15- Doc Ock Pt. 2

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"Mark-", my voice shook.
"Oh, do you know him in the real world? Does his identity weaken you?", Otto asked.
"Not at all", I finally broke free of Doc Ock's grip and kicked him straight in the face. Soon I webbed up some broken pillars and pulled them on top of Otto, trapping him.

I quickly ran to Mark, he was holding onto his side like he had a broken rib.

"Mark...", I laid him down and he rested against a fallen pillar.
"I'm sorry, Y/n... I wanted to tell you but it would just put you in more danger"
"Wha-", my eyes widened.
"I figured out who you were, the day we were at the bridge- I put it all together and I-ssss", Mark hissed. He raised his hand from off his side and it was drenched with blood.
"Shh, you're going to be okay. Get to safety and let me finish this"
"I'm not going to leave you, not now, not ever"

I smiled lightly, "Mark, I-". I was quickly cut off by a loud BOOM. Doc Ock crawled out from underneath the rubble.

"You are not going to get rid of me that easily!", He yelled.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY!", I yelled leaping up at me. He caught me by the neck and threw me across the room.
"Harsh language for a 5 year old"

Doc Ock hovered over to Mark who was trying to crawl away. I was stuck underneath some rubble and couldn't get to him. I tried yelling for him but no sound seemed to escape. Otto lifted up his tentacle until he heard faint laughing.

Suddenly, two boys leaped into action, one had a yellow and black metal suit with large bee wings while the other looked like a chicken with cool red clothing.

"Tommy?", I said.
"Toby?", said Mark.
"CORRECTION! It's Theseus"
"And Tubbo!"

The two boys leaped at Doc Ock, punching him over and over in the face. Mark finally got up and decided to join the party and fight. I got out from underneath the rubble and sprung at the octopus man.

"You got this, Boss Man!", yelled Tubbo as Mark leaped and took a final punch at Doc Ock.

Otto Octavius fell down on the ground, snapping his jaw back into place with his hand.

"Are you like- the bug squad?", asked Doc.
"Nah, we're the BIG BOIS!", answered Theseus
"You guys are both wrong, I guess we'll be nameless for a little while", Mark said. I agreed. It'd be better off nameless so we don't fight over an official name.

Doc Ock finally gave up and lay on the ground, ready to be taken away by the F.B.I or some shit. Toby nudged Mark, realizing he still had his mask off. Mark gave Toby a smirk and turned to face me. He lifted up my mask and revealed my face and stared at me. He lifted my chin up gently with his hand so he could well... lean in closer and press his lips against mine.

Tommy and Toby looked at us in shock. I guess I have forgotten that I never told them I was Aranea- nor did I tell Mark... but he just found out so would it matter? Im not sure at this point.

Mark and I pulled away and smiled, I quickly gave him a big hug. We laughed and faced Toby and Tommy.

"Sooo, Theseus and Tubbo, huh?"
"Yup!", Toby jumped.
"And me... SpiderBoo, but Y/n gave me the best nickname ever, actually and none of your names can compete"
"Oh and that would be?"
"...Ranboo", he mumbled.
"PFFFTTT PAHA HAHA PAHA HA" (do i even need to say who this laugh belongs to...)

Soon the R.A.F.T team came and we all quickly put our masks back on as they took Doc Ock away. Let's just say... this was a CRAZY mission.

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