chapter 31

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Chapter 31.

*hang up sound*

Bora was surprised, Siyeon automatically hung up after a few curses, the voice was hoarse, probably crying.

She didn't expect Siyeon to be so immersed in alcohol and tobacco now. When she entered the old house, she was startled because she thought she had entered the wrong house. Siyeon was originally a neat person, didn't like cigarettes, didn't like to drink alcohol, Siyeon only had a bad habit with health that was addicted to coffee, but now Siyeon has completely changed.

Siyeon thought she had a new lover, where did this information come from?

Her heart ached when she heard Siyeon's cry. She was already drowsy, but the call just made her unable to sleep. Siyeon hates her for her words at the beach.

She used lies with her heart to hurt Siyeon.

Bora buried her face in the pillow, her heart rate suddenly increased sharply, she seemed to want to die.

She had thought she could live well without Siyeon, she had mentally trained herself to reach that threshold, and she seemed fine without Siyeon for a while. But knowing that Siyeon is not healthy and happy, she is not okay anymore.

After a while, Bora picked up her phone and texted Sooyoung.

"You help me pack up tomorrow, I'll go home with Siyeon"


The next morning, the sun peeks out from behind the floating clouds, it's the weekend. Siyeon wakes up in the upstairs room of the bar. The head still hurts, the throat is dry, the body is tired as if borrowed. She dragged this lousy body out of the room and home.

When entering the house, Siyeon felt strange, the smell of her burning cigarette was no longer there, instead there was a gentle scent wafting through the nose. Surprised Siyeon, she didn't call for a cleaning service, or have memories of her automatically cleaning the house.

She used to have the habit of cleaning every day, but she has lost that good habit since Bora said breakup. She doesn't care too much about the things around her, or the air around her, if she dies from lung cancer or hepatitis, it doesn't matter, because she is living like a soulless person already.

Her house now looks quite clean and fragrant. If it wasn't for Siyeon's hand, there would only be one person left, Kim Bora.

So Kim Bora went home?

Was it……Bora came home after yesterday's call?

Despite being so drunk, Siyeon still clearly remembers what happened last night, she still clearly remembers how badly she cursed Kim Bora. She had suppressed her own anger for a few months and then it exploded in a big way last night. Frustration, anger, pain tormented every cell of her every day, making her want to die.

Is….Kim Bora felt guilty after last night's call….and went home?

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