Chapter 31: The Battle of Helm's Deep

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As Legolas and I walk towards the armory, we come across Aragorn.

"Come on people! Quickly, now!" One of the guards yells.

"We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate." Aragorn directs people as they bustle around him.

"Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half-alive." Legolas says, clearly worried about his friend's health.

"Aragorn, Legolas is right. You can't fight if you're too run down from working so hard." I say gently placing a hand on his arm. Aragorn smiles at me.

"I know Sister, but these men need to be prepared. Thèoden doesn't seem to be much help at the moment anyway." He says quietly. Èowyn then approaches us through the crowd.

"Aragorn! Nymira! I'm to be sent with the women into the caves." I look at Èowyn and smile gently. She is strong-willed. She wishes to fight, but she is not allowed to.

"That is an honorable charge." Aragorn says gently.

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?" I frown at her a little, knowing that she feels waisted in her given position.

"My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense?" Aragorn asks.

"Let me stand at your side." Èowyn looks to Aragorn and then me.

"Please, Nymira. You know I can hold my own in a fight. You've said it yourself." She pleads.

"Èowyn, you are like a little sister to me. Yes, you can hold your own in a fight. I helped teach you that. But if any harm came to you out there, I would not forgive myself. Neither would your Brother or uncle. You need to protect what is important. That is yourself and your people. You need to lead them when there is no one else around. You are strong-willed and have more courage than any other woman of your stature would ever be able to hold. I'm proud to call you my Sister, and I would gladly fight by your side. But you must put your people's needs first. There is glory in war yes...but there is also too much death, and I do not wish to let your eyes see that yet. One day we will fight together, and on that day, you will be stronger than any man." I say to her. She looks at me slightly displeased.

"Lord Aragorn, please." She begs.

"It is not in my power to command it." Aragorn says and begins to walk away

"You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because they love you." She yells after him. Aragorn turns back astonished. "I'm sorry." She says quickly and walks away. Aragorn, Legolas, and I continue to the armory.

"Would you fight beside her?" Legolas asks.

"Yes, she is practically my baby Sister. I have trained her in many weapons and techniques. She would be good in a fight." I say confidently. We arrive at the armory. Gimli was waiting outside. It was swarming with people. The four of us walk in to see the weapons and armor that is being given out. Aragorn picks up a blunt blade and drops it back down on the pile.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys." He says with a hint of disappointment. "These are no soldiers." He finishes. I nod in agreement.

"Most have seen too many winters!" Gimli says looking around.

"Or too few. Look at them. They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes." Legolas says. He seems annoyed. The room grows quiet. "Boe a hûn...neled herain... dan caer menig!" (And they should be. Three hundred... against ten thousand!)

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