My Fast Superstar (Glamrock Freddy x Sonic)

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Freddy sighed heavily, crossing his arms in the most childish way possible. The door to his green room opened and closed, signifying someone entered his room. He refused to look up, still feeling stubborn after his recent argument with Vanessa. 

"Freddy? Can you tell me what's wrong please?" The soothing voice of his boyfriend Sonic caused his tense body to relax a bit.

With a sigh, Freddy decided to let every thought in his artificial mind spill out of his mouth. "I mentioned backstage that I was getting tired of performing every night. Monty took it as an invitation to take over as the lead singer. We started arguing and Vanessa tried to calm us down; so she decided to let Monty be the lead tonight and put me on lockdown. I didn't mean to get in a fight but he misunderstood what I was saying. I still want to be the lead, it's just tiring."

Sonic placed his gloved hand over Freddy's metal one. "It's okay. I understand. Sometimes Knuckles gets jealous of me and it can make me feel like I don't deserve to be the leader of Team Sonic. But, when that happens, it makes me realize that Tails and Knuckles follow my lead for a reason. I balance everything out for them, and that makes us successful.

"Same with you; you are the namesake of the entire Fazbear brand. There's a reason you're the lead singer and not Monty. It's a lot of work, and I'm so proud of you for enduring it as much as you do. It's okay to get tired sometimes, that doesn't mean you're ungrateful by any means."

Freddy smiled as Sonic rested his head on his shoulder. "What would I do without you?"

Taking in a thoughtful breath, Sonic chuckled then replied, "Crash and burn probably."


the EFFORT i actually put into this pLZ ✋😭 (i considered making this mpreg so be grateful for what this is as of rn)

(maybe a sequel mpreg)


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