The Magical Place (Part 1)

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Chapter Text

Skye's POV

"Fitz-Simmons, he's heading your way," we heard May shout over our comms. We were currently in the middle of a crazy scheme to capture Vanchat, one of our only leads to finding Coulson.

I laughed as Jemma glanced over at Fitz. "We've never done anything like this before. Are you sure?"

"It's time, Simmons. Embrace the change," he said in that adorable accent of his. I giggled as I watched him activate their drones and send them off to block Vanchat's escape. The camera view from the drones; while still funny, was not as satisfying as being there to see to see Vanchat's look of surprise in person.

"Skye, you're up," I head Ward say. Meaning that Vanchat must have entered the lift.

I smirked as I started typing rapidly across my keyboard; watching as the man struggled to get any of the elevator buttons to work.

"Here. Let me get that for you," I offered with a laugh. I pressed one final button and the elevator began to shoot upwards. Vanchat moved himself to the back of the elevator and pulled up his gun preparing to fire which I found hilarious for some reason. I watched eagerly as he was deposited onto the roof; only to be met by two helicopters and a dozen Shield agents all pointing their guns at him.

I punched my arm up in victory as we watched from our van as May came up behind him and took the gun out of his hand. Once he was disarmed, Victoria Hand appeared from behind the agents.

"Mr. Vanchat. We were hoping you could help us find a friend," she said.


I glared at my laptop screen as I typed furiously away on the keyboard. I was not liking Victoria Hand being in charge. I missed Coulson. It wasn't until he was gone that I had finally come to realize just how much I truly cared for everyone on this team. Part of me still didn't want to care so much, knowing that it would hurt that much more if Hydra ever got a hold of them or me. The other half of me was just happy that things had been going relatively well for me considering how new I still was to being in control of my own life for once.

Suddenly an alarm went off. I cursed silently as I realized I had tripped an alarm.

Not a minute later, my bedroom door was being slid open by May.

"Just in time. Can you override this?" I said, casually holding up the bracelet that was still around my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hand asked, disapprovingly.

"The money trail's our key to finding Coulson. I just need to gain access to Vanchat's financials and from there I should be able to trace Centipede's payments and then hack into their account," I explained.

"You're the consultant, the one who shot Agent Sitwell," Hand commented.

"Technically, that wasn't me..." I pointed out. Simmons had been the one to do that.

"I want you off this plane immediately."

I stared at the lady with the pink stripes in her hair in confusion as she turned and quickly walked way leaving me alone with Ward and May.

"What?" Ward looked just as confused as I did

"Wait!" I cried out hurrying out if my bunk and passing my two teammates to reach Hand. "I know I'm not some badass field agent like May or Ward but this is what I do. You can't just kick me off this mission!" I exclaimed, not daring to reveal the fact that I could easily become a badass agent if I revealed myself.

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