Chapter 23

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Opening my eyes, I stretched, looked at the clock and woke up from a satisfying sleep. I knew that I was alone in the house, from the lack of noise. I figured that Shannon went to work with Jared, so I decided to wash, dress and go to the gym. Without work, I had to do something. Gathering my gym bag of sneakers, a towel and a change of clothes, I grabbed my cars keys, opened the door and was met by a camera flash in my face.
"What the hell?" I questioned.
Three photographers were outside my house.
"Any comment on the showing last night?" One shouted.
"I'm sorry. Why are you here?" I asked my eyes blinking from the sudden shock.
"You were fired and then went to the gallery. Any comment?"
"I'm not sure how you found that out but I don't have time right now. Leave a card in the mail box and, if I have a statement, I'll call you."
The photographers kept snapping pictures as I walked to my car. Throwing my bag in the back, I sat behind the wheel as my phone rang. Looking at the number, I smiled.
"Well hello." I answered flirty.
"Lisa?" It was Jared's voice.
"Oh Jared. Sorry. I saw Shannon's number."
"Yeah. It was the only way I could get you." His voice sounded off.
"Jared. What's wrong?" It almost sounded like he was crying. "Where are you?"
"University hospital."
"I'm coming."
Starting the car, I threw it into gear and took off in the direction of the hospital. It must have been my day because I hit all the green lights and no police cars to pull me over for speeding. I pulled into the parking lot fifteen minutes later, found a spot then ran to the main doors. Jared must have left my name at the desk. When I asked for information, the clerk sent me to the proper floor. The elevator couldn't have been any slower as I watched the numbers light up. Finally arriving, I shot through the doors, down the hall and saw Jared sitting in a row of seat by the reception desk.
He looked over quickly. His eyes were red, his expression scared. Standing up as I got to him, he wrapped his arms around me and held on tight.
"What happened?" I held him in a comforting embrace.
"When he called, he sounded so hurt. He should've called an ambulance." He started to cry.
"I'm sure he called you knowing that you'd be there first. Tell me what you can."
Stepping back, he gazed at the flor. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and made him look at me.
"Tell me." I repeated.
"He said that it was the guys from the club. They beat him and left him there." He explained in gasping sobs.
I could feel myself getting angry. "Left him where?"
"Behind the market off of Sunset."
"In the alley? Son-of-a-bitch just like the club. Have you heard anything?"
He shook his head. "They took him for X-rays and to assess his injuries."
"Okay. Jared listen to me. We have to be strong for him. He's going to need us through this."
"He's always thought of everyone else, now we think of his recovery."
Taking a deep breath, he straightened his posture and wiped off his face. "Okay. He was just so helpless."
"I know. Have the police been here yet?"
"The hospital has to report the assault."
"But we don't have any names."
"I'll take care of that. Have you called your mother?"
"She's coming from San Bernadino."
"Good. Stay here in case he wakes up. He'll need to see someone."
"You're leaving?"
"Not for long. I'm going for answers."
I turned away, walked back to the elevators and to my car. Once again, I drove faster than I should have. I was on a mission and even a speeding ticket wouldn't prevent me from getting what I wanted. Pulling up to the two story beach house, I went to the front door, knocked with determination and waited as my anger boiled. I heard footsteps get closer. The door opened and Jonathan saw me, and wasn't sure how to react.
"What are you doing here?"
"I have a problem and you're going to help me with it." I told him sternly.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because, as much as I enjoy your work, I will bury you."
"Like you could."
I reached into my bag, pulled out my wallet, selected a card and handed it to him. He read it carefully.
"Did you ever wonder how I got you so much publicity? That card is very exclusive and all it takes is one phone call."
"You in the Art Association?" He was surprised.
"Very close with the board. It is my life. You help me and I will never make that call. I would not want to."
"What do you need?"
"Your friends. The ones that were at the club. Where can I find them?"
"What for?" He gave the card back.
"They hurt someone that I deeply care for. They can't get away with that."
"But, I..."
"Please Jonathan. I do believe in your work. People should see it."
"This was the guy at the gallery? The one that went off to find you?"
"It is."
"You always stopped to discuss my work."
"I saw it everyday."
He was struggling with the decision.
"Are these real friends or ones who hang around for what you can do for them? I don't care that you take drugs, even though I don't agree with that choice. Do what you know is right."
He went back into the house, came back five minutes later and handed me a piece of paper, with names and addresses on it.
"Thank you. I hope that you continue to be successful and I look forward to seeing you future pieces."
He nodded and I walked away.

I knew that I was in the hospital and in a recovery room hooked up to monitors. It seemed that every part of my body hurt as I became aware of my surroundings. Opening my eyes briefly, I saw two figures next to me.
"Jar.." It hurt to talk.
"Hey. Yeah right here Brother." He grabbed my hand carefully.
"Don't try to talk. You need to rest, my darling boy."
"Yes baby. I'm here." She touched my cheek softly.
"It hurts."
"I know baby. Just rest now. The doctors will explain it all later."
"Did you call..."
"Yeah. We thought you'd be out longer so she had an errand to run. She'll be back soon. He back to sleep. We'll be here when you wake up." Jared interrupted.
"Okay." I let myself go back to sleep.

Mom and I stood next to the bed, watching him and listening to his labored breathing. After a half hour, I left the room to get us some drinks and give Mom a chance to watch over him. As Lisa said, the hospital called the police and two officers had arrived to take a report from the doctor. When I walked over, the doctor introduced me to the officers and they asked what I knew, which wasn't much, besides the location where it happened. Just the thought of what happened to my big brother made me want to cry again. He was always the strong one. I hated that he was in this situation.

Parking again, I rushed inside, holding the piece of paper as if it were precious. First thing I saw was Jared taking with two officers and a doctor. Going closer, I knew that the officers were asking about what happened to Shannon. Jared stood with his arms around himself and a slight bow to his head. He was still so upset.
"Jared." I spoke quietly.
He turned around quickly, grabbed onto me again and held me tight. I held him as I did before.
"I'm glad you're back." He sighed.
"Sorry it took so long."
"He woke up for a minute."
I stepped back. "We're you there?"
"Mom and I were. He's drowsy and tired. Went back to sleep. Mom's still in the room with him." He wiped a tear away.
"Jared. Look at me. He's going to be alright. We'll make sure that he does what the doctor says."
"Easier said than done."
"I'll tie him down if I have to." I smiled.
"He'd like that." He chuckled.
"Excuse me. We have a few more questions." One of the officers said
Jared turned back. "Actually, I've told you what I know. My brother wasn't in much shape to tell me anything else."
"Did you tell them what Shannon said about who did this?" I asked
"Mr. Leto stated that the individuals had attempted the beatings earlier."
"We'd been at a club, Current, in the downtown, when we stepped outside. We were approached by three men, two of them had tried to attack us but Shannon fought them off."
"So you know who these men were?" The officer questioned.
"At the time, no. But I knew that I could find other who they were. Shannon had left me house this morning." I handed over the paper. "Those are the names and addresses of the men."
"How did you get this?
"The third man from the club. He did the right thing."
"Okay. We'll look into this and contact you if we need to."
"Of course. Thank you officers." Jared nodded as they walked away. "How did you find their names?"
"I gave Jonathan a choice. Give up the names or I make a call that took away his credentials." I shrugged. "I showed him my Art Association card."
"The LA Art Association? That's big."
"I've been involved with them since I moved here. I made him think that I was on the board of trustees. But I'd do know them all."
Jared laughed. "Priceless."
"So what did the doctor say?"
"Shannon's bruised and a few open wounds but no broken bones. Once he feels up to it, he can come home."
"Thank god."
"Jared?" A woman's voice spoke next to us.
"Hey. Is he awake?" Jared focused on her.
"Still asleep." The woman had long, dark hair, soft facial features and the same eyes as Jared.
"Mom. This is Lisa." He took her hand as I was introduced to his mother.
I wasn't sure what to do. It was not the way I would liked to have met her. To my surprise, she came over, arms out and hugged me close. I relaxed in the embrace.
"So nice to meet you. He has told me so much." She had a soothing voice.
"I wish it was under better circumstances." I replied.
Stepping back, she held my hands and looked at me. "Both of my sons are hard to get through to. You have done something I never thought possible and been understanding of his passion for music."
"I have a deep passion for art that take my concentration away from everyday life as well. Shannon has also helped me with a lot of situations. I would be a different person if not for your so ."
"He's told me. Go on in. He'll want to see you when he wakes up."
"Thank you Ms. Leto."
"Connie please. I'm just a hippie chick from Louisiana." She kidded.
"And I guess that I'm a poor little rich girl from North Dakota." I shrugged.
"Come on Mom. I'll buy you some lunch." Jared suggested.
"My boys."
"They love their mother." I smiled.
They walked down the hall and I turned toward Shannon's room. Standing at the door, I looked at him laying still, monitor pads on his chest and forehead. Stepping closer, I saw the bruises, the bandages on his jaw and side. I wanted to cry because he looked like he was in so much pain, but had to keep it in and be strong for him. I reached out to place my fingers along his bruised jaw carefully.

Found My Fate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora