The Things We Bury (Part 2)

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3rd Person POV

"Undersecretary Pierce grants medical parole in 1989," read out as she skimmed over the old SSR file she had found on Wener Reinhardt. Hunter leaned against the desk after glancing at her, and continued to read. May and Mack also had a stack of files at another table. "After that there are no records of Reinhardt."

"Drops his name, loses the accent. A year later, Daniel Whitehall surfaces," Hunter added. He looked down at the file he had, complete with an old age photo of him.

"Whatever he did to survive happened in that year. Was it alien tech? Where did he go?" Simmons asked, none of them guessing the role Daisy had/will play.

"The Fountain of Youth, apparently," Hunter said.

"May, I think we should cross reference the name Daniel Whitehall with any criminal activity from that time," Simmons suggested.


Daisy's POV

"The satellite network we need to map the Earth and find the city is controlled by the US Air Force facility at Kaena Point, Oahu, and it's too heavily guarded to infiltrate. Which is why we came to Australia instead. There's a small station here that comes online whenever Kaena Point's feed goes down," Coulson told us.

"But Kaena still needs to go down," I pointed out.

"You already took care of that. The watch and the button are two pieces of a Trojan horse. They'll take down the base's feed," Coulson said.

I saw Trip looking over at Fitz giving him a knowing look.

"Man with the plan," he said.

"Once per quarter, General Cole inspects Kaena point," Coulson explained. "This time, he'll meet the new relay commander."

"Let me guess, Commander's name is Darren," I said as I remembered the inscription he had me put on the watch.

"That's right. And since he's new introductions will be made. On their own, these two pieces are harmless, undetectable to security. But, as they near each other they'll power up and EMP and boom – kiss your wi-fi, your coffee maker and your top secret satellite feed goodbye," said Coulson.

"And the Australian site goes online," I nodded in understanding.

"We'll have roughly six minutes to patch a back end into the network. Trip, you'll provide backup. Fitz, you'll install the transceiver to let Daisy hack the network so that we can find out if this city exists once and for all," Coulson instructed.

"All because a General got too fat for his jacket," Trip laughed.

"Fitz, how you coming with the transceiver patch?" Coulson asked.

"I've got it down to 7 minutes, 20 seconds," Fitz closed and latched the case.

Coulson walked to stand closer to Fitz.

"That's not good enough," he said.

"No, that's with my bad hand. With both I can do it, definitely," Fitz told him proudly before walking away with Trip.

"We may actually have a shot at finding the city," Coulson told me.

"Are you sure it's something you want to dig up?" I asked, I had a really bad feeling.

"If we don't, HYDRA will. We need to get there first," Coulson replied.


3rd Person POV

"This doesn't feel right. Daisy you reading us?" Coulson asked into his comm unit.

"Standing by with Geek Squad. Paddington and Timelord are closing in. EMP ready in 40 seconds," I told him as I looked over at the two techs standing next to me on the Bus.

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