chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

- Yes, I am the one who wielding that incantation

- What? - Bora's eyes widened in horror.

- Oliver Smith is dead, but according to the curse, the corpse must be buried in the basement of this mansion. Currently Oliver's ashes are in Piri cemetery, and if I want to get out of here, I need a replacement - Yoohyeon said.

- You chose Siyeon instead?

- Yes, the incantation has the meaning of bondage, Siyeon will always feel the need for Smith's family so she will never leave, and she will gradually contract a certain psychological syndrome leading to suicide. When she gets to that climax, that's the day I'll leave here.

- FUCK, WHY DO YOU THINK LIKE THIS? - Bora lost control and stood up, screaming.

- It seems that you are very close friends with Siyeon, that's why you're so upset right? - Yoohyeon laughed mockingly.

- You can wield spells on someone else in the Smith family, why Siyeon? she has nothing to do with this - said Bora, exasperatedly quick, her heart rate racing like a high-speed car.

- To wield spells on a person, I had to bring a shaman from Thailand to Canada, pay the price of half my life, and knock the victim unconscious for a day and take her away, no one knows, and I can't do that to anyone in the Smith family. Each member of their family has a bodyguard by their side almost every hour. Siyeon is the only one who is not controlled by anyone so I have no choice. And I want you to make her psychotic syndrome more and more, so that she can act sooner – Yoohyeon dropped some harsh words but gentle voice. Her state of mind was completely different from the one in front of her.

- Rachel Smith, you seem to have found the wrong ally, I'm determined never to let this happen - said Bora, gritting her teeth, and turning her back to the hatch.

But the cellar door was locked, Yubin was nowhere to be seen.

- Yubin, Yubin, open the door for me - Bora banged on the door, the call echoed throughout the basement

- Yubin left here for a while, she didn't come back til the next night - Yoohyeon said

- …………………….

- You have to stay here with me, until you compromise my request - Yoohyeon said stiffly, the dim light in the room making her pretty face half light and half dark, forming an evil image

- Damn it, why are you so stubborn? you're obviously alive, just go out and sue the Smiths, tell the truth, you'll be free - Bora said angrily.

- You think it's too simple Kim Bora, when I sue the Smiths, they will be fined for a few years, and I will live with the outside world in fear for the rest of my life? Do you know how many forces behind the Smith family? they will find me and take revenge, then who will save me?

- ……………………

- The only way I can be at peace is to get out of this damned country that the Smiths know nothing about.

- ……………………

- When I was alone down here, I thought a lot, I deeply regret asking my parents to come here to study abroad, I regret easily compromising with the Smiths so quickly, just because I saw power and their well-being for which I now pay a heavy price. Thanks to my fake death and Oliver's suicide, the Smiths have grown immensely rich now. Siyeon is also a girl who must have rushed here because of the ideal wealth of the Smith family, she will have to pay the price.

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