Chapter 8: Struggles and new allies

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Author: Man I'm now on college face to face so expect a bit slow updates from books xD, now enjoy!

*Time skip 2 weeks later*

No one POV

It has been almost 2 weeks since Zane and the trained guardians left Vale with their newly acquired fortress they needed for this big battle. They know what's up at stake, and they needed to move before Salem makes her own move and start another tragedy probably bigger than the attack on Beacon they prevented. 

But for now, the trained guardians are gonna lend a hand to the others in need while they were travelling onto the islands of anima

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But for now, the trained guardians are gonna lend a hand to the others in need while they were travelling onto the islands of anima. Of course it's gonna be new assignment but they were trained for this one. 

Y/N: *coms* Ruby and Ash! Concentrate fire and keep their attention at you! We don't need more civilian casualties! 

Ash: *coms* Already doing it! But that damn thick armor plating from the Crocodile Grimm is preventing to take damage! 

Church: *coms* Focus onto it's eyes! It's mostly the unprotected one! 

(Play the music!)

Y/N is seen using his nanotech suit before using his dual wielded gun blades and provided cover fire to attract the Crocodile Grimm from below. Suddenly, Ash and Ruby came out of nowhere from the forests before the trees got bent down and the Crocodile Grimm came out and roars loudly, they got their attention for sure. 

Ash and Ruby lands onto a higher ground and analyzes the damages they did onto the crocodile Grimm

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Ash and Ruby lands onto a higher ground and analyzes the damages they did onto the crocodile Grimm. Ruby reloads her crescent rose as Weiss and Blake follows from behind before the said Schnee summons 2 white knights with her semblance and damages it's limbs, making the Crocodile Grimm screeches loudly. 

Ash: Guess I'm gonna need bigger firepower! Ruby use high caliber rounds, I try damaging it's armor plates with the new gun made by Y/N here.

Ruby: *finishes reloading* Got it! And be swift as possible cause it's pissed off!

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