chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

The work piled up, so Bora was not able to meet Siyeon again during her 2nd trip to Canada. She still maintains the habit of texting to inquire about Siyeon's current status for peace of mind. Siyeon has the same schedule of activities every day, nothing else.

- Bora, do you feel that Siyeon is just being polite to you? – Minji rotated the wine glass and said, the two of them are having dinner in the hotel restaurant.

- Maybe you're right - Bora replied carelessly.

- I see you are wasting time in vain in finding out about the Smith family. Maybe the clues that you thought were unusual, were actually nothing at all. You worry so much about Siyeon, but she just sees you as a friend.

- Then I have no hope, I'm just curious about everything - Bora snarled.

- I'm afraid you'll get hurt.

- It's okay, don't worry Minji.

Next night, the sky poured torrential rain, Bora went to bed very early because she had to get up early to board the plane tomorrow, ending this business trip. The noise of the rain made it difficult for her to sleep, when her half-lidded eyes were about to fall, Bora was startled by the ringing of the phone.

It was Siyeon calling her.

For the first time, she saw an initiative of Siyeon after their meeting again. Bora immediately answered the phone.

- Siyeon…

"Where are you? Still in Canada?"

- Yes, tomorrow morning I fly.

“Can I see you, where are you?”

- I’m in….

"You’ll talk to the taxi driver."

Bora heard Siyeon's dying voice, Siyeon gave the phone to a man and Bora gave the address. Siyeon maybe travel by taxi from home, Smith's mansion is about 20km from Bora’s hotel. Bora checked in on time and stood in front of the hotel gate to pick up Siyeon. After 1 hour, Bora did not see Siyeon, she picked up the phone to call Siyeon but there was no signal, maybe Siyeon's phone battery ran out.

Bora was eager, pacing back and forth like she was sitting on a fire. Ten minutes later, from afar, a yellow taxi stopped where Bora was standing, the rain still showed no sign of abating, the weather was extremely harsh.

Siyeon got out of the taxi, saw Bora, Siyeon ran to hug Bora.

Bora was surprised, hugged Siyeon back, not understanding what was happening.

- Siyeon, what's wrong?

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