Chapter 34

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After many hours of reading, a short nap and writing down ideas, the plane finally landed at JFK International. I gathered everything, started to leave my seat and walk down the gangway to the terminal. Finding my luggage, a half hour later, I maneuvered my way toward the front doors to get a taxi. It surprised me when I saw a man holding a sign with my name on it.
"Uh. I'm Lisa. Someone sent a car?" I spoke cautiously.
"Yes Miss. The building manager sent me to meet you. Will this be all?" He reached for my suitcase.
"Yes." Hit man looked very familiar. "Kenny? Kenny Donaldson?"
He smiled. "I didn't think you'd remember me."
"Oh my..." I reached out to hug him. "I haven't seen you in so long."
Lenny's mother had worked in the building the condo was in. She was a chef in the restaurant. We used to run around the halls and the lobby when we were very young.
"Are you working at the building?" I asked when I stepped back.
"Actually, I own the car service. When I got the call, I knew that I had to come personally." He explained.
I looked at him closely. He was around 6'1", very blond, dark eyes, very nice build and the bright smile I remembered.
"You look amazing. Finally got your braces off." I kidded.
"At least I couldn't connect the dots on my cheeks. You look great. Come on. Let's get you home. He turned and led me to the parking lot.
I sat in the back, quietly looking at the large buildings and people rushing by.
"It's been a long time since you've been here." Kenny said.
"Very long." I nodded.
"What brings you back?"
"Art show."
"Organizing not just looking."
"Anyone I know?"
"Yes. And that's all I can say for now."
"Can I get in on it?"
I laughed. "Since when have you been interested?"
"Since I married an artist."
"Really? I'll see what I can do. It's a photo exhibit, so you won't need explanations."
"Good. I can just loo at the pictures."
"Wow! You're married."
"Yep. And a baby girl."
"Sounds great."
"What about you?"
"Married? No. Never had the time."
"Still the single mad art girl." He chuckled.
"Not single. I met an amazing man eight months ago. I can't imagine my life before him."
"Eight months in LA? That's a lifetime."
"Well I was working and he's been on the road."
"What is he? A salesman?"
"A drummer."
"You're seeing a musician?"
"A musician, artist and a wonderful person. People in LA aren't all self-obsessed you know."
"Okay. If you say so." He laughed.
The car pulled up to the building moments later. I stepped out as Kenny got my suitcase for me, and carried it inside. The lobby was just as I remembered, high ceilings with black marble walls., brightly lit with pictures hanging all around. A small sitting area near the front and a security desk set just to the side.
"May I help you today?" A large man asked from behind the desk.
"No. Not really. I forgot how beautiful it was." I answered.
"John this is Lisa. She'll be staying in her family's condo on 10. Number 1012." Kenny explained.
"Oh yes. We've been expecting you. Let me call the manager." John picked up the phone.
"That's not necessary." I said.
"I had instructions to call when you arrived."
"Kenny. Thank you for picking me up. Made it easier for me to relax."
"Anytime. Call if you need me." He handed me a card. "My direct number. Only for the privileged few."
I reached over to hug him. It was a nice feeling and familiar.
"Lisa?" A female voice spoke softly.
Stepping back, I saw a young woman, my age, long blond hair, green eyes, a bright smile and anxious. Another familiar face.
"Oh my god!" I nearly yelled.
"Hi." She was almost shy.
"Carrie? Oh my god Carrie!" I almost lunged at her, hugging tightly.
She hugged back. I stored back to look at her.
"Sorry. Is that okay? Are you managing now?" I wondered.
"Yes, to everything. I got my management degree and when Mr. Sands retired, they gave it to me." She said.
"That makes me so happy. Seeing you and Kenny. This may not be so bad after all."

At the fairgrounds, I walked around, looking closer at the vendor's tables, catching some performance artists and talking with some people I knew. Of course there were fan autographs and listening to music. Meeting up with a friend, who was performing later, we sat in one of the food tents, eating and talking music.
"I'm surprised that you're not in the middle of everything." He said to me.
"Not this time. I've got an injury, so I have to be careful. Jared would kill me if we had to push back the tour." I explained.
"I didn't know. Hope you're okay."
"I will be. Just some guys being assholes."
"Of course. So I gotta ask you about this rumor I'm hearing."
"What rumor? I stopped eating and stared at him. If this was about Audrey, I was going to get very angry.
"A little bird is saying that you're off the market? What's that about?"
"Oh. Yeah." I relaxed a bit. "I'll tell you man, this one's so amazing."
"She's smart, artistic, cooks like a trained chef and I just want to be with her all the time."
"Cool. Where'd you meet her?"
"Just a chance meeting eight months ago. I mean, she talks like a poet."
"You're gonna make me make? The sex man. That must be something?"
"It's like a new experience every time. There's always something different."
"That's great. I'll tell you. When you were with that crazy bitch, I was worried for you."
"Which one?" I laughed.
"Audrey. Apparently she's been saying how she's going to get you back but some girl's in her way."
"Are you shitting me?!" I yelled. "I'm going to kill her."
"Whoa! Hold on! She's all mouth, you know that. You're smarter than that. Once you've moved on, that's it."
"Well she'd better hope that I don't see her for a long time."
Taking out my phone, I checked the time. Six o'clock, nine in New York. She'd be at her family's place.
"Excuse me for a minute." I picked out the phone number.
"Yeah. Sure. Want me to go?"
"No. Probably won't be too long."
The phone began ringing. I waited patiently to hear her voice.
"Hello, my wonderful sex God." She answered.
I smiled. "And to my most beautiful poet."
"I was going to call but didn't know if you'd hear the phone over the crowds."
"I'm having something to eat with a friend. Figured you'd be there by now. How'd it go?"
"The flight was terrible. Every second took me further away."
"I hated that too. Did you make it to your place okay?"
"The funniest thing. The building sent a car to get me. Turns out it was an old friend I used to play with and the manager is a woman I also know. Shannon, if I had to get here by myself, I would've been lost."
"You sound okay."
"I am right now. Once I settle in and realize that I can't sleep next to you, I know that I'll be sad again."
"If you do, call me. I'm three hours behind you, so I'll be awake."
Talking for twenty minutes, Lisa asked about the bands and music. I told her that I found a beautiful silk scarf that reminded me of her eyes. Not once did what happened come up.
"Have you eaten yet?" I asked her.
"No. I just put everything away." She sighed. "Guess I should huh?"
"Yeah. And don't forget to call your 'Uncle'. He told you to when you got settled."
"Not you too."
"If I say his name around here, I may get trampled."
"I guess. Okay. I'll call him the have supper. Enjoy your night."
"You too. Talk to you soon. I miss you."
"My heart is your heart. I love you."
"Love you."
I shut off the phone and slipped it back in my pocket. Looking at my friend, I notice a smug smile. "What?"
"Just the look on your face."
"What about it?"
"Nothing. Reminds me of how I look at my girl. Good feeling."
"The best."
Picking up our empty trays, we carried them to the trash, emptied them out and wakes back to the grounds.

Staring at the phone, I felt better after talking to Shannon. He sounded better as well. Now to call Richard. It was later than normal, but my mind was on California time. After several rings, the phone was picked up and a woman's voice answered.
"Good evening. May I speak with Richard Starkey please?" I asked politely.
"Who's calling?"
Am excited scream came back. I almost dropped the phone.
"Oh Honey. It's so good to hear from you. It's Debbie. Do you remember?"
"Debbie? Wow! Hi. I didn't expect you to answer."
"No snooty maid for us. How are you?"
"Tired. Just got in and trying to get settled."
"Oh yes. You've come to help with the photo exhibit."
"Earlier than expected."
"So you're at the condo?"
"He asked me to call when I got in. I figured that I'd call before I had some dinner."
"You haven't eaten yet? Why don't you come here? We're just sitting down."
"Really? It's almost ten o'clock. For me it's only seven."
"We usually eat late."
"How about tomorrow. I'm just going to eat and try to get some sleep. I'm sure he'll want to go to the hall tomorrow."
"Most likely. Okay darling. I'll tell him you're here and we'll see you tomorrow."
"Great. See you then."
"Bye dear."
"Bye." Turned off the phone, set it on the table next to me and decided to go downstairs to explore the lobby.
I was hungry but not tired. Maybe a little look around would help. The walls had several pictures hanging, flowers scattered around and plush furniture to use while waiting for a car or just a leisurely sit around.
"May I help you with anything tonight Miss?" A girl's voice spoke behind me.
I turned to see a small woman, dark haired, dark eyed and dressed in black pants, a blue blazer and white shoes. One of the many staff members.
"Oh. No thank you. Just looking around. Getting myself used to everything. It's been so long." I shrugged.
"Do you need a car?"
"I'm not going anywhere tonight. I've got to adjust to the time change. Maybe in the morning but I don't know just yet."
"If I may ask, where are you visiting from?"
"LA. Helping a family friend with a project."
The look in her eyes when I told her 'LA' was instant excitement.
"That must be exciting. Being in California."
"It can be. I take it you'd like to go?"
"Love to. Not to be an actor but just to see the coast."
"You'll get there. If you want it that much."
"Hope so. I'll leave you to your night Miss."
"Lisa please. And you are?"
"Pleased to meet you Annie." I shook her hand.
She smiled, went back to whatever her job was, and I continued to look around.
Later as I lay in bed, trying to sleep, I thought of my phone call to my parents before I had dinner. Someone had sent up a meal I used to have at the restaurant; seasoned turkey with a savory stuffing and cranberries in a toasted bakery roll and spiced mustard. It was comforting. My mother had asked about the flight and the weather in New York. It was just a casual conversation. Obviously Daddy told her nothing that I'd told him.
I could t sleep. It was midnight but only nine o'clock in LA. I needed to hear his voice, to know he was just a call away. Reaching for my phone, I stared at the screen. He'd be at the fairgrounds still, listening to some band playing.

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