14- Doc Ock

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(This Chapter had a big time skip. Im just lazy and I want to get on with the draammmaaaa 👀👀👀)

It's been 3 months since SpiderBoo had said I was ready to be done with training and ready to become Aranea. But it was time for our mission. A factory down town just caught on fire, some would say a sabotage.
We swung to the factory, only some of it was on fire, only small flames, but then a giant explosion came out of the main room. A metal arm swung out and grabbed SpiderBoo by the neck.

I quickly kicked the arm and it shot back to the black smoke. SpiderBoo and I looked closely and saw a figure with 4 long tentacles. The man ran out and gave us an evil grin.

"Hello, Mark", the man said.

Mark? No- it's just a coincidence, it means nothing.

"Octavius? Weren't you locked up?", Ranboo said.
"Oh please, did you really think those bars could hold me?", said Doc Ock.

SpiderBoo shook his head and yelled as he sprung up and punched Doc Ock. The man grunted and swiped his octopus like arm at him. I yelled and reached for Doc Ock. His metal arm caught me and wrapped it around me, keeping me from using my webs.

"Oh Mark, you never told me you got a girlfriend. Oh- but what ever happened to MJ?", chuckled Doc Ock.
"Shut up! And uhh- my name isn't Mark!"
"Oh sure it is, I've seen your face. I know who you are" he reached his arm forward, almost knocking Ranboo out. But then- Otto pulled his mask off and I could barely see Ranboo's identity, the black smoke covered it. But I could tell he had nothing but blood covering his face.
"I grew stronger, your little bug brains can't do ANYTHING to me!"

Soon enough, SpiderBoo stepped out of the dark smoke- it wasn't a coincidence... it was in fact Mark Parker.

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