17- You Flirt

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I went back to school. Mark and I had to take separate buses since there was no room left in the bus.

I enter the school and headed to my locker. A little note was tapped to the front of my locker which I could tell was Mark's handwriting.

I never told you
But I was falling
In love

I blushed and looked over to see Mark at his locker. I ripped the note off my locker and walked over to him and held it to his face. He started giggling lightly as he realized what the note was.

"You little-", I was cut off by Mark quickly kissing my lips and running off to our first class. I chased after him and we laughed our asses off until we had a teacher stop us because we were running.
"Sorry, Miss. Puffy...", I bowed my head down.
"It's fine, just no more running! Or someone is going to end up hurt!"

Mark and I sat down and saw a new kid sitting by us. We both looked at him. He had very light-grey eyes, black hair, a black hoodie with red rims, the boy had nice clean fingerless gloves and a checkered scarf. He waved slowly to us.

"Hi! What's your name?", I asked.
"Umm... I'm Darryl Halo", the boy replied.
"Nice to meet you Darryl! I'm Mark"
"And I'm Y/n!"
"Wow! Nice to meet you guys!" Darryl smiled.

The substitute for Mr. Philza tapped the board with his ruler to get our attention. "Okay, class, my name is Mr. Blade. And I will be your substitute until your teacher gets back from their trip". The teacher had pink hair with black roots. He wore an over sized sweater which was a nice yellowish-tan color and red jeans.

A tall blonde boy in the back had their hand raised. "Yes... uh", Mr. Blade looked on the list of students. "Clay!"
"Umm... where is Mr. Philza?", the boy asked.
"I don't know, somewhere I guess. He says he's with his family"

I looked back at the blonde boy who seemed to be staring in awe at this other boy who had a blue shirt and these white goggles. Must have had a crush on him.


Everyone quickly left the classroom and headed to next hour. Miss. Puffy taught history/geography.

"Okay, class! Remember on Friday? What did we learn?", Miss. Puffy asked.
I raised my hand.
"Yes, Y/n L/n?"
"Umm... about the nation of L'Manburg?"
"YES! Very good!"

(Idk I'm bored and I'm losing motivation so time skip to lunch, I just wanted to include Puffy in this)

Toby and Tommy sat down at our table with another new kid. Darryl was sitting with us as well so this is good that we all met a new friend.

"Hey PEEPS!", Toby smiled.
"Meet our new friend!", said Tommy.
"Hey, I'm Wilbur!"
"Hi, Wilbur! I'm Y/n L/n!"
"Mark Parker"
"Darryl Halo!"

While the group got to know each other, I looked over Mark's shoulder and saw Clay walking up with a tray of food behind the brown haired boy whom he's been staring at in class. He reached his hand out to tap the boy's shoulder to get his attention but chickened out and went to sit down at an empty table on his own. I nudged Mark's arm and gestured that I would go talk to the blonde, he nodded and let me leave. I sat down across from Clay and gave him a nice gentle 'hi'.

"You're Clay Taken, right?", I asked.
"Uhh... yeah, and you are...?"
"Y/n L/n, at your service!"
"Heh- umm well- nice to meet you, Y/n"
"So, I saw you trying to talk to that boy over there but chickened out. Why?"
He almost choked on his apple, "erm- that's George Found. And yeah, I've wanted to be his friend for a while but I always end up acting like a little coward bitch"
"That's fine! We all are bitches at some time! I can help you talk to him if you want?"
"Yeah! Thank you SO MUCH, Y/n!"
"Hey, don't mention it. Now I'll talk to you later, bye!"

Clay waved to me as I went back to my table and sat by Mark. Mark eyed Clay and went back to me.

"What did you talk about?"
"Protective much", I mumbled. "I was just giving dating advice to Clay, nothing much"
"Ah ok"

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