End of the Beginning (Part 1)

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Skye's POV

On my way to the Bus, Ward filled me in over the phone on what had happened since I left. Apparently earth had more asguardian visitors lady sif and someone named Lorelei. He then filled me in on the news that his SO Garret and someone else had been attacked at a safe house and had a run in with Mike Peterson. I sighed. I had the same feeling as before the battle of New York. This was not going to end well.


3rd Person POV

"You realize, Agent Coulson, they have these things called teleconferences now," Agent Hand said as she walked up to Coulson.

"Nice to see you, too, Agent Hand. Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Coulson replied.

"A little unconventional meeting this way, isn't it?" Agent Sitwell asked.

"Oh, from the reports I've read "unconventional" seems to be Coulson's middle name these days," Agent Blake chimed in.

Coulson gave him a small grin.

"Fight breaks out, let me take Blake. He's coy but scrappy," Agent Garret said.

"I'll explain everything as soon as we hit 50,000 feet. This way," Coulson simply stated as he ushered everyone onto the plane.

"Cruising altitude reached, bearing 90 degrees just over the North Pole," May said as she walked into the Command Center where everyone was talking and drinking coffee.

"Thank you," Coulson said before turning to face everyone. Before he could say anything though Garret spoke up first.

"Apologies for the song and dance but we brought you here as a precaution."

"A precaution against what?" Sitwell asked.

"The Clairvoyant. If there is someone out there who can read minds, at least up here we're as far away from him as possible," Coulson explained.

Sitwell and Blake shared a disbelieving look.

"Figure maybe the northern lights will knock a few bars off his psychic wi-fi," Garret added.

"Coulson you know S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stance on psychics, they don't exist," Blake argued.

"Are you suddenly a believer?" Hand asked.

"Not definitively. But I had a recent experiences with an Asgardian who could bend people's will with her voice," Coulson said as he spotted Ward and May sharing a brief look. "Forced me to open my mind, so to speak."

"All we know for sure is the Clairvoyant has been a step ahead of us, stealing plays from our playbook," Garret piped up.

"And it's pissing me off. I take it you've all read Agent Garrett's latest report?" Coulson said.

"The hit on the safe house. Mr. Peterson's alive and kicking," Sitwell summarized.

"We call him Deathlok," May cut in.

"It was the project's code name," Ward added.

"Agent Garrett and I have been tracking him the last few weeks," Trip reported.

"We think the Clairvoyant's super-solider bodyguard came after us for a reason. We're getting close," Garret finished for him.

"To what? His identity?" Asked Hand.

Garrett and Coulson shared a look.

"We've narrowed the list to 13 candidates," Garret started to explain.

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