Ayo, I'm so popularrr

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Haha look my books were published 😩😩😩😤😤😤✌✌

Haha look my books were published 😩😩😩😤😤😤✌✌

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Omg 😩😩😩❤❤❤

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Omg 😩😩😩❤❤❤

Lol- jk just got my work posted on a illegal website called 🔪NovelHD🔪 gotta love how they can make money off MY hard work 😩😩😩😩 anyway, I'm gonna have to kill these people❤💕

Have a good day, and kill if you see your hard work on there💕

(I wonder if they'll post this chapter--??)

Motofumi oneshots (NaofumiXMotoyasu)Where stories live. Discover now