27- In Cell (filler)

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-Loki POV-

I paced around the giant box of glass, pondering what my plan was next. Y/n couldn't hide anymore, she wields power that no one else knows. Not even her.

I heard footsteps approach my cell. I looked over and met faces with a man, he was in a white lab coat but he looked like he wasn't sure what he was here for. He greeted me with a, "hello, Loki Loufeysin?"

"Laufeyson", I said.
"Right. I'm Bruce Banner. I'm here to...uhm...study you?"

"Study me? Am I your lab rat now? Even though I'm in a cage doesn't mean I like to be fed cheese filled with chemicals", I leaned forward with my arms behind my back. Tryin g to intimidate the poor man.

"I heard you are sending visions to Y/n, is this true? How are you doing it?"
"I've grown stronger since my last visit here on earth... Thor couldn't even do anything"
"We beat you"
"At one point yes, but it took days"
"We've fought many battles, this one will be no different"


I҉ W҉I҉L҉L҉ F҉I҉N҉D҉ Y҉O҉U҉

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