Losing the Battle, Rest In Peace Ronnie "Oni" Edwards

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A tragedy has occurred in the theorist community. It is because of this that I will not be posting any new chapters this week, I hope you all can understand. Ronnie was such an amazing editor and he didn't deserve this ending, no one does. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, social anxiety, etc., please talk to a friend, or call a hotline, at the very least, get some form of help. You are not alone in this, we are on in this fight together. There are so many others that care about you, so many people that love and care for you. Sometimes, your family isn't your best option or even an option at all, but that's why we create new families. I was lucky enough to find my family in the darkest of times, I believe you all can too. No one should have to go through this. Stay safe. Stay alive. I love you.

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