at home." I explained. "Especially considering some things."
Shannon set a hand on my leg and rubbed it gently.
"This gives me time to do something I enjoy."
"It just seems so out of date." Jared scratched his head.
"Maybe, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to. I'm not the kind of person that wants things done for her. It's a give and take." I looked into Shannon's eyes. "Besides everything, I'm in love with your brother and he's done more for me than I could ever want from anyone."
"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I know that he loves you because when we're talking he always brings up that he misses you."
"I do. It's the only thing I don't like about touring. Being away from you." Shannon confessed.
I bent down and kissed him. "You make up for it all when you're home. I'm a little more tired but I enjoy every part of it."
"Me too."
Looking deep into his eyes, I moved so that I sat across Shannon's lap. He set a hand on my legs and one on my back.
"Boy. The things that I'd do to you right now." He smiled.
"Oh get a room." Jared teased.
"Already got one." I moved my fingers across Shannon's jaw. "But before that, you have things to discuss."
"Can't yet. Tomo's still asleep and may be for a while." Jared poured himself a cup of coffee.
"He's a heavy sleeper." Shannon added.
"Well. Let him sleep. Drink up and we'll figure out something else." I kissed Shannon then stood up and walked to the kitchen.
Looking in the cupboards, I found some natural almonds and granola, mixed I some apricots and brought it out to the coffee table.

When Tomo finally woke up, the talking began. We talked about new songs, Jared's ideas for short films and what to on concert dates (we had fun doing theme nights). Jared was very animated as he explained his ideas. Me and Tomo suggested some things toward the ideas. When it started to get late, Lisa searched for stuff for dinner. Tomo insisted on helping as they both cooked for all of us. It was great. Jared had his vegan meal and there was seared tuna for the rest of us.
"Lisa. Thanks for the fun day." Tomo said at ten o'clock, he and Jared were getting ready to leave.
"You're more than welcome. I had fun too. Thanks for the help.." She hugged him.
"I enjoyed it. Somebody that appreciates good food."
"Always. Come over anytime and you can bring people if you want to: mother, father, sister, brother, girlfriend."
"Call first." I added.
"Jared. It's been an interesting day. I've enjoyed watching your thought process." She looked at my brother.
"That's a good thing?" He wondered.
"I work at a gallery. I understand that some artists are mad." She smiled. "Again you feel free to come by too."
"Thanks." He stepped over to hug my girlfriend. "And that goes for you too. Anytime you want more madness, I assume you know where our house is?"
"I do. I'm working tomorrow so you can have your brother back. If he wants to play with you."
I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me. "Maybe. We've still got all night."
"On that note. Goodnight all. See you soon." Tomo nodded and opened the front door.
"Yeah. Tomorrow Shannon? At the house?" Jared questioned.
"I'll be there. After lunch though and don't call me." I told him.
"Okay. Night Lisa."
"Goodnight guys. Safe drive home." She laughed as they left and closed the door.
"It's about time." I turned her around and placed my mouth over hers.
The kiss was deep and desperate, like it had been ages since I'd last kissed her. She laughed at the urgency then took a few steps back toward the living room. Pulling off my shirt, Lisa pushed me back onto the sofa.
"We'll no longer be needing these." She said and removed her own shirt.
I watched as she slowly lowered herself over me and lay across my body. My hands moved her legs to either side of my hips and I pressed against her. Lisa traced my jawline slowly, placing soft kisses around my lips and neck. Turning my head, I noticed something on the table. A keychain, black triangle with several keys attached.
"Shit. Someone forgot something."
"I'll take care of that, and then come back and take care of you." Lisa smiled, purring next to my ear.
I chuckled at the comment. Standing up, Lisa grabbed the keychain and walked to the door.
"Wait a minute. You're going out like that?" I realized she was half naked.
"You want me to cover up?" She looked at me suggestively.
"You're killing me." I moaned.

"Shit. My keys." I said as we reached the car.
Tomo laughed. "For a person that's so smart, you're very forgetful."
"Give me a second." I headed back to the house.
"If you interrupt Shannon, you'll be n trouble." He teased.
"Surely they waited longer than a closed door." I wasted my arms in the air.
The front door opened. I froze. Lisa was standing in the light of the open door, in only her shorts and bra.her shape silhouetted.
"Once again, may I say how much I hate interruptions." She threw me the keychain.
I caught it easily.
"Goodnight guys." She stepped back and closed the door again.
Turning back, I walked to the car, unlocked the door and sat behind the wheel
"I think image myself right now." I gripped the steering wheel.
"How's that?" Tomo sat next to me.
"I think that I'm having thoughts about my brother's girlfriend."
"Whoa. Be careful there. You know that could go very wrong."
"I know."
I started the car. We drove away not talking about it.

"And where did we leave things?" I went back to the sofa.
Shannon was still laying back, half-dressed. " I believe that you were going to let me have my way with you."
"Actually." I sat across his hips. "I think that I was going to have my way with you."
"Either way." He shrugged.
Leaning down, my hands on his chest, I ran my tongue up his neck, making him shiver. Shannon's hands pulled my hips to his so I could feel his hardness. I began to move mine over his, rubbing myself against the denim covered erection. A hand moved up my body, found one breast and needed the flesh. I sighed deep in my throat before I found Shannon's soft lips, pressing and pulsing, desperate to feel the kiss. Breathing heavily, I stopped, stood up and, in one motion, removed my shorts and panties, then worked off Shannon's jeans.
"Forget the foreplay." I said as I sat across his groin, positioning over his hard member and lowering myself.
"Fuck....." Shannon moaned, throwing his head into the cushions.
It wasn't slow, or lasting, but pure aggressive passion. Moving hard and fast to a first orgasm then having Shannon stroking slow and long to an explosive second. Making it to the bed, we continued kissing and caressing each other to one more then curled together, falling asleep exhausted and happy.

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