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I was in science class with Mark and we were working on science-y things. The classroom was filled with insect and reptile cages from the floor up. Some spiders could not be seen however, wonder why.

"Can you pass me the container by the spider cage over there?", Mark pointed to a small container next to an... empty cage.

I nodded and went over there to grab it, for some reason I turned it around to see a spider on my hand, it was colorful. I glanced at it for a moment thinking it was dead until it hit me.

"OUCH!", this spider bite hurt so bad! I dropped the container on the ground and put my mouth over the bite to stop the blood from getting everywhere.
Mark rushed over, "Y/N! Are you okay? What happened?"
"Nothing... just a very painful spider bite, nothing too serious"

Mark glanced at the wound and went into shock, "Oh no! Get home! NOW!".
"What? Why?"

Mark went back to his desk as I ran out the door. Everyone in the classroom stared at him wondering what had just happened. He raised his hand to signal everyone to get back to work.


I lay on my bed in pain examining the wound on my hand. Everything seemed to be sharper- like I could see so much clearer than I could before, I got a massive headache and a sense of a bird about to crash into my window. Until it did.

"What the fuck...", I whispered to myself. "What's happening?"

I look at the bite once more and it seemed to be gone! How have I healed so quickly? And where did my body go? I'VE TURNED INVISIBLE!

I fell down on the floor, looking at my blue outlined hands. WHAT WAS HAPPENING?
After a moment I got hit with realization, I need to test if my theory is true. I went up to my wall and placed my hand on it. Soon enough I was crawling along the ceiling. I was right!

I jumped down. No. Way...

'I can't be Spider-Man! There's only one! Well- would I be Spider-Women? Am I qualified to be a superhero? Do I even have a choice? Is it too early for a superhero name? Aranea? It's Latin for spider... or Telam? Latin for web... so many choices! Latin is cool... that was random... UGH! Should I tell Mark? No, I need to keep him safe and AWAY from future bloodshed. I can't tell Tommy or Toby either- and not at all can I tell Niki!'


I walked into school after a day of worrying. I embarrassed myself in every class because my pencil got stuck to my hand and so did my papers. There's no use in writing notes down now if the paper is just gonna get ripped.
The lunchroom was crowded, as always, except for the one empty table which Mark, the others, and I sit. I sat down playing with my fork, tapping my food tray constantly.

"Is there something wrong?", Mark asked.
"I'm fine", I refused to look up from my tray, not breaking from the fork.
"You don't look alright, and my god that spider bite looks painful!", Tommy pointed out.

I quickly put my other hand over the wound. Oh shit-, "it's nothing, just a regular bite. Nothing too serious"

Mark seemed to glance at the bite for a while. I knew he knew something about it for the way he acted at science the other day.
Tommy and Toby went back to talking and eating while Mark looked at me and stood up to grab my hand. He took me to my locker.

"Have you been experiencing any weird side effects? Like any... sticking?", Mark held on to both of my hands and had the most worrying face expression ever.
"wait... how do you know that?"
"Just answer the question, the result scares me most because I don't want you getting hurt"
"No, no not at all"
"Alright, just be safe okay?", he held me tight and went back to the lunchroom.

'Not me getting hurt? How could I get hurt? OH! The spider-man thing, but how would he know? I can tell there's something he's not telling me', I thought to myself for a moment.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now