Chapter 30

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Once getting back to the house, I took my time in the bathroom, showering and shaving (leaving a little trim around my jaw and lips because Lisa liked it), picking out clothes (dark pants, a blue button down shirt and clean shoes) and taking my meds before going to the restaurant.
"Hey there. Who are you trying to impress?" Jared asked when I walked into the studio.
"Just trying to look neat." I stood by the door.
"You're a sexy man brother." He joked.
"Oh shut up." I laughed.
"Need a drive?"
"I'm gonna hop a taxi."
"You sure about that?"
"I can't be that unlucky. Lisa will drive me back."
"Give her the opportunity to take advantage of your sexy body."
"I'm leaving." I waved and turned away.
"Okay. Have fun." Jared laughed at his own sense of deranged humor.

"Why don't you go in? I'll wait for Shannon." I said as we got to the restaurant, and parked in a lot a block away.
"I can wait with you." Daddy responded.
"Daddy. I'm sure that he wouldn't want you first meet be him struggling to get out of a car. Go on. I'm sure he'll be right along."
"Okay Sweetie. Should I order some wine?"
"Only if you want some. I'm driving and he can't drink on the medication."
"Right. See you in a minute." He touched my arm before going inside.
Standing next to the door, I looked up and down the street, I figured that Jared would drive him. When a taxi stopped, I didn't pay much attention.
"You lookin' for someone?" Shannon's soft voice spoke in front of me.
My head swung around and I saw him getting out of the cab. He'd set his feet on the ground and pushed up from the backseat.
"Hey!" I walked over. "You took a taxi?"
"Can't let one incident bother me. He stepped onto the sidewalk.
I closed the door for him the stood beside him. He had trimmed his beard and mustache. His clothes were semi casual and he looked much better.
"You look great." His eyes glanced over me.
I had put on a flowing black dress, knee length with three quarter sleeves and roman style sandals.
"Why thank you. Might I say that you're looking very handsome? I may not want to share you." I reached up to move my fingers over his newly shaven jaw.
"At another time I'd say lets get out of here." He stepped closer, turned to face me and took my hands.
"I'm wishing that my father hadn't come." I moved so I was against his chest.
"I missed you today. Two weeks of being with you everyday made this a long day."
"Then I think we should kiss the long day over."
"Sounds good to me."
Carefully, I covered his mouth. Shannon took hold of my sides, pulled me close and kissed me deeply. I moaned loud. I waited all day to feel that.
"This may have to continue later." He said next to my lips.
"You make it hard to wait." I sighed.
"Come on. Your father's waiting."
We walked into the restaurant and were directed to the table, where my father was waiting. He was looking over a drink list as we walked up.
"Daddy." I spoke to get his attention.
He looked up, put the list on the table and stood up.
"This is Shannon." I introduced.
Extending a hand across the table, my father nodded. "Nice to meet you. I've heard good things."
Shannon placed his hand in the greeting palm. "Thank you sir."
I noticed a small grimace of pain as he shook hands. We sat at the table, facing each other.
"My thanks are in order to you. From what I've heard recently, you've been very protective of my daughter."
"I care for her very much. After I spotted her that night, I could never ignore what I'd seen." Shannon responded.
"We worry about her out here alone, her mother and I."
"I always had work to keep me busy." I interrupted.
"And now that you don't?"
"She'll be in New York for a while. That will keep her busy." Shannon answered.
"What about these attacks you get?"
I wasn't sure how to respond. Shannon reached for my hand and held it softly.
"Lisa can call me wherever I am, or she is. That's more important than playing a show or an interview that I might have. She knows that I'll always be here no matter what."
My father studied Shannon silently. I felt happy that they were meeting. Two important men in my life.
"Okay then. Order what you want. It's on me tonight." Daddy sat back and picked up the menu.
"That's not necessary." Shannon protested.
"I think that I can afford it. Surely by now you know that family situation."
"Daddy!" I scolded
"That is the most impressive part of meeting you sir. My brother and I are very conscious of environmental issues." Shannon jumped in.
"Even better. Now order your meal quickly. I'm hungry." My father demanded.
The rest of dinner went off great. We talked, laughed and had some great food.
Walking back to the car, Shannon held my hand as my father walked next to us. At the parking lot, we stood at the car , discussing what to do for the rest of the night.
"I'm still tired from the flight. Why don't you drive me back to your house and you can go enjoy the rest of the night." My father suggested.
"Are you sure?" I asked hoping he wasn't bowing out.
"I'm too old for clubbing in Los Angeles."
"I'm not sure that there'll be any clubbing happening."
"I'm not up to a lot of movement right now." Shannon added.
"Still. It's too early for you two. Go out for a walk, enjoy the night. Shannon, you get in front with Lisa. I'll just jump out." My father told us.
"I don't feel right. You shouldn't sit in the back."
"I'm the elder here, so you have to do what I tell you."
I laughed at my father's foolish reasoning. "Best not to argue. He pulls the same thing with my mother." I noticed Shannon's tired posture.
We got into the car, I drove to my house, where Daddy stepped out. "Shannon. It's been a pleasure. Maybe we can get together again before I go."
"That would be nice. Thank you for dinner. It was great talking to you." Shannon reached out to shake his hand.
"Have a good night and I'll see you in the morning Art Girl."
"Okay. I'll try to be quiet when I get home." I smiled at him.
"Good. Later kids."
I waited until he was in the house, a light on, before I backed out of the drive.
"What would you like to do?" I wondered.
"Wan to go look over the city?" He suggested, a mischievous look in his eye.
"Sounds good. I'll find us a nice spot. Thanks for coming tonight."
"It was good. I'm glad that I met your father. He's a good person."
"So are you."
"Drive on."

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