Chapter 16

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"You wanna dance?" I taunt the guy in front of me, his fists wrapped in white bandages. He growls at me annoyed.

Cheers erupt from around the ring as me and this random guy bounce on the balls of our feet. I crack my neck back and forth as the chattering of people continues all around.

He grinds his teeth together and I crack my knuckles.

A shame. He's not that bad looking.

The bell rings in the background and the chattering subsided slightly as the guy, agitated already, lunges himself at me, fists out stretched and ready.

I step to my left as he comes breezing by me. My hair which is pulled up in a high ponytail swishes with the air as he crashes into the ropes.

Laughter rings out around us as people place bets and drink beer, some getting dancers while others gamble.

The guys face morphed into anger.

Perfect example of what not to do while fighting.

He charged at me again, fists ready. Within arms reach I dodged to the right, and landed a firm kick to his stomach with my left leg he doubled over with a groan, I quickly spin around and punch him across the face. His head shoots to the side as he hits the mats.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." the audience counted, waiting for the guy I'm up against to get back up and fight. People that bet the guy would win were slapping at the mat, yelling at him to get his sorry ass off the floor and fight like a man.

People were cheering and chanting 'Swift Shadow' as the bell rang again and the announcer climbed back into the ring, holding my right hand up yelling "Winner!"

I give people a smile as I slip through the ropes and onto the crowded floor. My fingers wrap around a small shot glass and snatch it off a waiters tray and throw it down, handing it to someone near me.

I wipe a bead of sweat off my forehead and then I feel a familiar hand go around my waist, whisking me away to an open area.

I roll my eyes as I look up to meet Caleb's eyes. He's been my easy lay for a while now, he gets turned on easily. So after a good fight or two he whisks me away to an open room, we fuck, he leaves, I fight again, drink, and then go to Kingston's house for a few hours of awkward studying and then go home.

"Hello beautiful," he speaks in what he thinks is a husky, sexy tone of voice.

I mean, he's not bad looking. He's about 6 foot with blonde hair and blue eyes, he's muscular too, nice arms.

Nothing like Kingston's though.

Stupid voice in my head.

It's been two weeks since I've let Kingston touch me, my bruises have healed and I've been back to illegal fighting in the rink.

I can't help the burning want to touch him every time I walk into his house.


Every time I walk through Kingston's bedroom door my veins burn with the need to touch him, tease him, play with his luxurious soft black hair. I want my lips on his faster than he can try to apologize to me.

I didn't ever have this bad of a need for someone. But I can't stand it.

"Hello beautiful? Are you listening?" I hear Caleb ask me. I zone back into him and nod, giving him a smile. He smirks at me as he leads me through the crowds of drinking and dancing people.

Wanting What I Shouldn't Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin