36- The Duo

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Mark's POV

I sat on the head of a gargoyle like statue that was at the very top of this building. I was waiting for Tommy and Toby to arrive, I was going to give them fight training since they are kinda new to this. I quickly turned my head when my senses buzzed that there were people behind me.

"Ayyyeee! Theseus! Tubbo!", I opened my arms and smiled.

"Forgetting something?", a voice said behind me. I turned around and met eyes with the legend herself. My dearest love.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were coming", I tilted my head.

All she did was cross her arms and say, "oh please, you really thought these children can be trusted with their gear alone heading over here?"
"What, are you our mother now?", Tommy scoffed.
"At this point, I might be", Y/n mumbled. "Now cmon, let's go! The first thing you need to learn is memorize the layout of the city. The quicker you know the layout, the quicker you can arrive to missions"

"Woah woah woah, you've barely been on a mission yourself! I've been Ranboo since I was 14!", I crossed my arms.
"And? I've been almost manipulated by a god of mischief, helped your ass in the battle of Doc Ock, and helped you fight some guys in an ATM one time"

I rolled my eyes and face Tommy and Toby who stood there awkwardly, taking glanced at eachother and the. Me and Y/n. What has gotten Y/n in such a mood? Was it the week? Oh shoot- I should run to the store later for her! What chocolate does she like? No, not now Ranboo- you gotta help teach these dorks first.

"Now as Y/n said, you need to study the streets and landmarks, they'll help you out so much more than you think", I said. Theseus and Tubbo nodded at the same time.
"Now let's get goin! I want to be a superhero!", Tubbo laughed as he hovered up a foot off the ground with his giant bee like wings.
"Woah woah woah, hold your horses, Toby. Being a superhero takes a lot of training. I've been doing this for years and I'm still not the best. We can meet here a few times a week so you guys can get going"
"YES!", he cheered.

"You guys coming or what?", Y/n called out to them, at the very edge of the Eagle head. The two boys gasped as she jumped off, plummeting to the ground. When they saw that she caught herself with her web and started swinging, they laughed and jumped off as well to follow her. Theseus and Tubbo both sprouted their wings and dashed after her. I followed behind, trying to get to the front so I can be by Y/n.

When I was finally by her side she refused to look at me. Did I do something wrong? This question genuinely hurt me, I didn't want her to be mad at me!

"Is soemthing wrong?", I asked.
"What?", she said coldly.
"You've been in kind of a mood lately"
"It's nothing alright! Now let's g-"

We both stopped arguing when a loud explosion was heard at the school.

Our school-

"GUYS! CHANGE OF PLANS! READY FOR YOUR TECHNICALLY FIRST MISSION?", she called to the boys behind us. They both smiled with furrowed eyebrows and darted after us.

We swung passed Delmar's and landed on the school grounds. The school was all rubble- it was destroyed...

"No homework pog?", Tommy said. We all whipped our heads and gave him an angry look. "Sheesh, sorry. Someone had to say it"
"No one had to SAY ANYTHING", Y/n snapped. This caused the blonde to flinch and inch back toward Tubbo.

"Well well well, look who it is. It's the squad from the previous battle with doc Ock.", a voice called. Suddenly, that voice was a man who sounded very familiar, he was standing in the school enterance with the fog behind him. His face was covered with a white mask with red lights for him to see through, a silver hood, a silver suit from head to toe. "Quite a shame he lost, really. Would've been fun to see you lose at such an easy fight"
"Who the fuck are you?", Tubbo said.
"Oh, you can call me Ghost. Wouldn't want you to stumble on your words when you see who I actually am, but that's not the point. The point is, I'm not here to kill you! I have only one goal here..."

"And that goal is?", Y/n hissed.
"To kill Mark", he said coldly. Pointing his index finger toward my wide-eyed face. "You stole everything from me, and I'm just going to take it all away from you by ending your life"
The voice was very glitched out but it was so familiar... a soft British accent... but more evil sounding...
"DONT YOU DARE PLACE A HAND ON HIM! YOU BITCH!" Y/n yelled defensively.

"Oh he won't, not with help of course", another man emerged from the smoke. Loki.

"I thought Thor took you back to Asgard-", Tommy's voice shook.
"You really thought those walls could hold me? Until I realized my boss needed help, I was desperate to breathe the fresh Midgardian air"

"Boss?", Y/n asked.

"Oh, darling. I'm not the one who gave you the visions... he was", he turned his head to look at Ghost. "He gave you them, but made me tell you that I was the one to give you them. He has quite a gift with tricks of the mind", Loki smirked, looking Ghost up and down.
"son of a bitch-", Y/n growled.
"Aranea, my dear, we gonna fight? Or are we going to stay here chit chatting until soemthing actually happens?" And right after those words left Ghost's masked mouth, we all lunged toward him, throwing punches here and there, maybe a few kicks in the stomach.

Theseus and Tubbo were fighting Loki while Aranea and I were going after Ghost. Theseus flew up and attacked a few Loki clones that were ontop of the rubble. Tubbo was being crowded with them until Tommy came in and saved his ass.

(I'm so sorry, I'm not good at writing fight scenes TvT)


And with that, I heard a faint gasp. Everything stopped. I turned my attention to what had just happened...

"TOBY!", Y/n screamed. Running towards the boy on the floor with a knife in his side. Tommy laid his head down on a rock and yelled at Loki.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!", Tommy yelled.
"That's not how you treat your elders now, is it? Piss off, Peasant", Loki sneered. Suddenly, Loki and Ghost dissapeared, not a trace of anything.

I looked back down at the poor boy. Y/n had tears streaming down their face. Tommy had a few tears but trying to hide them.

"Why are you guys crying? I'm fine- it just stings. My armor caught it but the blade barely got me. Just a small cut", Tubbo smiled weakly.
"Oh thank fucking god", Tommy smiled with relief.
"Cmon, let's get you back to the HQ or something. I can call someone", Y/n said, helping Toby up off the ground.

"That fight was so incredibly fast- almost like when an author doesn't have any motivation to write but they just want to get the chapter over with so they don't forget about it later", I said.
"I know right, how undetailed", Y/n smirked.

"Stop flirting and lets get tubs out of here!", Tommy growled.
"Fine, let's go"

Blah blah blah, I have a presentation tomorrow and I never have real time to take time on these chapters that's why the chapters in this book are getting worse and worse by the second. Idc if you hate it, I'm focusing on too much stuff rn lol

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