23- The Arrival... Loki

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"Darling, you know you want me", the voice said. "You can't resist my power"

"Get BACK!", I held up my hand in fists. "I won't ask again, I'm SICK and TIRED of these mind tricks you try to play. They won't work on me"

"Oh I know, but it's worth a try, is it not?"

"Mark, please, wake me up...", I mumbled. I couldn't wake myself up, I needed Mark. I need him...

Loki stepped closer to me, grabbing my chins gently with his hand. He glared at me and smiled, leaning in. I quickly kicked him in the cRoTcH and grabbed the knife that was on his belt. I held the knife, lifting his chin with it.

"You wanna okay that game? You can't win me over Loki. You're a fucking simp, and I'm not agreeing with that", being menacing wasn't my specialty, but I tried.

"Simp? Is that an insult? Or a Midgardian animal? Both?"

"This is why I hate Asgardians"

"Oh, but I'm not Asgardian... I'm from Jotenhiem. I am Loki Laufeyson, and you... are mine"

"Y/n! Hey! Good morning! I made you pancakes!", the first face I saw when I opened my eyes was Mark's warm smile, and I'm not even the slightest of mad. It made me happier. And that I was away from Loki.

"Ah, thank you, Mark!", I smiled, grabbing the tray from Mark's hands.

"Anything for you, N/N!" He chuckled.

I stabbed my fork into my pancakes, playing with a broken off piece a bit. "Did you have your nightmares again?", Mark asked worriedly.

"What? N-yeah"

"Hey! You almost said 'no', were you- gasp- going to LiE to mE?" He put his hand to his chest dramatically, voice cracking a bit.

"... maybe, but aww. How could I ever lie to you?"

"Hey, you lied to me about being Aranea!"

"I lied for a good reason, and you lied to everyone that you were Ranboo!"

"... okay you got me there. But no more lies, got it?" He held out his pinky. "Promise?"

"Promise", I said, intertwining my pinky with his.

Mark sat by me on the bed and we watched TV together as I finished eating my pancakes.

Thor angrily opened the door, looking scared but still tough.

"You need to hide, NOW", he said.

"What? Why?", I asked.

"Somehow, Loki found your location, and he's heading his way"

Mark looked at me with worried eyes. I was probably the most scared of all. The Avengers have dealt with Loki before, but he's currently trying to manipulate me.

Soon they'll tell us there's no hope. We'll have to find new ways to cope. With knowing. There's no going back

I ran out the door, looking for Wanda. She was standing by the doors, sealing them up with Tony's old scraps from his suit making.

"Y/n! What are you doing? Go hide! Tony's lab might be the best place, I'm not sure, he never lets me down there"

Mark chased me as we were trying to find Stark's lab.

If everything comes crashing down. I pray that you'll still be around. I'll sing to you to mask the sound. Of missiles breaking up the ground

I found Tony walking down a staircase, he instantly grabbed my shoulders when he saw me. "Hide in my lab! Hurry!"

"And, Mark!", Tony stopped him. Mark turned to him. "... take care of her, no matter what. Loki might be stronger than ever, showing his face here to us again, especially Thor". Mark nodded confidently and raced down the staircase.

And I could get through World War III. As long as you were there with me. Nowhere else I'd rather be. When the world falls into anarchy...

Mark found me hiding behind a desk, he quickly ran toward me and hid with me. We heard a loud hissing sound from upstairs, like a spaceship. No... it was the Bifrost- (I just realized, bifrost- Loki is Bi and he's a frost giant- no? Okay, continuing!)

3rd Person POV

"BROTHER! GO BACK TO THAT GOD FORSAKEN HELL HOLE YOU CRAWLED OUT OF!", Thor said, summoning Mjolnir to his presence.

"Oh, but, dear Brother", Loki spoke softly. "I'm here to pick up a... package"

"Y/n L/n? Sorry, but she's not here", Wanda said, her hands glowing, ready to attack at any moment.

Loki took one step and Wanda flew a knife towards his head. But stopping just before the tip of his nose. "you take any step closer and your meaningless life will end"

"Oh, but you think my defeat will be that easy?"

"You want to test that theory?", Clint Barton said, perched on the upstairs balcony with his bow and arrow pointed right towards Loki's face. Thor's fingers were sparking, like an outlet when you put the charger in and you see the spark. Tony was already in his suit, the sounds of his hands powering up, ready to fire. Natasha Romanoff had her pistols. Captain Schlatt had his shield. Ant-Man had Pym Particle size disks. Romanoff said Bruce was in a metal room, since he was going through some stuff and they wanted to keep people safe from the Hulk. Vision's mind stone started glowing a bit. All were ready to fight. All were ready to battle. All were ready to face what Loki had prepared for them...

"Oh, this'll be fun"

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