10- Im Crushing

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(Mark's POV)

My Love<3

Hey Markk! You wanna hang
Out after school today? I'm really bored
And my plans just got cancelled.

Sure! I'd love to! I'll see you at school
And you can walk home with me!

Thank you so much, byeee! <3



I got off my bus and headed into the school doors, setting my backpack and other stuff in my locker. I saw Y/n was at her locker so I went to say 'hi' like I do everyday. She looked up at me and smiled. But I could tell it was a fake smile.

"What's wrong?", I asked.
"Nothing... no secret reason at all"
"I'm so convinced", I sarcastically said. "Cmon, tell me what's wrong! I know somethings up"
"Just... tired. Lot of... stress I guess"
"Well you're coming over today after school so you can get over stress and anxiety. I'm here to help"
"Thanks, Mark", she gave me a quick hug and headed to class.


I sat down next to her in class and Mr. Philza was teaching the basics. We studied together and I helped her with the homework that she had missed.


I sat at the lunch table with Tommy and Toby, waiting for Y/n to get her lunch from the lunch workers.

"So... are you gonna ask her?", Toby asked.
"Ask her what?", I replied.
"To homecoming! Sure you've thought about it", said Tommy.
"What? No- I'll ask her later- I've just been so busy with stuff that I haven't been thinking about asking her to it"
"Sure it won't get in the way of your Spider-Man stuff right"

Yup- Tommy and Toby found out I was SpiderBoo (or Ranboo, as what Y/n likes to call me) when I got back from training Aranea. They appeared in my room before I could get changed out of my suit.

"Go ask her today! You're taking her to the park after school right?"
"Yup- if I don't become a coward then yes"
"Oh please! You're SpiderBoo! You're not a coward!"

(Time skip cuz I'm lazy)

"Y/n! You coming?"
"Yeah! Hold on! Let me get my backpack!"

I watched Y/n run out the door with her bag and phone and walk by my side.

We walked to the park, got some ice cream, and just continued to walk. I tried to fight of the anxiety and worry that she would reject the idea of asking her to homecoming with me. But I finally fought it off.

"Hey y/n?", I asked.
"Yeah?", she looked up from her phone and put it in her pocket
"Umm... I've been wanting to ask you"

Her face instantly turned red.

"Would you go to homecoming with me?", I was surprised I didn't stutter like the giant dork I am.
"I- YES! I'd love to!", she leaped up so put her arms around my neck and hug me.

I laughed lightly and hugged her back. She made it seem like I just proposed to her with all her happiness.

"I'm sorry- I just never really think anyone would ask me to it! I thought you would ask out MJ or Liz to it", Y/n stepped away from the hug and continued to ramble.
"Well- uh- todays your day!", I laughed.

Y/n laughed and gave me another hug. We pulled away and I hesitated to hold her hand, but I did. We walked to my apartment and we just watched movies the whole time.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now