8- Cuddles 👀

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Read 5:38 PM

Hey! Are you almost here?

Yeah- I've been waiting outside for
5 minutes now and you didn't answer
any of my recent texts
Read 5:43

Oh my god! IM SO SORRY!


Mark opened the door and let me in. I sat on the couch and he quickly rushed over and handed me a blanket. I was wearing a T-shirt because I didn't realize it would be this cold!

"Here let me get you one of my hoodies! You're freezing and that blanket will do nothing" Mark ran to his room.
"No, Mark, you don't have to-"

Mark ran out with a white hoodie with a black hood and sleeves with a green dinosaur in the middle. He threw it at me and I put it on because he seemed excited that I was here and I didn't want to make him feel bad. Once I put it on he instantly turned red, but he shook the blush away and grabbed my hand.

"Aunt May will be back in like an hour or so and make us dinner, if you want"
"Oh! Sure!"

We sat on Mark's bed and he pulled up a laptop. He told me to enter in any movie while he gets popcorn and some water.

I pulled up F/M (your favorite movie) and Mark came back with a bag of popcorn. He sat down next to me. I was tired and forgot that this wasn't my house and so I slid under the covers and fell asleep.

Mark's POV

I saw Y/n fall asleep in my bed and I didn't know what to do so I just continued to watch the movie.

"MARK! IM HOME!", I heard May yell from the front door. I quickly ran out my bedroom door.
"Shhh! Y/n is asleep!"
"Oh! Y/n? Isn't that your girlfriend? I want to meet her!"
"She's not my girlfriend, but I can see if she's awake."

I went back to my room and saw Y/n rubbing her eyes open.

"Mark! Was I asleep? I'm sorry... I forgot that this wasn't my home"
"No no, don't apologize. You were tired and cold and I completely understand... but May is here and she want to meet you"
"May? She sounds nice, yeah I want to meet her too!"

I smiled and helped Y/n out of bed and lead her to Aunt May.

"Y/n! Oh my gosh! You are just as pretty as Mark said you were!"

I instantly turned red and Y/n smirked at me. May chuckled and sat us down at the table, setting down our dinner plates.
We just ate Chinese since there was nothing else really around here.

"So Y/n, are you really how Mark says you are?"
"Mark talks about me?", she looked at me with a smile.
"Oh yes! Every day I'm fact, he won't shut up about you"

I put my hand on my forehead, hiding how red my face was. I started to kick May lightly under the table. Y/n started to silently laugh. May looked at her in confusion like she didn't know what she had said.

"What? Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing, just not used to the fact that he brings me up all the time into conversations"
"OH! Are you guys not together??? I'm so sorry! I honestly thought you guys were dating!"
"MAY!", I gasped in shock.

Y/n started breaking down into a fit of laughter. I continue to eating my food as May continues to embarrass me in front of my crush! What the hell, May!

"Anyways, I should get home. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow", y/n picked up their backpack.
"Yeah I do too... hey! You can stay here! I have a bunk-bed! You can sleep there and I can drop you off in the morning!"
"Really? You'd really do that?"
"Yeah! Cmon! It'll be fun and we can finish that movie!"

Y/n and I sat down on my bed, watching a movie on my laptop. We lay underneath the blankets but a distance between us. After a while, Y/n soon fell asleep and wrapped her arms around me with her head laying on my chest.

Turns out she wasn't fully asleep and she whispered, "did you break your nose?"
"Uh- yeah... walls are out there, man"

She chuckled lightly and soon snuggled closer. I felt all heat rising up to my face, I knew I was as red as a tomato.

10 minutes later, I fell asleep as well and Y/n was still closer to me than ever.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now