Chapter 75: Back to Many Memories

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The next morning, we began the preparations with Aragorn, Elrond, Éomer, and Celeborn for which direction we would be heading in for taking the Hobbits back to the Shire on the safest path.

"Well, you can all come to Edoras for a night or two if you'd like. I'm sure Théoden would appreciate you all being at his funeral." Éomer says looking up from the map on the table at all of us.

"That would be helpful, I'm sure we'll need a bit of rest if we're travelling straight from Minas Tirith, to Edoras. It's a long trek, about fifteen days if my memory serves me correctly, but I'm sure things will feel like it's all going by rather fast. The travel back to the start always feels so much faster than the road away from home." I say looking over a small map that I had sketched a while back. I had made small marks all over it in red ink for paths that I've taken over the years. I look up when I hear a small chuckle from Aragorn, who was sitting to my left. "What?" I asks slightly confused.

"Just reminds me of our old travels together. You always used to ask when the mission would be over, because you didn't want it to all go too quick. You've always loved the travelling lifestyle, and I'm glad we get to do one final one when the world is finally safe enough to take it at a leisurely pace." He says rubbing my back a small bit. I smile and chuckle as a few memories pop up in my mind.

"Well, I'll have you know that it won't be our last time travelling together. Cause I'm going to come here every six months and drag you off and away for a week so that we can catch up and go exploring, like when we were younger." I say with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't expect any less of you, but we must ensure that we won't go too far from the city." He says sending me a smile. There was a slight mischievous glint in his eye, a look that I had grown all to accustomed to over the years.

"Of course, your highness." I reply with a smirk. Aragorn and the others chuckle around us.

"Now, back to business. Taking the gap of Rohan would be a good path for the hobbits, and the fair folk of both Lóthlorien and Imladris. But after that I can go no farther. I expect that Legolas and Nymira will go off with the fair folk and the hobbits there?" He asks is a slightly rhetorical way.

"Well, Legolas and I will be going with Gimli to Fangorn for a bit, but I'm sure we can catch up to the rest of the group by the time you reach there. The wolves will only have one or two packs to carry between them, filled with clothes, and food and other odds and ends, but they're fast." I say confidently looking over to Legolas for agreement, which he gives with a curt nod.

"I think it would be wise for us to take a look at Isengard then, see what Treebeard has done with the place if you three are planning on going to Fangorn." Aragorn says looking to the others in the room.

"I also agreed to go with Gimli to the glittering caves at Helms Deep." Legolas speaks up. He hadn't said anything for a while so it made me jump a little.

"Very well, it's on the way towards Isengard and the Gap of Rohan. It may lend us some shelter, if the weather turns ill while we're on the road." Aragorn replies while nodding. I continually mark down our path on the small map in my lap.

"Good, good." I mutter, more to myself than anyone else. "Are there any other stops which we should mark down before heading off to lunch?" I ask looking around the table.

"I believe that's it. For now, anyway. If anything is mentioned I'll let you know. I know you like to keep on top of plans and such, but for today you must take a well-earned break. Your coronation yesterday seems to have taken a lot out of you my dear sister. Go and rest, I'll send a servant to call on you when lunch is ready." Aragorn says with a kind and loving smile, of that of an older brother, a smile I had come to love dearly over our years together.

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