Chapter 32; Santorini Markley

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As the sun rises,

A group of royal guards are on the area.

"Why is it so peaceful?" Tanong nya sa sarili nya.

With his blonde hair and red eyes. Tall, masculine and fair.

And with his pretty smile you could tell his a n outgoing guy, but his not.

Don't be deceived by his playful demeanor.

His far from being outgoing neither playful.

He moved his eyes to his sorroundings.

Everything is peaceful. But once in a moment.

The peacefulness was gone when the ground shakes mentioning there is a race running towards them.

"It's Gustav's!!!" One of his guards yelled.

He look at the group of men coming towards their direction. They can't back down. Even though that's the Gustav's and he just got a fifty of his men. His sure he can finish them off. The Gustav even got a carriage. What's with that carriage?

"Master! Parang ambush yata toh!" No. He thinks it's not.

They passed by the roads earlier it was peaceful and no trace of men camped. That means it's just a coincidence. The Gustav's must be running off.

His eyes squinted on the carriage. He have this gut feeling something is odd.

"No. Follow them." He ordered as he pulled his horse and steady his stand.

They are just gonna face them off and finish them.

He believe the Gustav's just came from Middleton Kingdom they must be escaping. Form the amount of wounds and bloods with them. But he heard about the coming of age of a princes of Middleton  Kingdom.

The Gustav must done something isn't?

But what's with the carriage?

He knew the Gustav are not gonna passed them by, they are gonna run them over as expected.

He moved his arms to his right side.

The archers are ready!

When there only a 30 yards. He mentioned the archers to raise there bows and ready to fly there arrows.


"Ang mga Markley!!"

"Ito na ang huli natin!!"

" Tumakas ang kayang tumakas!!!"

The Gustav's started to move around. They can't escape.

They are being cornered.


No one form the Gustav's throw a fight. Instead they ready themselves for a fight. But my archers on both of there sides and an fighters at there back and me in there front.

They can't escape.

I look down at there leader. Who is he?

I jump off my horse and went to the soldier of Gustav's.

They can't leave there castle right? Cowards.

Just picking of with there people.

"I am King Santorini Markley who am I speaking to?" My cold gray eyes met the leaders.

I notice him shiver but I didn't show any budge.

The tension builds up as a I saw a curl on his mouth.

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