12- Awkward

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"QUICK! GET THE REACTOR!", SpiderBoo yelled.

I quickly webbed up the reactor, but not in time. It blew up! I flew against the wall, nose bleeding.

"You have to be better at this!", Spidey turned off the hologram and sighed.
"I'm sorry! Maybe I'm just not right for this job"
"That's the first thing I thought when I started, but it's all worth it", he held out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed it and he pulled me off the floor.

"I'll see you later I guess, I forgot I have to hang out with Mark today. Bye Ranboo", I waved goodbye
"Goodbye, miss!"

I froze for a moment, it must've been a name he called everyone, miss.


"Mark?", I opened his bedroom door.
Aunt May came up behind me, "oh- sorry. Thought he'd be home by now. You can just stay in here until he gets back."

I nodded and then sat on Mark's bed. Even reading a little superhero comic that Mark had laying around. A few minutes later, Mark came rushing into the room out of breath. I smiled at him and he smiled out of breath.

"You seem out of breath", I laughed.
"Yeah- I... rushed... as fast as I... could", he kept gasping for air.
"Haha! Well, get some rest. I'll go make you a snack or something", I said, dusting off his shoulders.

He seemed the blush a bit and then sit down on his bed as I left out his door. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some chips and other stuff from the pantry. I go back to Mark's room to see his shirt was off- (not in a weird way, cuz bleh)

Mark's POV

As soon as she left, I went to changed because I still had my spider-suit underneath my hoodie and pants. Luckily I got out of it just in time but when Y/n came back... I was shirtless... well this is awkward.

Y/n quickly looked away and threw a hoodie at me that was laying on the ground.

"I did not need to see that", she put her hand over her eyes.
"I'm SO sorry! I thought you would be in the kitchen longer-"
"It's fine, just- put clothes on... please", she said, eyes still closed.

I quickly put on the hoodie and told her that she could look. She looked and I could tell that this was going to be really awkward.

"So umm, anything new?", I asked.
"Not really, well- training I guess."
"How's that going?"
"Pretty good, I just failed my last test. Fixing a reactor, it's harder than it looks"
"I bet, haha. Well- uhh... you wanna watch a movie?"

We watched her favorite movie again and we actually watched all the way through without her falling asleep and snuggling against my side. Y/n looked up at me and smiled.

"What?", I chuckled softly.
"Nothing", Y/n soon got closer and closer to my side and snuggled up.

And she was awake so I guess she knew what she was doing but didn't mind. I wrapped my arm around her and she soon fell asleep. She brought her backpack so I guess it's fine if she spends the night here...

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