Making Friends & Influencing People

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Daisy's POV

I rubbed my back as I sat on my bed later the next night as I remembered the events of the day. We had managed to get our hands on the cloaking technology we needed along with another quintet - and also solved our Creel problem thanks to Fitz and Mack, however Hunter had managed to ice both me and May in his rogue mission to get revenge on Creel for killing his friend Harley, who had been the one to bring him along on our sting operation in the first place. I had to smile though, I mean other than the fact we had lost the original item we had been after (another 0-8-4; the FIRST 0-8-4) things were finally starting to look up for us. Unfortunately, we had learned that holding the 0-8-4 seemed to have an adverse effect; turning whoever touched it to stone. Something about it was drawing me in but I had no clue what. It almost reminded me of Thor's hammer; in that it seemed sentient. And something about it was calling to me.


"I imagined they were all Ward," I said with a smirk as I put down my gun and May hit a button to bring the targets in.

"Imagine they're all targets. Don't get cocky. This is step one. It's all about control..." May started to say. I rolled my eyes.

"Control. I know!" She had given me this speech before.

"Open your mind, your body," she continued to say.

"Don't forget your mind," I repeated at the same time.

"In the field you need to maintain control," she spoke over me. "Whatever the situation. Hostages, bombs about to go off –"

"So what you're saying is what I just did was puny and sad," I said with a frown.

May took my wrist and pulled it up, looking at the fitbit monitor she had started making me wear and turned it on.

"61 beats per minute. Consistent the whole time. Not that puny," she said with a smirk.

I looked down at my wrist when May let go and walked away.

"Speaking of not puny..." I commented as I watched her pick up a very large gun.

"Yeah, I want you to get used to this, it's a sniper rifle," I rolled my eyes, I had been trained by Hydra on how to use one but I decided not to mention it. I had decided when I began working with May to forget all former Hydra training and start from scratch with her.

While May spoke I looked over to see Hunter, pushing a trolley, and Mack walking down the hallway toward us.

"Pardon me, uh, just one quick question," Hunter said as he paused and looked over at me. "You went to Shield academy, right?"

I started to shake my head and open my mouth but May spoke.

"You didn't. If you did, you would have known better than to shoot us," she said condescendingly.

"Apology number 470, I'm very sorry Agent May," Hunter said as Mack and I shared grins.

"Don't be sorry. Just wait," May said ominously.

"Uh, we just have a little wager. So, did you...?" Mack asked as he turned to look at me.

"Go to the academy? Yeah, no," I told them.

Hunter let out a deep exaggerated sigh and sunk his head onto his arm. Mack perked up and handed Hunter a clipboard clapping him on the back.

"Yeah, all right, well have fun with the inventory. And remember Koenig likes them neat," he said cheerfully. "Oh, and, uh, none of those Euro sevens, with the lines through them. Drives him crazy."

Mack walked away with a grin. Hunter looked at me accusingly.

"Coulson said you were a field agent with a badge and everything."

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