3- Awesome Mix Vol. 1

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I open my drawer to find my pencil for school when I find a old Mix Tape with a pair of orange headphones. Huh, this looks... interesting. I put in the headphones and a few songs start playing.

The Rubberband Man- The Spinners

I started bobbing my head lightly to the beat as I ride the bus to school. I entered the school doors singing lightly to myself.

"Hey, ya'll, prepare yourself for the Rubberband Man", I whisper singed opening my locker to set my backpack in.
"Well someone is in a good mood", Mark smiled.
"I found this cool mix tape so yeah, I am in a good mood"

He laughed lightly and grabbed the headphones for him to hear. His face suddenly brightened, he must've liked the music.

"Yo! This is sick!"
"I know right! The things you can find stashed away"

Mark out the headphones back on my head and gave me head pats.

"You ready for our first class together?", he asked.
"Yeah! It's English right?"
"Yeah, cmon! I'll show you!", Mark grabbed my hand and dashed to the classroom.

The teacher taught while Mark seemed to be watching a video of SpiderBoo on the laptop.

"Parker, you with us?"
"Uh... yeah yeah, umm", Mark put the laptop down and glanced at the board for one second before answering. "Well, mass cancels out so it's gravity times sign"
"Good! See, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong"

Flash Thompson, who got the answer wrong the first time, turned around and mouthed the words, 'you're dead'. To Mark

"Turn around, Flash, you might miss another 100 answers on the upcoming test", I said.

Flash scoffed and turned back around to face the board. Mark and I laughed lightly to each other after.


"Ok! I will see you all tomorrow! And bring your homework tomorrow! Pages 120-122!", Mr. Philza called.

"Can I sit with you again at lunch?", I asked.
"Of course! You don't even have to ask, having you with us is the best", Mark smiled.

I smiled back and we walked to our next class.


"Where were you at lunch yesterday?", Toby asked.
"I um... my aunt called", Mark lied.
"Yeah! She needed help with uh... groceries"
"That's a weird thing to pull your nephew out of school for", I said.
"Yeah I know! Heh"

We continued to eat and talk and headed back to our  next class... P.E.


I sit down next to Mark while Tommy and Toby sat on the other side due to no room. My leg started to shake lightly, I was not used to sitting around a bunch of people yet. Mark set his hand on my leg to comfort me.

"Are you okay?", he whispered.
"I'm fine", I lied.
"I know that face, what's wrong?"
"Just... anxiety I guess", I bowed my head down and covered my face with my hands.

Mark wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me close, "you're gonna be okay, as long as I'm here with you"
"You're good at making people feel safe", I admitted
"Well, it's my jo-skill, it's a skill of mine"

Was he going to say 'job'? What job?

(Time skip to after P.E.)

"I'll see you after school, yeah?", Mark embracing me into a hug.
"Yeah, okay. Goodbye, Mark!", I smiled.

I sat down at an empty desk until suddenly a girl with blonde hair and pink ends sat down next to me. She was so pretty!

"Hello", the girl grinned.
"Hey", I mumbled tiredly.
"I'm Niki! What's yours?"

"Oh! You're Mark's girlfriend aren't you?", she said suddenly.
"Oh well, I've always seen you with him, and heard rumors... I'm sorry"
"No no, it's fine, I can see why people can be mistaken, he's just a close friend."

"NIKI! Y/N! QUIET!", Mx. Shroud called us out.
"Sorry, Mx. Shroud", Niki frowned.
The teacher huffed and went back to teaching.

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