2- Miss

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I dashed after SpiderBoo, maybe this could've been connected to why Mark left so early! He web slinged across the alley ways and neighborhoods sometimes even running into buildings. I almost got right underneath him, but I was trapped in a dark alley way-
How was it so dark and foggy in the middle of the day?


A car door! Oh no! Bad guys!

SpiderBoo climbed onto the roof and crouched down to see the bad guys. He couldn't see them perfectly so he hopped down behind a couple trash cans, only to land on top of me!

"Ow!", I whisper yelled.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?", he jumped to his feet and helped me up but only enough so the group couldn't see us.
"Yeah I'm fine", I uncovered my face that seemed to have a cut along my forehead.

SpiderBoo's eyes went wide, did he recognize me from somewhere?

Suddenly his voice went deeper, unreal, "sorry ma'am, but you can't be here!"
"I know that, sir. But I'm here anyway, my friend left and I'm worried"
"I'll find him, don't worry"
"He's a dirty blonde with gray eyes and is about your height. Just please find him, I may have just met him but he's the only friend I got right now"
"I'm sure he's alright, I'll find him"

I nodded and turned to climb the ladder behind to get away from the (soon to be) fight between these thieves and Spider-Man. Pigeons flew away as I walked across the building roof, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and no idea I was about to fall off the edge.

Suddenly, before I could fall, a hand grabbed onto my hood.

"You need to be more careful, miss", SpiderBoo chuckled.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Hey, shouldn't you be fighting those bad guys?"
"Cops got em before I could"

SpiderBoo pulled me up back onto the roof and was chest to chest with me. He stepped back.

"Sorry. Umm, you should get back to school, or whatever", he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, before I get detention. Wouldn't be fun getting detention on your first day"
"Ha! Yeah, that would suck actually", SpiderBoo laughed. "I would say we could talk longer but like... we just discussed how you need to get back"
"Haha yeah... I'm free after though, my mom doesn't care what I do so yeah"
"Great! I'll meet you... uh... by the park?"
"Sure! Bye, Spidey!"


"YOU WHAT?!", Tommy and Toby exclaimed.
"It's nothing really, just a hang out", I laughed.
"Oh please! It's not every day you get a date with Spider-Man!", said Toby.

Mark seemed to blush really hard at the sound of 'date'.

"Mark, why not give our friend some advice? You are the one who knows SoiderBoo most", Tommy said.
"Uhmm... I'm good"
"Are you okay, Mark? You seem... red", I said.
"Yeah I'm fine, just um, sunburnt"

Tommy got up and grabbed his backpack, "I should get home, my mom needs me"
"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow", I replied.

Everyone left and I was ready to get to the park.

An hour later...

"Yo! Spidey!", I called. People looked at me like a crazy man until the SpiderBoo hopped down behind me.
"Hello, miss", I could just tell he was smiling underneath that mask.
"Hey! So umm... what do you want to do?"

"Just hold on! And don't cover my face!", SpiderBoo swinged across the city with me in his arms.
"Oh I'm sorry! Maybe I'm just not used to web swinging!?"

He laughed and soon landed on top of a building. It was sunset and we dangled our feet off the side of the roof.

"Oh wow!", I was in awe.
"Hey umm, I never got your name actually?", Spidey said suddenly.
"Oh yeah, right. It'd be weird to go on a date and not know the others name. Im (Y/n)", I smiled.
"Date..?", he tilted his head.
"I mean... this can just be a hang out, I'm fine with either"
"Yeah, well I'm... errr... Spidey..?", SpiderBoo chuckled.

I laughed lightly and we continued to watch the sun sink into the horizon of Queens.

"I should get home, I have some homework to catch up on", I said.
"Yeah, I do too. I'll swing you down, yeah?", he offered me his hand.


"Thanks, Spidey! I'll see you around?", I waved.
"Yeah! Just don't get into any trouble, goodbye, miss!", SpiderBoo's eyes on his suit made the shape that I knew he was smiling.

I went inside and up the stairs to plop myself on my bed. I got a text from the group chat I had made recently today, a group chat of Tommy, Toby, and Mark.

Just had an amazing day today!

Oh really? What did you do? Get a girl? Pffft



I technically didn't, I wish I did though actually. That would be cool, actually

I would be so jealous rn, luckily you didn't get a girl so haha! All the ladies want me anyway!

Shut up, child!

I turned off my phone and laughed at the conversation I had just witnessed. Today was fun, hanging out with SpiderBoo, meeting new friends, meeting Mark.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon