Chapter 37

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In the morning, after very little sleep breakfast and more coffee than I should have had, I wondered what I should do. I knew that my ideas were good. I didn't know how to get by the feelings of doubt. When there was a knock at the door, I was surprised. Who would be out this early. Getting to the door, I unlocked it and opened it cautiously. It was a bigger surprise to see the tall, beard and moustached man in a flannel shirt and jeans.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
"Good morning. Sorry for calling so early." He apologized. "Are you Lisa?"
"Uh.. I'm not sure right now."
He smiled at my reaction. "May I come in?"
"Yes. Please." I stepped back to let him inside. "Can I get you some coffee?"
"That would nice."
I went back to the kitchen, as he followed. My hands shook as I poured coffee into a mug. I never dreamed that I would ever meet Terry Richardson, a man that has taken pictures seen in magazines, books and art galleries. His style was very provocative and voyeuristic but I loved to see all of it.
"I'm sorry about the door. I just never expected to open it and see you there." I brought the mug out with sugar and milk.
"That's okay. I usually get a reaction out of people." He took the coffee. I was surprised that I found your address so easily."
"But how... I mean why are you here? Please have a seat."
"Thanks." He sat a the long glass table. "I got a phone call last night. Asked if I would come over and check in on you. He seemed a little worried. I told him that it would be my pleasure."
"Shannon called you?"
"No Jared. We've been friends for a long time. He said with the time change, between here and LA, you'd be tired and knew Shannon was worried. And when he said you were doing a show for Ringo Starr, I had to get in on that."
"I don't know now. It was going so well then I had a setback. Maybe I'm not the one to do this."
"I can look at your noted if you'd like. New York art is a lot different. The people are sometimes snobby about it."
"Yeah. I found that out. I'd love for you to give me some advice. I left everything at the brownstone. Do you have time to come down?"
"A brownstone? That's different."
"Wait until you see the space. It's wonderful."
"Alright. Let's go."
"Give me a minute to change."
I ran to the bedroom, dressed in jeans, a loose blouse, boots and a lighter jacket. After a little wash up and make up, we went downstairs, hopped in a taxi and headed to the house. Showing him around, once we got upstairs he understood why it was chosen. Then I took him to the makeshift office. All of my papers were still thrown everywhere. I explained my ideas, showed him some drawings for my plans and was fanatical about what I wanted to do.
"Incredible. What has you worried? I've never seen this before." Terry looked at the pages.
"I guess it's just how this woman reacted when I gave her the list. I was so high on this and then that doubt crept in." I shrugged.
"Forget that. This is going to be an exhibit to be remembered."
His encouragement made me feel better. I wanted to get back to work and finish planning.
"Okay. Here are your receipts." Teresa came into the room.
When she saw Terry, her mouth dropped and her eyes went wide.
"Oh. Okay thanks. This is Teresa. Teresa this is Terry Richardson." I introduced.
"Oh course. Such a pleasure to meet you." She smiled awkwardly.
He reached out to shake her hand. "I've been looking over the plans and, I must say, you should be privileged to be a part of this. I can't wait to see the finished project."
"Please come by anytime. Never know when I'll need a push in the right direction." I told him.
"I should go. Busy day scheduled."
"I'll walk you out."
At the front door, I smiled and reached out to,shake his hand. He shook his head and took me into a friendly embrace.
"Any friend of Jared's is part of the crazy family." He stated.
"I'm beginning to understand that more everyday." I stepped back. "Come back anytime. Whenever you want."
"I will. Good luck with your new best friend. She'll do all she can for you now."
"I think so. Thank you."
"No problem. Anytime you feel like letting go, come by the studio. We'll send some pics to Shannon that'll really make him anxious to see you."
I laughed. "Not my thing but we'll see."
"All right then. See you later."
He left the brownstone, I closed the door and went back to the office.
"Wow. Terry Richardson." Teresa was excited.
"Yep. I'm glad he had some time to come by. Oh when did the store say things would be delivered?" I looked at the receipts.
"By the end of the week, and I called the builders. They'll be here after lunch. Can I get you some coffee? Have you had breakfast yet?" She was so eager.
"I'm fine Teresa. Let's go upstairs and work on the layouts. I'd like to get your opinion no spacing."
"My opinion?"
"Sure. We're all working together. I'm an LA girl. I need a New York girl to help me understand what's expected of this exhibit."
"I'm your girl."
That seemed to make things go much better, as we relaxed into talks abut colours and how to place thins so people could have an experience, not just a normal night looking at photographs and art.

"I can't believe that she hasn't called, especially after meeting Terry." I said as we left the concert grounds.
It was another late night. We had to leave the. Next afternoon, to get ready to continue on tour.
"I'm sure that he was on good behavior." Jared reassured.
"Yeah right." Tomo laughed.
"Want me to call him? He's probably still up."
"No. It's okay. She gets lost in her work. I'll call tomorrow." I sighed, stretching my arms.
"All that work keeps away the sadness." Tomo agreed. "Come on Vic. I'll tuck you in to bed."
"Good. I'm exhausted. Festivals are hard work." Vicki yawned.
"Night guys." They went upstairs.
"Goodnight." Jared walked toward the kitchen. "Why do t you just call her Bro?"
"It's three in the morning. She's been working all day. I'm sure that she'd prefer to sleep." I pulled my phone from my pocket.
"I don't get it."
"I don't think I could go that long without talking to the person I loved.
"It's all about being busy. When we do talk, we're on the phone for a long time."
"You're more patient than I would be."
"It's about enjoying the time we get. Oh man. I hope I get a full night's sleep tonight."
"Is the pain going away at all?"
"It is. I may not be at a hundred percent but it won't be a problem. Night."
"Goodnight. See you in the morning."
I left Jared in the living room, went to the bedroom and started undressing. My phone went off. Sitting on the bed, I checked the number and was surprised at the number.
"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I answered, happy to hear her voice.
"I've just had the most amazing day." Lisa's voice was full of excitement.
"And it started out horrible. I was doubting everything."
"Why? I'm sure that you've got great plans."
"I thought so but this woman, I'm working with, made a comment that set me to think otherwise. When I got home, I couldn't stop the thoughts."
"You should've called me? I would have answered."
"I put on the radio."
"Baby. Tell me that you were okay." I worried that she had been too upset.
"As good as I could be. It didn't go any further. But this morning, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Terry Richardson at my door."
"How was he? I mean, he can be kind of... Well."
"I know his reputation. But it was what I needed. He looked over my plans and, when she showed up.. Hey I think she's my new best friend now."
"That's good. I'm glad he could help you."
"Tell Jared I said thanks. So tell me, how the show's were tonight."
"Aren't you tired?"
"Not a bit. I want to listen to your voice until the sun comes up, or as long as we have words to say."
"I've got a few ideas and it has nothing to do with touring or you in New York. It's just you and me."
"Shannon. You dirty boy." Her voice got quiet. "Are you naked?"
"Not yet. But I was getting ready for bed." I felt like playing.
"Well maybe we can have the night we didn't get to have."
I laughed. "And you called me dirty."
"So tell me how far you got."
"Just my boots and shirt. The phone rang before I finished."
"If only I could take your pants off. Are you wearing jeans or leather pants?"
"Jeans. It's too hot."
"Is it? Would you take them off and get into bed with me?"
"This is going to be a fun night. Hang on a minute." Taking off my jeans and underwear, I dropped them on the floor and slipped under the blankets. "So you tell me. What do you have on right now?" I brought the phone back to my ear.
"Only that strawberry-vanilla lip gloss that you like." She was almost purring.
"Oh yeah. I can taste it."
"I want to touch your skin. Place my mouth all over your chest."
"Mmm. That feels so good. Your hair is so soft in my hands. Let me touch you. Your skin is warm on my fingers. Just moving up to your breasts, kissing them, running my tongues over your sensitive nipples."
"Oh yes. I love when you lick me that way."
"My hands move to your thighs. I have to see your softness."
"You do whatever you want. I'm a slave to this."
"Not a slave. I can only worship your love."
"Oh Shannon!"
As we continued, I had to relieve myself, just as I knew Lisa had to. The words were so stimulating, we climaxed together, Lisa moaned my name lustfilled.
"That was what I needed." I tried to regain control.
"I think that this may work. Just your voice makes me feel good." Lisa was still breathing hard.
"When I see you, it's gonna be mind blowing. What are you doing tomorrow?"
"Going to Richard's. Spend some time with his family. What about you?"
"We're going home in the afternoon. Gotta pack up for the road."
"You're going to call me before you go?"
"Of course. Once we get back, I'll send you the schedule. We can have some more nice nights."
"Look forward to it."
Spending another hour on the phone, we finally said goodnight. Lisa began yawning and I knew that we had a long drive back to LA.

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