21- The Avengers

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Mark and I stayed at the Avengers Headquarters until we got an official plan working.

2:00 AM my phone read. My stomach started to growl so I got up from bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I saw a very pretty woman sitting at the counter. She had long red hair and was just wearing a blue sleep robe. The woman was just staring into the distance, fear in her eyes, gripping onto her coffee.

"Hello?", I said. Snapping her back from reality.

"Oh! Hello!", she smiled, the woman's smile was heartwarming. "You must be new, because well, I've never seen you around before".

"Yeah, heh. I'm Y/n L/n", I held out my hand.

"Wanda Maximoff", she shook it.

"Wanda, shouldn't you be asleep?", this red dude said as going through a wall. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Am I interrupting something?"

This man was red-ish purple. Cranberry man. And had a glowing yellow stone in between his eyes. He was bald too. Lol

"Oh! Yes, sorry. Just more of...", Wanda paused. "I can't sleep. Anyway, here! Meet Y/n! She's the new kid" she wrapped her arm around me to introduce me the strange Cranberry Man.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/n", he bowed. "I am the Vision, Wanda's husband"

"And you're not tired and your telling Wanda to sleep?", I question.

"I don't need sleep"

"Everyone needs sleep"

"Not Vision, heh", Wanda smiled nervously. "He's um... a robot"

"So you are a human"


"And you're a robot"


"And you are married-"


"Got it", I turned from Wanda's arm. "I should head back to bed, it's almost 3"

"Goodnight, Y/n! Sleep well! And it was lovely meeting you", Wanda said her farewell.

I went back to bed and Mark was hugged up next to a pillow. He opened his eyes and said tiredly, "yay! You're back!". I chuckled and laid down, only for him to wrap his arms around my waist and snuggle up to me. Awww..., I smiled as I shut my eyes.

The next morning...

I woke up and wanted to get out of bed, but Mark pulled me closer, not wanting me to leave. I sighed and stayed. Next thing we knew, Wanda walked in, her hands doing weird movements as these clothes float around in a red glow.

"Now, come on! Get up! We got a big day ahead of us!", she said.

Mark groaned, covering his eyes as Wanda turned on the bright light.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?", she tilted her head and smiled.

"No, nothing at all. We'll be down in a sec", Mark got up.

"Alright! I'm just doing your laundry right now, I will meet you guys downstairs". She paused, "and there's some people you might wanna meet downstairs"

Mark and I glanced at each other and then raced downstairs, still in our PJ's. In the kitchen was Tony Stark, Thor, Vision, and... Mr. Za??

"MR. ZA? WHAT THE HELL?", I blurted.

"Hey, Miss. L/n. You got a few missing assignments from you spending your time at the HQ", he chuckled.

Tony stepped in, "your teacher, Mr. Za, is the Crow (the Falcon wouldn't make sense for Phil). But you don't recognize him because the Crow has stayed as a scout. Not ready for real combat y-"

"Wow! Our English teacher is a fucking avenger!", Mark smiled wide.

"Since when did you curse?", I whispered.
"Since ever, I just never cuss around you!", he smirked.
We giggled until we were cut but everyone turning towards the door as another hero walked in... Captain Schlatt.

"Who the fuck are these people?", he pointed towards us.

"These are the Spider-lings", Thor said.

"Aranea and SpiderBoo?"


"I'm Ranboo actually"

"Did I ask"

"Umm, yes you did actually. You asked as if you were asking if those were our correct names", I said. Schlatt went silent.

The Avengers continued to just hang out but I couldn't get Loki off my mind. His face kept flashing into my mind. His eyes flashing green. His yellow helmet in the darkness. His long green cape flowing by his feet. His... evil smile. Mark couldn't tell something was wrong, he comforted me by giving me a kiss on my forehead and rubbing circles on my back. I felt a little better.

"Alright little shits, I'm going to take a fly, scout the HQ for any signs of any intruders", Phil said.

"Can we watch? We haven't seen your suit yet!", Mark and I said in unison.

"Haha! Sure, but stay a distance. Don't want you getting killed by the wings"

We went outside to the main field, 10 feet behind Phil. He had a weird metal backpack on that soon sprouted out LARGE vibranium wings. They were pitch black with little white diamonds on them. His suit was green with a black stomach. Phil had a black cape, with the same diamond pattern, that started from his hips to barely touching the ground. The cape was supposed to resemble a crow tail.

Phil turned around and flicked on his red lensed goggles, "aight, I'm out". And then he jumped into the sky, flying over the HQ. Mark and I laughed at how cool it was.


Mark and I sat on our bed, watching TV and hearing the Avenger a fight over the last cookie in the cookie jar... (Wanda won). I cuddled up next to Mark and soon fell asleep, he laid his head on top of mine and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head and falling asleep as well. Wanda walked in some snacks for us, she saw that we were asleep. She smiled and happily left the room, leaving us at peace. Wanda closed the door behind her and quietly giggled as she raced down the hallway back to her bedroom.

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