Chapter 8: Onto the mountains

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Author: I fell onto the gacha hole, help 🤣. But nonetheless enjoy!

No one POV

After the night and intervention of Y/N and Ash on the CCT tower, both boys were called to go towards to Ozpin's office. Yep they were gonna be questioned about it.

Right now they are inside the elevator, and already going upwards towards Ozpin's office.

Ash: *chuckles* Man the adults is panicking a lot.

Y/N: Honestly can you blame them? *shrugging* This might be related onto something big.

Ash: Mhm yeah. *shrugging* And to be honest the woman who attacked me is no doubt powerful, I can still feel the full force of it.

Right on cue Church appears onto them as he speaks up towards Y/N and Ash. Yep he got the fight onto their private database.

Church: All right you two. *checks the files* After a night of investigating and analyzing, the woman is trying to put a virus onto the CCT tower, I was supposed to prevent it but a another woman in black outfit prevented it.

Ash: Mhm. A vigilante in shadows huh? *crosses arms*

Y/N: Oh? What do you get man?

Church: About the info on two women. The one who prevented the virus implant? It's kind of taking time because her profile is covered with black ink.

Ash: Sheesh. *huffed and listens to Church*

Y/N: And the woman with lightning powers?

Church: Nope, nothing. *shakes head* In all of my AI life, I have never seen a person with no history or info for years.

Y/N: So basically a unknown woman for now?

Church: Yep. *looks at the elevators* All right your almost there, let's get onto this.

Church said as Y/N nodded and dismisses his holographic form and the elevator door opens. Y/N is surprised to see his dad in Ozpin's office alongside with Ironwood, Glynda and Ozpin.

Zane: *chuckles and stands up* Well there's my champ and his best buddy

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Zane: *chuckles and stands up* Well there's my champ and his best buddy.

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