Chapter 13

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After a nice, long, relaxing night, I woke up still feeling Shannon's arms around me. My face and side still hurt, I'd have to tell him what happened when he saw the bruise. I moved closer to his chest, to feel his warmth. Shannon must have been aware, if not awake. His right hand began to move down my leg and up my side, gently touching my skin until it tingled.
"It's late. You're gonna be late for work." He spoke, half awake.
"Not until noon. It's a short day." I responded.
"We'll do we have time for a good morning?" His fingers began to remove my panties.
"Always is when you're home." I moved my leg forward and let Shannon guide himself to me,
He placed little kisses on my shoulders, moved his hips against me. It felt so good to have this time. We moaned in unison. Shannon took his time, filling me with long, slow strokes. His hand was against my lower abdomen, pulling me to him. Then his arms. Loved around my waist, holding me tight to his chest. I threw my head back against his shoulder, my mouth open to get more air into my lungs. Whether it was the sex or the tight hold on my waist, my side began to throb and I felt like I couldn't get any air.
"Shannon..." I struggled.
"I love you." He whispered.
"Shannon. I can't..." I gripped his hand.
He stopped moving. "What's wrong? You sound like you're in pain."
"I can't breath." Moving away, I sat up and then went into the bathroom.
"What is it? What's wrong?" Shannon followed me as I leaned against the sink.
"Just give me a minute." I tried to slow things down.
A hand rubbed my back gently, letting me know he was there. After several moments, my breathing got back to normal but I still hurt.
"Lisa. What's going on?" Shannon stood behind me.
"There's something I have to tell you." I was nervous.
"Babe. You're scaring me just a little bit."
"It started out as a good day. After I left yesterday, Tomo showed up and I took him around the gallery. We were talking and I got a call that someone was causing a disturbance. One of the artists were upset that we hadn't sold his painting yet and was going to remove it from the gallery."
"Tell me that security was there."
"I figured that I could talk to him. I reached out to touch his arm...It happened so fast."
"What happened?"
Standing up, I glanced into the mirror and saw the streak of purple and blue across my cheek, under my right eye. Shannon turned me around, looked at my face and swore.
"It wasn't intentional." I added.
"Was this who I think it was? What else happened?" He touched me carefully.
"It knocked me down."
"Where was the guard?"
"I don't know. Tomo helped me stand up. I talked him out of taking the painting and Tomo told him to back off."
"But why didn't he call?"
"I asked him not to. I had control of myself."
"What about the breathing?"
"I don't know. It began to hurt really bad."
"Turn a little more. Let me look."
I did what he asked, tried not to look for myself but couldn't bend without pain.
"Oh shit! You're all bruised up on this side too. Did you hit something?"
"I didn't think that I did. I'll have to check the cameras."
"This was that fuck-head Jonathan wasn't it?"
"I'm going to call Mr. Ward and take the day off."
"I would think so. Christ, I'm going to beat that little fucker."
"He's not a bad person, just a little messed up."
"Messed up?! He's addicted to crack! He's unpredictable!"
"Just give me a minute okay?"
I went into the bedroom, slipped my panties back on, sat on the bed and called Mr. Ward. He agreed that I take it easy for the day. He also told me that I had landed on a stone sculpture quite hard. That explained my side bruise. I thanked him and hung up. Shannon put on his underwear and came to sit next to me. He placed his arm across my shoulders as I leaned into him, hand on his shoulder.
"Don't be angry." I said quietly.
"It's hard not to be. I don't understand why you deal with him." He rubbed my side softly.
"He's brilliant."
"Let's go walking today."
"Where to?"
"How about Venice Beach?"
"I'll find a good outfit and a big hat."
"I'll keep you close."
"Good. Boy this has been a tiring weekend."
"You don't have to work. Shall we go back to bed?"
"I'd like nothing more. Maybe we can try again."
"Maybe. Come on."
We climbed back under the blankets and lay there talking. After dinner, we went to the pier in Santa Monica instead of Venice. I dressed in a fitted Tshirt and light skirt. Shannon wore a tank top and jeans. We walked down the pier, checking out some shops. I bought a couple of tie dye shirt. Shannon played a couple of games, shooting targets. We went onto the beach, bought a blanket and lay in the sun.
"The warmth feels so good." I sighed.
"Too bad you couldn't wear a bathing suit." He said laying next to me on his side.
"May take a little while." I looked at him through my sunglasses. "I think that we should go out tonight."
"Go out?" He asked. I caught him off guard.
"Sure. You've been home for three days and just hanging at the house. We can go out."
"But you don't like crowds."
"I do like dancing with you. And I think that there's a new club you may like."
"Let's see how the day goes first."
"You mean after a day in the hot sun, laying in the sand under the pier?"
"I think I like where this is going."
"I was wondering if you could make it a little hotter?"
"Baby. I'll set you on fire."
He reached up and placed his fingers on my cheek with a soft touch. I took off his sunglasses, and mine, to look into his deep, dark eyes. Moving closer, Shannon rested his body on my left side, covered my mouth with his. Each kiss was deep, demanding a response. My tongue grazed his lips as I placed an arm at his back and a hand on his hip. His right hand moved down my leg, pulled it up to bending and moved in between. The kisses roamed to my neck, behind my ear and back up. My hand at his hip, slipped under Shannon's shirt. I wanted to feel as his chest rose and fell with each breath. Fingers began to stroke the thin silk covering between my legs. His mouth still over mine as small noises escaped my throat.
"So. How's the temperature?" He was next to my ear.
"Right at the boiling point. You certainly know where to put your hands." I pulled him closer.
"That's why I'm a drummer. I've got perfect rhythm."
I laughed quietly.
"Are you okay? Should I stop?"
"Don't you dare. You're just the perfect amount of pressure."
A few more moments of that perfection and I was over the edge. A long, satisfying sigh and my body was a mass of tingling electricity.
"You are such a naughty man." I kissed him softly. "Too bad we're not home."
"That can be for tonight." He touched my bruised cheek again.
"What do we do now?"
"Wanna walk down and get a bite to eat?"
"I think that I could eat something. You work up my appetite."
"Easy there. You have to be careful how you say that."
"Shannon. I hope that you know how much I love you."
"I do. All I want you to be is happy."
"I am very happy. And it's not just the sex. I could sit with you in silence and I would feel just as happy."
"It's so hard to be away sometime. Not to see you, hear you. The shows are the only distraction."
"Oh I'm sure that there are other distractions."
"I don't sleep with any girls on tour."
"That's not what I meant. I'm sure that some of them could be distracting."
"If I was twenty years old maybe. If I mess up, I lose you. I don't want to do that."
"So tonight, we go out and have a night of fun doing something you like, I do have to find out the name of that club though."
Shannon laughed a little.
"What?" I smiled.
"You at a club. I can't wait."
"I may surprise you."
"Come on. We'll eat and go home, then find a nice set of clothes for you."
"You're going to pick out my clothes?"
"It can get hot."
"Mmmm. I like hot."
"Stop that."
I laughed at him. "Help me up and we'll go."
He kissed me once more, stood up, helped me stand (carefully so my side didn't hurt), and grabbed the blanket. Walking back up to the pier, we ate at a small restaurant looking out the ocean. A couple of teenagers recognized him and asked for autographs. He signed a napkin for them and they left us to eat. Shannon drove us home-we'd taken my car-as I rested next to him.
"Are you sure that you want to go out tonight?"
"Yes I do. If you keep going to bed early, you're going to get lazy."
"You've met my brother. There's no laziness."
"True. I should call Joanie. She'll know the name of the club."
"That's for sure. Does she still go to school?"
"She does." I took out my cell phone. "She'll be shocked that I'm calling for that reason."
The phone rang twice. "Hey. Hey. What are you calling me for?" Joanie answered.
"Got a question for you?"
"Hit me baby."
"Are you in class?"
"No. Is that the question?"
"No. What's that club you wanted to go to Friday night?"
"Oh yeah! Current. That is a great place. So fun. What?"
"I'm making Shannon go out. He's so boring?" I kidded.
"Ha!" He laughed loud.
"You're going to Current? You know that the play house music right?" Joanie asked curiously.
"I know. I'll do anything to make him happy."
"Oh. I've got to see this."
"Don't be crazy."
"I never get to see you dancing. I'm not going to miss it. See you tonight."
"Great." I hung up.
"She'll be there?" Shannon questioned.
"I guess so."
I showered after he did, he wanted to pick my clothes, while I was cleaning up. As he waited in the living room, I dressed, put on my makeup and did my hair. He was probably talking with Jared about something, seeing as they hadn't been in touch all day. I was impressed a the clothes he chose and wonder if it was for him or going out. After I check in the mirror, I walked out of the bedroom.
"Oh yeah baby." Shannon smiled wide as he sat on the sofa.
He'd picked a short, black leather shirt, a low cut electric blue sleeveless shirt and black heels. "You like this?"
"More than I expected to." He stood up, walked over and slipped his arms around my waist. "Maybe we should just stay home and I can take this of of you."
"You can take it off later tonight." I placed my hands on his shoulders.
"This is new." He traced my gold necklace with a dragon and crystal at the end.
"It is."
"Are you ready to go? Cause I should call a taxi."
"Already done. I'll get our jackets."
"Thank you." I watched a she walked to the hall closet.
Again he wore black leather pants, a black tank and sneakers. The man was my own sex God. He brought my purse and soft leather jacket, with his own. We left the house as the taxi pulled up, set the alarm and got comfortable in the back. Shannon gave the driver the address.
"You're going to be of no use at work tomorrow." He held my hand.
"That's fine. Mr. Ward messaged me earlier. He's taking care of things for the rest of the week. Unless I feel better, the. I can go in. Medical leave for my injury."
"That's why you suggested this."
"No. He messaged me after."
A short ride brought us to the front of a building, where lights flashed, a line went around the back and music played extremely loud.
"Wow. This is a popular place." I observed.
"Yeah. Look at the line." Shannon added.
"Lisa!" I heard a shout.
Joanie was running at us as we exited the taxi. "You're really hear." She hugged me.
"How will we get in? The line is huge?" I asked.
"No sweat. Hugo knows me."
"Hugo? The bouncers name is Hugo?" Shannon kidded.
"Joanie this is Shannon." I introduced formally.
"Nice to finally meet you." She smiled.
"You too. Thanks for keeping Lisa busy when I'm gone." Shannon nodded.
"Busy? It's a struggle to get her to do anything but work. Hey there's the DJ tonight."
We looked over to see a man walking to the door.
"Hey that's Becks. Antoine!" Shannon yelled and went over.
I watched them greet each other with a smile and hug. Motioning back, Shannon brought him over.
"So good to see you. Antoine, this is Lisa and her friend Joanie."
The blond man reached out a hand. "Ah. Your lady friend." He was French. "Pleasure to meet you. Shannon has spoken about you at length."
"I met Antoine in Europe. He's a great DJ."
"You are my guests. Please come in."
"Thank you very much." I smiled.
Joanie was boiling with excitement. Shannon held my hand close as we followed. Inside was dark and loud, lots of flashing lights and people crowded in every corner. The sunglasses I wore to cover the bruise, cut the glare a little. We walked through to a VIP area that was a little quieter. Antoine had drinks brought over.
"Are you okay?" Shannon asked.
"I'm fine. I'll adjust." I nodded.
"So Lisa. Do you enjoy house music?" Antoine asked in his accent.
"I have never heard it Monsieur."
"You are with Shannon and you don't hear this music?"
"Tonight will be my first."
"It will be my pleasure to introduce you. Excuse moi pour une seconde." He left the table.
"Hey Lisa. What's with the glasses? Little tired are we?" Joanie leaned in to ask in my ear.
"Just a little concealment." I said.
"What?" She was puzzled.
I turned, lifted the frames and showed her the bruise.
"Shit. What happened?"
"Problem at the gallery. Don't make a fuss. Shannon's already upset about it."
A little more talking, more sips of alcohol and relaxing. The music played and people danced.
"Are you going to dance with me before Antoine starts?" Shannon asked.
"I should because I'll probably lose you after." I replied
"Good. Come on."
He lead me out to the other room. Joanie had already gone to find a partner. Finding a place, Shannon held my hands as we found a rhythm and began moving to the music. The song was a common sound, repetitive and full of drumbeats. He turned me around, slipped his arms around my waist (his hips pressed to mine) and we moved together. I felt his breath on my neck and placed my hands on his thighs. This I could enjoy with more privacy.
We stayed on the dance floor for a half hour, moving and jumping around to the hard beats. It was so warm in the building, the hit bodies creating condensation on the mirrors. I slipped my hands under Shannon's shirt, touching his wet, warm chest. He looked at me with half open eyes, feeling my fingers on his skin, then dipped his head to,place his lips on my moist neck. The music stopped, leaving a silence interrupted by groans of disappointment. An announcement that Antoine would be starting his show shortly echoed through the room.
"I think that I need a drink." Shannon moved his hand up my back.
"Yeah." I agreed.
Walking back to the table, a man stopped in front of us. "Hey dude. Got a light?"
"Let me check on that." I turned to face Shannon and reached into his tight pocket.
The expression in his eyes told me I'd found something besides his lighter.
"Sorry my friend." I apologized.
"No problem." He walked away.
"That's very adventurous of you." Shannon got close to my mouth.
"I found what I liked." I smiled.

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