Chapter 21

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"All ready?" Shannon asked when he returned.
"Do you think that my childhood was too good?" I sighed.
"Why?" He stood in front of me and smoothed out my hair.
"Is that why it happened? I was too happy and content."
"I really don't know. But if I hadn't met you that night, I may not be as happy as I am when I'm with you. Let me take you home and we can share some of that."
"You're the best thing to happen to me. I'm grateful for that"
Shannon leaned in, pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. We walked back through the gallery, trying to avoid crowded areas. I did see Tomo, Vicki and Jared to say goodnight. At the front door, we just stepped outside as Mr. Ward approached.
"Lisa. Wait for a moment." He spoke quickly.
"I think everything that needs to be said was said earlier." Shannon responded, holding my hand next to his chest.
"Look, I really am sorry about how this turned out."
"If you were truly sorry, all of the work that I did, for tonight, would have been acknowledged. I can handle not getting the credit for the show, but I spent a lot of time on this. It was nice to see." I took one last look back at the small building.
"Let's go. You don't need to give him an explanation." Shannon led me down the stairs and waved down a taxi.
The ride home was quiet. Shannon rubbed my hand with his finger as I lay my head on his shoulder. Hanging up our jackets, I walked into the living room, turned on the radio and let the music fill the room.
"Do you want to go to bed?" Shannon was beside me.
"I want to be angry." I shook my head.
"Then get angry."
"I can't. I want to hit something, throw things around, scream and yell but I can't."
"Why not?"
"It's not what I was brought up to do. Ever since that night I've wanted to have someone feel the way I have. Work took my mind off of it. You made those feelings go away."
"And now?"
"My work is gone. I don't know what I'm going to do now."
"I'm here."
"But you'll be going back on tour soon."
"So use me now. Get angry."
"I couldn't do that."
"Why not? You want to get rid of all you angry? Give it to me. Yell at me, hit me."
I was shocked that he made the offer. "I'm not going to do that." I walked away, toward the back door.
"Don't run away! You can't keep doing that!"
"Shannon stop it. Please." I begged, feeling tears begin.
"No I won't! You've got to get it out. The therapy didn't work or you wouldn't still be having the episodes." He reasoned.
"It's not fair. None of it." I shook my head.
"Then do something about it." He was behind me. "You can fight to save animals or the environment. Start fighting for yourself."
Turning around, I saw that he had taken off his shirt and jacket. He was looking at me with an intensity that seemed to be burning.
"I didn't deserve to get fired." I said.
"What else?"
"He had no right in doing what he did."
"Jonathan. Mr. Ward. That guard at the concert."
"You're right."
My hand curled into fists tightly. Lifting them to my shoulders, I felt a hesitation. Shannon's chest was raising and falling with deep breaths. I set my fists on his chest.
"It's okay. Do it." He encouraged.
"I was just walking home. I didn't do anything. He never should have done it." I hit his chest softly.
"What? Never should have done what?"
"He grabbed me and pulled me into that alley." I hit him a little harder. "He ripped my clothes, slapped me, pushed me against the wall. I didn't deserve any of it!" With each word, I hit Shannon harder.
He stood and let me get my anger out.
"It was violent, forced. I never asked!"
"He....He raped you? You've never actually said it." Shannon grunted as my hand found his neck.
It all came out, the anger, the sadness. All of who I was anger with as aimed at Shannon. Over and over he was hit and slapped. I lost track of how long it went on. Finally exhausted, I was caught in his arms, buried my face in his shoulder crying hard. Holding me close, he moved a hand over my back with a comforting touch.
"That's all you needed. Let it all out." He spoke by my ear.
My hand went to his back, digging my fingers into his muscles. My breathing came out in short gasps from crying. Moving my head back, I looked at Shannon's eyes. He looked at me with concern and wiped my tears with gentle fingers.
"I'm going to be all red-eyed and puffy later." I took a deep breath.
"I'll get you a cold cloth. You want something to drink?" He touched my cheek.
"That would be nice."
"Why don't you go into the bedroom and I'll bring you a glass?"
"You're to good to me"
"Not good enough. Go on." He kissed me.
I walked toward the bedroom, slipped out of the dress then sat on the bed.
"Do you feel better?" Shannon walked to the bed and handed me a cold glass of water.
"I feel tired. Anger wears me out." I sipped the water so I wouldn't get a headache.
Laying next to me, head resting on his hand, he placed the other on my leg.
"You've had it build up for so long. I'd be surprised if you weren't tired."
"Are you okay? I must have really hit you."
"Yeah but it was for a goods cause. You can always make it up to me."
"I can?" Taking another drink, I leaned back to set the glass on the side table. "I would do anything you wish."
"I can think of a couple of things." He smiled, dark eyes mischievously twinkling.
"I hope that you're not too tired." I smiled back.
"We can get tired out together." He nodded. "Actually, how about you let me hold you until we both fall asleep? We can start the new day tomorrow."
"And you call me a poet." I placed my right hand on his chest, where I'd hit him and left a red mark. "You're amazing to me."
"Stop. You'll make me blush." He lay back on the pillows and reached out. "Come on darling. Let me comfort you all night."
I curled into his body, my head on his chest, my right hand across his stomach, my left between us.
"Want to go see an arctic exhibit?" I wondered.
"Will it be cold?" He laughed."
I joined him. "You may melt the sculptures."
"Let's talk in the morning."
I closed my eyes, I let myself go.

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