Chapter 2: Iron in Vale/Catching the cat

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Author: Kuddos on who can get the meaning of the title! Enjoy!

No one POV

Beacon Academy is still having their peaceful time and have a new start of their new semester. That was until a fleet of ships is seen arriving in the kingdom AND on the school.

Well who bring that for those who asks? Well it's the one and only General Ironwood or "General Irond*ck"

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Well who bring that for those who asks? Well it's the one and only General Ironwood or "General Irond*ck".

As the fleets of Atlas ships are seen flying and approaching, Ozpin and Glynda are seen on the headmaster's office, watching the fleet approaching the kingdoms.

As the fleets of Atlas ships are seen flying and approaching, Ozpin and Glynda are seen on the headmaster's office, watching the fleet approaching the kingdoms

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Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. *sips coffee* But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.

Ozpin receives a notification from his office as he turns around and nodded.

Ozpin: Come in.

The elevator opens to reveal General Ironwood himself. And yes, for a general he's greedy for knowledge and tech.

Ironwood: *cordially* Ozpin!

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Ironwood: *cordially* Ozpin!

Ozpin: *nods* General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. *notices Glynda* It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met.

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