Chapter 24

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A soft caress brought me from sleep again. Keeping my eyes closed, I took in the feel of the fingers moving over my face and chest. Taking a deep breath, I felt a little pain in my sides and moaned.
"Just take your time. Try to stay relaxed." Lisa was next to me.
"You're here." I opened my eyes slightly.
"Of course. Where else would I be? I'm so sorry that this happened. You should have taken my car." She rubbed my arm.
"I fell asleep in the cab."
"That's why you couldn't fight back?
"Well don't worry. I got their names and addresses. The police have them and can go arrest them. You'll probably have to give a statement when you can."
"Are you staying?"
"I'm not going anywhere. Sleep if you have to. I'll be right here when you wake up."
"I love you."
A set of lips covered mine. "I love you. My gallant hero."
I drifted off again, my hand held in a careful embrace.

I quickly drove home, got some clean clothes for Shannon as Lisa and Mom kept vigil over him. Three hours after, almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Shannon woke up and the doctors told him that he could go home. While Lisa and Mom waited, I helped him dress.
"I'd enjoy this more if Lisa was in here helping me." Shannon struggled with his jeans.
"We're trying to get you dressed to leave, not create an incident." I reasoned. "Besides, with Mom here, Lisa thoughts that it wasn't appropriate."
"I suppose so." He reached for his sneakers and whinced from the pain at his ribs.
"Just a minute. I'll help you." I grabbed the sneakers and loosened the laces.
"Shit. I can't even dress myself."
"Once you get home, you can get back to bed and you don't need to be dressed."
Tying the laces up loose, the shirt and jacket came next. The we waited for the orderly to come with a wheelchair.
"Is it clear to come in?" Lisa opened the door.
"Yeah. Come on in." Shannon answered.
As the two important women in his life walked in, Shannon seemed to feel a relief that he looked worse than he was.
"Are you ready to get out of here?" Mom asked him.
"Definitely." He nodded.
"I'm going to drive my car to your house. It'll give you more room to get comfortable in Jared's." Lisa explained.
Reaching over, Shannon waited for her hand. Lisa slipped hers into it and stepped closer and kisses him carefully. It was a show of true love and I was happy for my big brother.
"Are you coming with us Mom?" I asked.
"Just to make sure your brother's settled in. I'm sure that Lisa can take care of things." She smiled.
"I'd never step over boundaries. Mother's always come before everything. At least that what mine tells me." Lisa kidded.
"Believe me, I have better things to do than look after my adult son, who gets into trouble." She joked.
I laughed knowing that Shannon always worried her.
"Mom if you want to come to the house, you can." Shannon told her.
"I know Baby Boy. I'd tell you never to worry me again but I'd be wasting my time." She walked over and touched his cheek. "I feel good that Lisa will take care of you in my absence. And I have to get back to San Bernidino. I was having fun before you made me come up here." She slapped him playfully.
"Ow. Mom." Shannon moaned.
"Sorry but don't do that again."
"I'll try."
The orderly came in, helped Shannon get settled, took him to the front door where here climbed into the backseat and stretched out.

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