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Skye's POV

"Sorry, Fitz. It's close, but it's just not right," I heard Ward say from my spot in the corner of the lab, putting down the gun he had been holding and looking at Fitz.

"Really? Cause Agent Coulson had no problems," Fitz replied.

"It's an ounce too heavy."

I turned in my chair to look at Ward in surprise.

"An ounce? Seriously?"

Ward shot me a look, clearly still angry for the whole Miles incident. He looked away, speaking to Fitz as he picked up the gun again, weighing it in his hand.

"It's the difference between success and failure. When you're on a roof-top with a 15 mile per hour wind, your target is 500 yards away –" Then I'll use my super strength to make up for the barely noticeable difference of a single ounce! Though I guess "normal" people like Ward might care about the difference - and by normal, I do mean extremely picky.

"Yeah, but we do have a rifle," Fitz pointed out.

Ward raised his eyebrows at him.

"Lose the ounce," he said, walking out of the room.

"Yeah, okay. I'm on it!" Fitz shouted at Ward's back. "Lose the ounce," I heard him mutter under his breath before changing his accent that I loved so much into that of an American as he picked up the gun - developing an old western style swagger.

"I'm Agent Grant Ward, I can shoot the legs off a flea from 500 yards..." he started to say before switching back to his normal voice. "As long as it's not windy."

I began to laugh, Fitz looking over to me and giving me a big smile. He set the gun down and turned to me more fully.

"Hey, there's a sound I haven't heard in a bit!"

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't be laughing a whole lot if you were living in Ward's doghouse," I commented, my smile slipping.

"You made the rounds, apologized to us all. What more can he ask?"

"I don't know. I have been busting my ass, memorizing every Shield protocol manual, following every order. "Yes, sir." "No, sir." I even let them tag me like a stray dog!" I said, getting more and more angry as I held up my wrist, showing him the bracelet I had put on a few days ago. I understood why Coulson was being precautious and appreciated the fact that he seemed to have agreed to my wish to not tell the team about my powers, but the bracelet reminded me way too much of Hydra.

"I mean, I know I lied to you guys, but I was trying to protect my friend, not that he deserved it..." I added, thinking back to what Miles had done.

"You know, we all make mistakes," Fitz said, leaning against a counter. Who cares about your ex-friend?"

I got out of my chair and stood facing him.

"It's not like I'm comparing Ward to Miles, but at least with Miles, I didn't have to worry about passive-aggressive stuff. There was no mind games!" I exclaimed, again thinking back to Hydra and having to stop myself from thinking about how similar Ward seemed to many of the Hydra guards I had known. Ward wasn't Hydra, as much as he may remind me of them.

Futz nodded in understanding.

"We spoke the same language, you know?" I continued to ramble. The last few days of keeping quiet finally spilling out.

"Yeah. Yeah, a bit like we do," Fitz said, enthusiastically as he moved his finger between himself and I.

"Totally. You and Simmons are so tight, it's like you're psychically linked!"

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