The Only Light in the Darkness (Part 1)

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Skye's POV

"I'm afraid this might scar," Jemma said as we all stood around and watched as she patched up Ward.

"Upside, you'll look badass, dangerous," I told him.

Fitz leaned in and looked at Ward's face closely and worried.

"He's gonna be fine, though, right?" He asked.

"He will if you back up and give me some room.," Jemma replied as she pushed him out of the way.

"So what then?" Coulson asked as we listened to Ward tell us what had happened since he had left us.

"By the time we got to The Fridge it was too late. It was overrun, Hydra everywhere. We couldn't stop them," Ward said as Coulson nodded.

"What were they after?" May asked.

"Everything. They took weapons, alien artifacts – Anything they could grab," Ward answered.

Cut back to the present.

"I assume that means the prisoners are no longer prisoners?" Coulson wanted to know

Ward nodded and Coulson grimaced and lowered his head upset. I frowned.

"So...Ian Quin..." I said as my hand went straight to my stomach again. I mean sure I had been shot before several times over the years but what Ian Quinn had done was worse. None of the Hydra guards had ever shot me so up close and personal. And it had come as a total shock.

"I'm sorry. He's out," Ward said as he looked at me. "They all are."

"And Garrett? Did he get away?" Fitz asked.

"Couldn't stop them from taking The Fridge but I wasn't gonna let Garrett walk. Not after what he did," Ward said.

"Is he the one that did this to you?" I asked.

"He was one tough son of a bitch," Ward confirmed with a nod.

"Was"? Past tense?" May noted.

"As soon as I had the upper hand I put two in the back of his head," Ward told her.

"Good," Fitz said. I frowned, something seemed off but I couldn't figure out what.

"One from me..." Ward looked over to Trip. "One from you."

"I would've emptied the mag," Trip said.

"You're all set. Well, I mean, as set as you can be with two cracked ribs and a zygomatic fracture," Jemma said.

"Uh, for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a –" Fitz started to explain.

Trip spoke at the same time as he did, their words overlapping.

"A hairline fracture to the cheekbone."

Fitz gave him a surprised look and Trip smiled. I could tell Fitz was just jealous because he thought Jemma liked Trip more than him but I knew that wasn't true.

"Your body needs time to heal. Please take some time," Jemma told Ward.

"Understood. Thanks. Ah. One small victory," Ward said as he held up my hard drive. "Hydra didn't get their hands on this."

"A hard drive?" Trip asked, not understanding.

"It's all the research our team's ever done, downloaded off the plane and encrypted for safekeeping," I told him.

"We should probably back it up now that we're in a secure facility," Ward said.

"First, Skye, I need you on threat assessment. Pull up a list of all the inmates at The Fridge. I want to know just how bad this is," Coulson said.

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