PART THREE: Thor The Dark World

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"Hey Y/n we are about to fly home, you ready?" Maria, asks I nod gripping my bags tighter turning around I notice Tony on the phone

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"Hey Y/n we are about to fly home, you ready?" Maria, asks I nod gripping my bags tighter turning around I notice Tony on the phone. I tell Maria I will be there in a second and walk over to Tony

"Hey Metal head" I call, he turns to me and smiles

"Agent Hill" he says putting his phone away. 

"Listen um I promised Harley you know the kid who helped, yeah well I promised him I would visit him. And I know you are super busy but the kid idolises you so would you like to come with me?" I ask he smiles softly

"Yeah I would love to but I just want to apologise for-" I cut him off

"you don't need to apologise for anything, but I am sorry about Pepper and tell Happy I say hello" I say, going to walk away

"Will do, but don't be a stranger Hill" He calls I smile

"You can't get rid of me that easy Tin man" I call, before he can say something or I can walk away, a flash of bright colours appears all around me. I make eye contact with Tony scared, he starts running to me. But just as quick as he appeared it disappeared and when it cleared up I was somewhere much different.

"what the..?" I question looking around the room, I then see Thor behind me and I jump surprised.

"Thor?" He smiles hugging me

"Y/n I am sorry for not warning you but my brother insists that you talk to him, he won't talk to anyone else" Thor says I pull away and look at him turning around and seeing a man dressed in gold armour holding a sword. I gulp turning back around

"am I in..."

"Asgard? Yes welcome to my home" Thor says picking up my bags and leading me out of the room and onto a rainbow bridge?

a/n: Sorry for the lack of updates, school just started back anyway I don't know about how often updates will be but for the most part I will try whenever I can.

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