Chapter 7: Dance AND Infiltration

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Author: Your going to dance with the ladies, literally. So be a chad and enjoy the chapter!

No one POV

The night of the dance is finally arrived. Every students from different academies definitely prepared for this one, the boys and girls got their own class on how they look.

But what didn't the school is not aware is that Team ORION is definitely overprepared for the dance. They look like people with luxurious life, oh the irony.

Y/N is seen walking on the pathway of the school while fixing his coat. He wears (Favorite color) coat with (Second Favorite color) undercoat. And needless to say he looks super chad of a man.

Author: That's how you look for the dance :D

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Author: That's how you look for the dance :D

Y/N: Mhm... *smiles in approval* Ash got good taste on men's clothing.

While preparing for the dance he already did what he needed to do. Y/N already planted the security program on Beacon's CCT tower and Church is monitoring everything on the school.

Y/N perks up when he heard a familiar chuckle, he turns to see Ash on his drip suite of his. For a underground person he knows how to look stylish.

Ash: *chuckling* Looking good tonight boss

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Ash: *chuckling* Looking good tonight boss.

Y/N: *smirks* All thanks to you. Thanks to your idea of finding men's clothing, it saves a lot of time.

Ash: *shrugging and smiles* Just helping out the leader.

Both men were now walking together towards where the Beacon dance is gonna held. Y/N is humming in thought, imagining the ladies will look like for tonight.

Y/N: *sees the entrance* Mhm, they definitely prepared for this one all right.

Ash: *chuckles* It's not bad either.

Both Y/N and Ash walks their way through, and on the entrance they see Yang checking the attendance of the dance.

But what made Y/N surprised is Yang's dress. She's literally prepared out for this one out.

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