Chapter 10

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"What the fuck?" I heard Shannon moan sleepily.
A cell phone was ringing. I reached over to the side table, looked at my screen. It was blank. "Must be yours."
"If that's Jared, I may have to hurt him. What time is it?"
"Seven thirty."
"Yep. I have to hurt him." He pressed the button."It's too early....I understand...So you've been up all night....Jared, Jared slow down. I just woke up."
As Shannon listened to his brother talk, I faced him and began to place short kisses all over his chest and stomach. Try as I might, to distract him, the conversation kept going. I moved the blankets down, sat across his abs and looked at his face. Knowing what I was about to do, his eyes filled with passion and desire.
"Jared, listen can we discuss this later? I'm just...."
I slipped myself onto him and let him go deep inside. His head pushed back into the pillows, eyes closed
"Oh shit." He groaned.
"Shannon? Shannon what's going on?" I heard the voice from the cell phone.
I reached to take it from his hand. "Good morning Jared."
"Oh. Lisa? Hi. Sorry to call so early but i..." He began.
"I understand that you're an artist and you want to share whatever you've thought of with you brother. If you want to, come over at lunch. I'll make you both a great meal and you can talk about this. Right now, he's all mine and I'm not through with him. Send you the address later. Goodbye Jared." I said watching Shannon hold my legs and undulate beneath me.
"Got it. Goodbye." He replied.
I hung up, threw the phone on the bed and moves against him.
After a shower and breakfast, we drove to the market so I could pick up a few things for lunch. It would be a healthy meal, being that his brother was vegan. I picked up some fruits and vegetable, some grains and rice noodles, finishing with a soy protein to give the dish some body. Buying coffee at Starbucks, we went back to the house, where I sent Shannon to relax, listen to some music or watch television while I went through the shopping bags. I enjoyed cooking. Never doing it for myself, I was glad to cook for them. I always made too much. I rolled out a phyllo dough on a cooking sheet, covered it with fresh peaches and stuck it in the oven. I'd top it with the grains and a soy ice cream later. The vegetable I cut and sautéed in a pan with sesame oil, tossed in the protein at the last second and let it simmer. I made fresh lemonade with distilled water and raw sugar, set it in the fridge and went to pull out some dishes.
I looked at the clock over the microwave: twelve thirty. The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Shannon called out.
"Thank you. I've got to clean up." I replied.
Going to the bedroom, I changed quickly into shorts and a white, peasant style blouse (loose and flowing), stayed barefoot and went to greet company. Surprisingly, Tomo was also there.
"Hey! Nice to see you again." I smiled and hugged him.
"Sorry to not be invited but the dictator called me too." Tomo shrugged.
"It's no problem. Lots for everyone."
"Smells good." Jared observed.
"Yeah well. You call again that early and see what the next response is." I warned.
Shannon laughed.
"Come on in. Throw your jackets anywhere. Lunch is ready so I hope you're hungry."
"Do I smell peaches!" Tomo asked walking toward the kitchen.
"Just a quick dessert that I discovered. No planning or measuring."
"Come on guys. We can discuss whatever Jared thought of after." Shannon slipped an arm around my shoulders.
"But what about.." Jared questioned.
"Look. I've been smelling this food for over an hour. If I don't eat it soon, I'll scream. You'll enjoy it, trust me."
He pulled me toward the kitchen.
They sat around the counter. I placed the large pan in front of them. "Help yourselves." I set a large spoon in the pan.
"Are you joining us?" Tomo wondered.
"Don't worry about it. I've put some aside. I don't get between men and food." I laughed.
Shannon and Tomo shoveled huge spoonfuls onto their plates. Jared looked apprehensive.
"I promise you. I bought everything fresh. There are no animal product in it. Shannon told me." I explained.
"Oh my god. This is fantastic!" Tomo exclaimed after tasting some.
Reaching over, Jared took the spoon, scooped some onto his plate and picked up his fork. Slowly, he took a mouthful and tasted. As the flavour hit hit, he closed his eyes.
"Told you she could cook for you." Shannon nudged him.
"Lisa this is amazing. What's in it?" Jared began eating quickly.
"All fresh vegetables and herbs from the market. I mixed in a spiced soy protein for more substance. Oh I almost forgot." I went to the fridge. "Here have something to drink."
"Just made it. No refined sugar." I passed them all glasses.
"Thanks Babe." Shannon touched my fingers softly.
"I'm sorry about this morning. I tend to get overexcited." Jared apologized.
"It's okay. You haven't rested your mind yet. You guys have been traveling for so long, you forget what home's like." I shrugged.
"And besides. When you're on tour, you can do things and control things and Shannon can be there for you. You're brothers you should be together." I walked over and wrapped my arms around Shannon's chest, pulled him back to rest against me. "Right now, he's all mine and I choose to do anything and everything he'll let me do." I was suggestive.
Shannon turned his head and kissed my lips. "Whatever you want."
Tomo chuckled.
"Do you have a sister?" Jared asked.
"I do. And she's happily married in North Dakota." I answered.
"Damn. Why couldn't I have met you first."
"Sorry Jar. I just got lucky." Shannon reached down to touch my leg.
"Why don't I have that luck?"
"And he lets me wear his jacket." I joked heading to the oven.
"I gotta get a motorcycle." Jared went back to eating.
"Please don't. You nearly wrecked Shannon's when you tried to ride it." Tomo objected.
"Okay. Maybe not."
"Finish up, so I don't burn dessert." I ordered taking out the pan of baked peaches.
I sprinkled the homemade granola over top and, when it was ready, I scooped it over the vanilla ice cream. Tomo insisted on helping me clean up after everything was gone. I told him that it wasn't necessary but he loaded the dishwasher as I wiped the stove and counter.

After the meal was finished, and cleaned up, me, Tomo and Jared sat around the living room. Lisa went to check some things on the computer.
"She's all you said she was." Tomo sat back in a chair, tired from eating so much.
"I agree. You are one lucky fucker my brother."Jared lay back on the sofa cushions.
"It just feels complete you know? Ever since I met her, I don't know what my life was like before." I looked across the room to where she sat.
"I'm happy for you man." Tomo nodded.
"I think that I need a nap. I'm too tired to think about what I wanted to tell you." Jared yawned.
"Nothing like good food to make you relaxed." Lisa didn't look away from the screen.
"I think that was her plan all along." I set my head back.
"What?" Jared closed his eyes.
"Rest and relax." Tomo was headed for sleep.
The last thing I focused on, before my eyes closed as well, was Lisa watching. She smiled and mouthed 'I Love You'. I drifted off to a welcomed sleep.

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